Monographs & book chapters

Badia, S.; Codina, R.; Príncipe, J.; Dissipative structure and long term behavior of a finite element approximation of incompressible flows with numerical subgrid scale modeling, Multiscale methods in computational mechanics : progress and accomplishments, Springer, ISBN: 978-90-481-9809-2, 2011.

De Las Heras, S.A.; Carbó-Bech, A.; Moreno, H.; Valle, L. J.; Poeata, I.; López, J.; Torres, R.; Barraco, M.; Fernandez, E.; Escaler, X.; Hutter, J.; Egusquiza, E.; Farhat, M.; Avellan, F.; Esque-de los Ojos, D.; Dalmau-Andreu, R.; Principe, J.; Roe, N.; Codina, R.; Badia, S.; M. Garcia-Vilchez; Gamez-Montero, P.J.; Codina, E.; Watton, J.; Actes dels seminaris de recerca 1r, 2n i 3r, del Departament de Mecànica de Fluids – UPC, Iniciativa Digital Politècnica, ISBN: 978-84-694-7921-6, 2011.

Bochev, P.; Lehoucq, R.; Parks, M.; Badia, S.; Gunzburger, M.; Blending methods for coupling atomistic and continuum models, Multiscale methods: bridging the scales in science and engineering, Oxford University Press, ISBN: 978-01-992-3385-4, 2009.

Badia, S.; Codina, R.; Stabilized pressure segregation methods and their application to fluid-structure interaction problems, Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics en Enginyeria (CIMNE), ISBN: 84-95999-93-5, 2006.