
Awards to CIMNE
Narcís de Monturiol Plate Award to the Scientific and Technological Merit 1999

On November 3, 1999 the Generalitat de Catalunya granted CIMNE the Narcís de Monturiol Plate Award for Scientific and Technological Merit:

  • For its contribution to the development of new methods for analysis and design for products and processes in engineering.
  • For the fostering of cooperation between industry and university research groups.
  • For many training activities and the promotion of science and technology at the international level.

Special mention to the Ciutat de Barcelona Award 1999

The city of Barcelona awarded CIMNE a Special Mention to the Ciutat de Barcelona Award, 1999, in the category of Technological Research for the work carried out by Drs. P. Roca, M. Cervera, and E. Oñate on the modeling and structural analysis of the Barcelona Cathedral.

IST Award to the best product of the Information Society Technologies Programme of European Commission (EC).

The EC granted in November 2001 the IST Award to the pre/ post processor system GiD developed at CIMNE.

Ciutat de Barcelona 2002 Award in Technological Research

On February 11 2003, the Ciutat de Barcelona award in Technological Research was awarded to the CIMNE research team formed by Eugenio Oñate, Ramon Ribó, Enrique Escolano, Miquel Pasenau and Jorge Suit Pérez, for the development of the GID system, an innovative and userfriendly graphic interface that allows the geometric modeling and visualization of the results of numerical simulations.

Award Duran i Farrell for Research and Technology Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2004

The Award was delivered to CIMNE scientists Dr. Oñate and Dr. García for their work entitled: “Development of a new finite element code for the hydrodynamic study of vessels. Aplications to the design of sailing ships for the America Cup race”.

AINE 2010 Award

CIMNE was distinguished with the 2010 AINE Award, as the most innovative organization related to the naval sector the Award in promoted by the Asociación de Ingenieros Navales de España (AINE).

Cuban National Prize 2016 to the Scientific Research Result by the Cuban Academy of Sciences

This award is a recognition of the research work entitled “Development of advanced technologies for the generation and packaging of particles focused on the methods of discrete elements”.

It has been carried out by the Central University “Las Villas” of Cuba (UCLV) and the International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) within the Aula UCLV-CIMNE. It has also involved the collaboration of the universities of Leuven (KU Leuven, Belgium), and Brasilia (UnB, Brazil), as well as foreign and local institutions.

Severo Ochoa accreditation

The International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering is a “Centre for Excellence Severo Ochoa” accredited by the Spanish State Research Agency (attached to the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities) for the period 2019-2023.


The CIMNE-led PIKSEL project, which has developed a management and forecasting tool to study environmental, demographic, economic and social phenomena in Catalonia, has been recognised as the best R+D+I collaborative work in the second edition of the Joan Roget Knowledge Transfer Awards for its contributions to innovative regional planning.

Awards to CIMNE research groups

Award VIPIMAGE, FEUP, October 14-16, 2009

The VIPIMAGE Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing, held in Porto from 14 to 16 October 2009, Portugal awarded the biomedical engineering group of CIMNE with theVIPIMAGE Award for the Best Student Paper.

Paper title: From Medical Images to Simulations: 4D MRI Flow Analysis.

Authors: E. Soudah, J. Penneçot, J.S. Pérez and E. Oñate.

FIMA 'Technical Novelty' Award 2018
The Centrifugal Spreading Simulation Software, SpreadDEM, developed by CIMNE has been awarded by the 40th International Fair of Agricultural Machinery (FIMA) as a “Technical Novelty” in the category of “Agricultural Management Solution”. With this award, the Fair recognize the companies that present machines and systems with direct application in agriculture and rural areas, which bring remarkable innovation to the sector.

Structural Mechanics Group

VET Excellence Award 2018

Learning Layers, coordinated administratively by CIMNE has been awarded with the VET Excellence Award 2018. This prize is awarded by the European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility to recognize the best European initiatives related to "Vocational Education and Training".
Awards to CIMNE scientists

Alonso, Eduardo
Full Research Professor

Geotechnical Research Medal. Institution of Civil Engineers (United Kingdom), 2009.

Geotechnical Research Medal. Inst. of Civil Engineers (United Kingdom), 2010.

The Third Kezdi Lecture. From Hungarian Society of Soil Mechanics an Foundation Engineering. Budapest, 2013.

The 30th Rocha Lecture. From Sociedade Portuguesa de Geotecnia. Lisboa, 2013.

The Third ISRM online Lecture. From International Society of Rock Mechanics, 2013.

Telford Gold Medal for the paper “The material point method for unsaturated soils”, by the British Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), 2016.

Baker Medal for the paper “Thermo-poro-mechanical analysis of landslides: from creeping behavior to catastrophic failure”, by the British Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), 2017.

Telford Gold Medal for the paper “Thermal effects in landslide mobility”, by the British Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), 2019.

Andrade, Carmen
Researcher. Structural Mechanics Group

ACHE Award. Scientific-Technical Association for Structural Concrete (Spain), 2017.

ICORR Award. Institute of Corrosion (UK), 2020.

Fib Fellow. International Federation for Structural Concerte - Fédération Internationale Du Béton (Switzerland), 2021.

Arias, Irene
Mechanics of Electroactive Materials. Group leader

Dragados Award for final degree projects and specialty theses, Dragados, 1999.

Starting Grant, European Research Council, 2015.

ICREA Academy Award, Government of Catalonia, 2016.

IACM Fellow Award, International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM), 2020.

Arroyo, Marino
Soft and Living Material Interfaces. Group leader

Special Mention at the XVI Dragados Awards for final degree projects and specialty theses Dragados, 1998.

ASME/Boeing 2003 Structures and Materials Award, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2003.

O.C. Zienkiewicz Award, European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS), 2010.

ERC Consolidator Grant, European Research Council, 2015.

ICREA Academy Award, Government of Catalonia, 2015.

IACM Fellows Award, International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM), 2020.

ICREA Academy Award, Government of Catalonia, 2020.

Badia, Santiago
Large-scale Scientific Computing Group Team Leader

Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat Enginyeria Civil, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2008.

Starting Grant, European Research Council (ERC), 2010.

SEMA Award to young researchers, Spanish Society of Applied Mathematics, 2012

Proof of Concept Grant Holder, European Research Council (ERC), 2014.

The most scalables codes, Jülich Supercomputing Center. Author of FEMPAR, selected for the High-Q club, 2014.

ICREA Acadèmia, 2014.

Premio Joven Investigador 2015, Real Academia de Ingeniería, 2015.

Proof of Concept (FEXFEM), European Research Council (ERC), 2014.

Scientific Speaker at the Annual Meeting of New Champions 2015, World Economic Forum, 2015.

Proof of Concept (NUWASIN), European Research Council (ERC), 2016.

Premio Agustín de Betancourt y Molina, Real Academia de Ingeniería (RAI), 2016.

Baiges, Joan
Assistant Research Professor

Juan Carlos Simó Prize 2018, SEMNI, 2018.

ECCOMAS Olgierd Cecil Zienkiewicz Award, ECCOMAS, 2022.

Barbat, Gabriel
Special Doctoral Award awarded by Technical University of Catalonia, 2023.

Special Doctoral Award awarded by Technical University of Catalonia, 2023.

Bonet, Javier
General Director at CIMNE

Panel member of the Catalan Institute of Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA), 2017 and 2018.

Honorary “International Leaders” professor of Tecnológico de Monterey, Mexico.

International Research Trajectory Prize (highest Award) by the Sociedad Española de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería (SEMNI), 2014.

Member of the Engineering Unit of Assessment Panel of the Research Excellence Framework (REF), 2021.

IACM O.C. Zienkiewicz Award by the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM), 2022.

Grand Prize 2023 by The Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science (JSCES), 2024.

Calpe, Miguel

Second Award to the best talk at the 61st Congress on Naval an Maritime Engineering awarded for "Development of a digital twin for predictive maintenance of the structure of floating wind turbines", 2022.

Cavaliere, Fabiola
PhD Student

Mike Crisfield Prize awarded by UKACM, United Kingdom, 2021.

Pioner Prize awarded by CERCA for her PhD thesis "Static and dynamic global stiffness analysis for automotive pre-design", 2022.

Cervera, Miguel
Full Research Professor

Distinció Jaume Vicens Vives a la qualitat universitària (Prize for the teaching career), Departament d'Economia i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya, 2012.

IACM Fellow Award, International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM), 2016.

The Masonry Society 2018 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award, The Masonry Society, 2018.

Chiumenti, Michele
Industrial Processes Group Leader

Fellowship from the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs of China through the High-end Experts Recruitment Program, 2014-2016.

Codina, Ramon
Fluid Mechanics Group Leader

IACM Fellow, The International Association for Computational Mechanics, 2012.

ICREA Acadèmia, Catalan Government, 2011 and 2016 editions.

Ludwig Prandtl Medal for outstanding and sustained contributions in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECCOMAS, 2018.

Codony, David
Award for the Best PhD Thesis of the Year 2021."Mathematical and computational modeling of flexoelectricity at mesoscopic and atomistic scales". SEMNI, 2021.
Cornejo, Alejandro
Composites and Advanced Materials for Multifunctional Structures

Special Doctoral Award, Doctorate School of the Technical University of Catalonia BarcelonaTech, 2022.

Dialami, Narges
Assistant Research Professor

Award for the Best PhD Thesis of the Year 2014 (ex aequo). Thermo-mechanical Analysis of Welding Processes. SEMNI, 2014.

Estruch, Carles

Premi Pioner 2016. Award for the Best PhD Thesis of the CERCA Network. "Nuevo concepto de puente de vigas hinchables ligero, modular y portátil. Centres de Recerca de Catalunya (CERCA), 2016.

IABSE Early Career Prize, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2020.

Fraccica, Alessandro
Full Research Professor

Antonio Soriano Prize. Spanish Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (SEMSIG), 2019-2020 edition.

Franci, Alessandro

Award for the Best PhD Thesis of the Year 2015 (ex aequo). "Unified Lagrangian Formulation for Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Fluid Structure Interaction and Coupled Thermal Problems using PFEM". SEMNI, 2015.

Premi Pioner 2015. Award for the Best PhD Thesis of the CERCA Network. "Unified Lagrangian Formulation for Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Fluid Structure Interaction and Coupled Thermal Problems using PFEM". Centres de Recerca de Catalunya (CERCA), 2015.

García, Julio
Full Research Professor

Medalla de Plata del 53 Congreso de Ingeniería Naval e Industria Marítima, awarded for "Procedimiento para el estudio del comportamiento dinámico de artefactos flotantes en el dominio del tiempo", 2014.

Second Award to the best talk at the 61st Congress on Naval and Maritime Engineering awarded for "Development of a digital twin for predictive maintenance of the structure of floating wind turbines", 2022.

Gens, Antonio
Co-leader of Geomechanics Group

Outstanding Contributions Award, International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG), 2011.

Miembro de la Royal Academy of Engineering of UK, 2011.

Vicepresident for Europe of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), 2013.

Doctor Honoris Causa Université de Grenoble - Joseph Fourier, 2014.

Geotechnical Research Medal Institution of Civil Engineers, UK, 2014.

1rst Geoffrey Blight Lecture Technical Committee on Unsaturated Soils of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geothecnical Engineering, 2014.

Medalla Narcís Muntoriol, Generalitat de Catalunya, 2015.

Kevin Nash Gold Medal, International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), 2017.

Laureate Engineer, Royal Academy of Engineering of Spain (RAI), 2019.

Doctor Honoris Causa, Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, 2020.

Honorary member, Spanish Rock Mechanics Society (SEMR), 2022.

Terzaghi Oration, International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), 2022.

Giacomini, Matteo
Assistant Research Professor

Juan Carlos Simó Prize, SEMNI, 2022.

Huerta, Antonio
Full Research Professor

Thomas A. Jaeger Prize, International Association for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, 1989.

Prandtl Medal, European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Science, 2008.

Doctor Honoris Causa, Université de Liège, 2016.

Doctor Honoris Causa, École Centrale de Nantes, 2017.

Elected Member of the Real Academia de Ingeniería, National Academy of Engineering (Spain), 2019.

Grand Prize, Japan Society for Computational Engineering, 2019.

Idelsohn, Sergio
Full Research Professor

Emerald Award for Excellence Paper published in Engineering Computations, 2009.

SEMNI 2009 Award in recognition to a professional and international career in the Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2009.

Advanced Grant, European Research Council, 2009.

Personality of the Year, Newspaper El Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina, 2010.

Prandtl Medal, European Community on Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2012.

Proof of Concept (FORECAST). European Research Council, 2014.

Computational Mechanics Award, International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM), 2016.

AMCA Internacional Award 2022, Argentine Association of Computer Mechanics, 2022.

Irazábal, Joaquín
Postdoc. Structural Mechanics Group

TALGO Award to the Railway Innovation for the PhD Thesis entitled "Numerical analysis of railway ballast behaviour using the Discrete Element Method", by TALGO Foundation, 2018.

Larese, Antonia
Associate Research Professor

Special Doctoral Award 2014, delivered by UPC BARCELONATECH for the PhD tesis "A coupled Eulerian-PFEM model for the simulation of overtopping in rockfill dams", 2014.

Ledesma, Alberto
Assistant Research Professor

Hogentogler Award 2020. American Society for Testing and Materials. Annual award to the authors of a paper of outstanding merit on soil and/or rock for engineering purposes published by ASTM in 2018-2019. Paper: Boundary effects in the desiccation of soil layers with controlled environmental conditions. M.R. Lakshmikantha, P.C. Prat, A. Ledesma. Geotechnical Testing Journal 41(4), 2018, 675-697.

Lloberas-Valls, Oriol
Assistant Research Professor

21st Teaching Initiative Award, Social Council of UPC, 2018.

Miquel, Joan
Full Research Professor

Honour Medal awarded by College of Civil Engineers, Channels and Ports, 2015.

Oliver, Xavier
Full Research Professor

ACM Computational Mechanics Award, Venezia, 2008.

Premio AMCA Internacional a la Trayectoria Científica, San Luis, Argentina, 2008.

Advanced Grant, European Research Council, 2012.

21st Teaching Initiative Award, Social Council of UPC, 2018.

Proof of Concept, European Research Council, 2019

Gauss-Newton Medal, International Association on Computational Mechanics, 2020.

Narcís Muntoriol Medal, Government of Catalonia, 2022.

OCZ Zienkiewicz Award, SEMNI, 2023.

Oller, Sergio
Full Research Professor

Doctor Honoris Causa awarded by the Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina, 2007.

Oñate, Eugenio
Executive Vicepresident of CIMNE

Prices, Awards and Recognitions

Catalonian Medal for Research "Narcís Monturiol", Catalonian Government, 1989.

Medal to Professional Merit, Spanish Institution of Civil Engineers, 1995.

Eric Reissner Medal in Computational Structural Mechanics, ICCES, 1996.

Narcís Monturiol Award to the Scientific Merit of CIMNE, Catalonian Government, 1998.

Accesit to the City of Barcelona Award in Technological Research, Barcelona City Council, 1999.

AMCA Award, Argentian Association for Computational Mechanics (AMCA), 2000.

Award of the Spanish Group for Fracture Mechanics, International Conference on Structural Integrity (ICSI), 2000.

Medal of the School of Civil Engineering to Professional Achievements, Technical University of Catalonia, 2001.

City of Barcelona Award in Technological Research, Barcelona City Council, 2002.

Award for Excellence for Outstanding Paper in Engineering Computations, Emerald Literati Club, 2002.

Duran i Farell Award for Excellence of Research and Technology Transfer, Technical University of Catalonia, 2004.

Medal, University of Jyväskylä (Finland), 2004.

Honorary Member, Portuguese Association for Theoretical, Applied and Computational Mechanics (APMTAC), 2005.

SEMNI Award, Spanish Association for Numerical Methods in Engineering (SEMNI), 2007.

Grand Prize, Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science (JSCES), 2008.

Literati Award for Excellence to the best paper, Engineering Computations, 2009.

O.C. Zienkiewicz Medal, Polish Association for Computational Mechanics (PACM), 2009.

TED Belytschko Applied Mechanics Award, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2009.

Computational Mechanics Award, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME), 2009.

Gauss-Newton Medal, International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM), 2010.

Advanced Grant, European Research Council (ERC), 2010.

"Dr. Luis Federico Leloir" Award, International Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2013.

Proof of Concept (FLOODSAFE), European Research Council (ERC), 2014.

Proof of Concept (ICEBREAKER), European Research Council (ERC), 2016.

Award for the contribution to the development of the Discrete Elements Method (DEM), Academy of Sciences of Cuba (Cuba), 2018.

Ildefons Cerdà Medal 2019, Institute of Civil Engineers in Spain (Catalonian Branch), 2019.

Ritz-Galerkin Medal, ECCOMAS, 2020.

Icaro Award, University of A Coruña, 2023.

Spanish National Research Award 2024 (Leonardo Torres Quevedo category in Engineering), Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities of Spain, 2024.

Honorary Doctorates and Fellowships

Fellow, Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM), 1998.

Member, Royal Academy of Doctors (Barcelona), 1998.

Doctor Honoris Causa, Ovidius University (Constanza, Rumania), 2000.

Foreign Member, Accademia di Scienze e Lettere (Istituto Lombardo, Milan, Italy), 2006.

Honoris Fellow, Swansea University (UK), 2007.

Doctor Honoris Causa, INSA-Lyon (France), 2012.

Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad Las Villas (Cuba), 2013.

Doctor Honoris Causa, Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (Russia), 2020.

Pinyol, Núria
Geomechanics Group Co-leader

Crampton Prize awarded by Institution of Civil Engineers, United Kingdom in 2006 to the paper entitled A review of Beliche dam (Géotechnique 55 (4), 2005, 267-285)

Best work in the Rock Mechanics Research (3rd edition, biannual) given by Sociedad Española de Mecánica de Rocas (Spanish Rock Mechanics Society) in 2009 to the work titled Deslizamientos rápidos. Criterios de análisis. El caso de Vaiont, 2009.

Best Thesis Award (Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat), in 2009/2010 in Civil Engineering given by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

Geotechnical Research Medal, Institution of Civil Engineers, UK, 2014.

Best Paper Award, awarded by the International Consortium of Landslides to the best paper published in 2012: Canelles landslide: modelling rapid drawdown and fast potential sliding by N.M. Pinyol, E.E. Alonso, J., Corominas J. Moya (Landslides, 9, 1, 2012, 33-51)

Telford Gold Medal for the paper “The material point method for unsaturated soils”, by the British Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), 2016.

Most innovative contribution in the thematic area “Analysis and modelling” in the IX Simposio Nacional sobre Taludes y Laderas Inestables" (IX National Symposium on Slopes and Unstable Slopes) (27-30 June 2017, Santander, Spain) to the contribution “Mechanisms controlling the landslide velocity” authored by Núria M. Pinyol, M. Rosaria Scoppettuolo (Università degli Studi di Salerno) and Prof. Eduardo E. Alonso.

Baker Medal for the paper “Thermo-poro-mechanical analysis of landslides: from creeping behavior to catastrophic failure”, by the British Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), 2017.

Selected Speaker for the 2nd Hutchinson Conference, Hong Kong, 2018.

Telford Gold Medal for the paper “Thermal effects in landslide mobility”, by the British Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), 2019.

Príncipe, Javier
Affiliated Scientist

Extraordinary Doctorate Award 2010 (Civil Engineering Area), corresponding to the 2007/2008 academic year, Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), 2010.

Author of FEMPAR, a code selected for the High-Q club of the most scalable codes in Juqueen, Jülich Supercomputing Center, 2014.

Juan Carlos Simó Prize 2015, SEMNI, 2015.

Reyes, Andrés

Futur Cerdà Award, Professional Association of Civil Engineers of Catalonia, 2023.

Abertis Prize, Abertis Chair Spain, 2023.

Roca, David
Computational Design & Analysis of Engineering Metamaterials

Special Doctoral Award, Doctorate School of the Technical University of Catalonia BarcelonaTech, 2022.

Romero, Enrique
Full Research Professor

Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado a la Tesis presentada en la Convocatoria 1998-99, Technical University of Catalonia, 1999.

2nd European Distinguished Lecturer on Unsaturated Soils, by the TC-106 of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2020.

Rossi, Riccardo
Full Research Professor

Fourth Prize 5th Ph. D. Symposium in Civil Engineering, 2004.

Finalist Eccomas Award for the best Ph.D. thesis in 2005 of computational methods in applied sciences and engineering. ECCOMAS, 2005.

Outstanding Paper Award Engineering Computations Esmerald, 2009.

Juan Carlos Simó Prize 2013. SEMNI, 2013.

Outstanding Paper Award Engineering Computations Editorial Team, 2014.

Ryzhakov, Pavel
Associate Research Professor

Juan Carlos Simó Prize 2017, SEMNI, 2017.

Sáez, Raúl

SESAR Young Scientist Award 2022, SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking, 2022.

Salazar, Fernando
Assistant Research Professor

Innovation Challenge. Verbund (Austria), 2017.

San Mauro, Javier

Carlos González Cruz 2018 Prize (exaequo) for the best PhD thesis related with hydraulic and dam engineering delivered by the Technical University of Madrid, Technical University of Madrid, 2019.

Sànchez-Vila, Xavier
Full Research Professor

Henry Darcy Medal, European Geosciences Union, 2020.

Serván, Borja
Naval and Marine Engineering. Group leader

Second Award to the best talk at the 61st Congress on Naval an Maritime Engineering awarded for "Development of a digital twin for predictive maintenance of the structure of floating wind turbines", 2022.

Soudah, Eduardo
Bio-Medical Engineering. Group leader

Best paper award. EECSS'18 (Madrid, Spain), 2018.

Cuban National Award 2020. Cuban Academy of Sciences (La Habana, Cuba), 2020.

Suárez, Benjamín (†)
Full Research Professor

Medal to the Professional Merit, Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, 2010.

Yerro, Alba
PhD Student

Telford Gold Medal for the paper “The material point method for unsaturated soils”, by the British Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), 2016.

Salgado, Mario A.
Disaster Risk and Resilience

UPC Extraordinary Doctorate Award 2018 for his thesis "Probabilistic assessment of earthquake losses at diferent scales considering lost economic production due to premature loss of lives", UPC, 2018.