
***Video available***Severo Ochoa Coffee Talk - "New Work Programme for 2023-2024 under HE", by Preaward Unit

Published: 18/01/2023

Wednesday, February 15th, 2023. Time: 15h

Hybrid! O.C. Zienkiewicz Room, C1 Building, UPC Campus Nord, Barcelona |
Link for online session


The objective of the coffee is to disseminate information on the Horizon Europe program associated with the new Work Programme for 2023-2024. Among other topics, information will be provided on WP themes and dates, projects financed with the "lump sum" modality, CIMNE-Preaward resources, CIMNE activity in HE in the last year and recommendations for preparing competitive proposals. In addition to the Preaward team, IPs with experience in HE will participate.


Sandra Pérez has a BA in Business Administration and Management at the UB (University of Barcelona), 2001, and a Postgraduate en Public Administration by the School of Public Administration of Catalonia (EAPC) (expected in 2023). She joined CIMNE in 2002 working in the Accountancy Department and, nowadays, she is the Head of the Project Management Department and takes part in the Preaward Unit.

Fernando Salazar received the Degree on Civil Engineering from the Technical University of Madrid in 2002, specializing in Hydraulics. He has worked in several dam and hydraulic projects, as well as in the development of emergency plans and hazard-potential classification of dams (being Mequinenza and Riba-Roja, in the Ebro river, among them). He is working for CIMNE since 2009, where he is the current Director of CIMNE-Madrid and the Project Development Director of CIMNE.