
**Video available**Severo Ochoa Seminar - "P-DNS: a precise and efficient alternative to solve fluid mechanics problems in turbulent regime. An updated revision", by Norberto Nigro

Published: 29/03/2023

Thursday, October 19th, 2023. Time: 12 noon

Hybrid - O.C. Zienkiewicz Conference Room, C1 Building, UPC Campus Nord, Barcelona / Link for online session


In this presentation the method called pseudo-DNS will be presented, the foundations of its theory and some applications that predict a promising future since it provides a method that is capable of resolving complex turbulent flows at a cost similar to that of any RANS methods but with greater accuracy than any of the LES family methods with the ability to tend to a DNS method as the grid is refined.


NigroNorberto Marcelo Nigro, Mechanical Engineer graduated from Universidad Tecnológica Nacional of Buenos Aires in 1985. After 3 years in industrial activities in companies such as Acindar, Sevel and SADE and also a brief stay at the Comisión Nacional de Investigaciones Espaciales (CNIE), he decided during 1988 to move to the scientific world to carry out a doctoral thesis, reaching his doctorate in Engineering Sciences at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba during 1993 under the direction of Sergio Idelsohn on issues related to FEM solutions to CFD problems, especially stabilization. In 1994-1995 he did a post-doctorate at the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute under the advice of Tayfun Tezduyar. Since 1996 Researcher at CONICET (National Council of Science and Technology of Argentina). Currently Principal Researcher at CONICET and Associate Professor at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral in Santa Fe, Argentina, working on issues related to problems involving both liquid and gaseous fluid flows, at one and several phases, including multispecies and chemical reactions using CFD techniques for its approach. Regarding theoretical numerical methods, his main contributions are in the field of preconditioners for single phase compressible and incompressible fluid flow models, in stabilization of scalar transport models, in the development of the second generation of PFEM methods and lately involved in the development of pseudo-DNS for turbulence modeling. His main applications are oriented to energy management in general, in particular internal combustion engines, industries related to oil & gas, renewable energy, hydrodynamic and aerodynamic problems, even environmental problems.

It has approximately 100 papers published in international journals, more than 250 papers presented in different congresses, 12 doctoral theses directed in the last 13 years and more than 50 consultant activities to different industries, among which YPF and Y-TEC, Siderar, Acindar and many others to PyME companies. He currently chairs the Parque Tecnológico del Litoral Centro, a company dedicated to the creation and incubation of technology- based companies.