

Published: 16/07/2021


World economy is changing rapidly. On the one hand, issues like health and safety, quality, resilience, sustainability, social justice and environment are increasing their weight for decision makers compared with traditional pecuniary considerations. On the other hand, the advent of cheap powerful computers, smart phones and robots is changing society drastically and also the economic interactions. And on top of that, COVID came. However, one thing that seems to be stable in this turmoil is the importance given to maintenance and life-cycle evaluation in any infrastructure, making IABMAS goals more and more relevant for the engineering community. It is with great pleasure that an occasion to share the new achievements on the topics of Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management is going to be presented at BARCELONA IABMAS 2022: 11th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management.

IABMAS 2022 will be held in Barcelona, Spain in July 11-15th, 2022, at the Vertex Conference Hall (Technical University of Catalonia -North Campus) with modernized audio-visual facilities and very good connections to nearby hotels, the airport and the city centre.