
Sucessful welcome session to Javier Bonet, new director of CIMNE

Published: 17/06/2022

The new director of CIMNE, Javier Bonet, has presented himself to the CIMNE community in an event held on the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC BarcelonaTech), where the centre has its main premises. The conference room of the School of Engineering in Barcelona, located at C2 Building of the North Campus of the UPC BarcelonaTech, was the place chosen to gathering the research and administration staff of CIMNE to explain the vision and future plans of the new general director.

The event started with the presentation of Ester Real, the director of the School of Civil Engineering, who was highlighted the close connection between the school and the centre in computational engineering. She was also made a joke with the convening power of Eugenio Oñate, the founding and outgoing director of CIMNE and currently his executive vicepresident, and Javier Bonet, the new director CIMNE, due to the room was completely full.

Welcome-cimne staff

Eugenio Oñate was in charge of introducing the new director and, in his speech, explained the background of Javier Bonet as a researcher, manager and advisor in prestigious research institutions. Bonet has developed his career in United Kingdom during thirty years and has collaborated with the Swansea University and taken part in the creation of the Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering. He is also the former Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research & Enterprise at the University of Greenwich [an abstract of Javier Bonet’s CV could be checked at his profile on CIMNE's website].

Javier Bonet

Finally, Javier Bonet gave a presentation speech, which included an overview of his profesional background, the research centre challenges and his vision and next steps in terms of leadership and values. At the end of the session, the attendes could ask for details about the presentation as well as other issues related by the vision of the centre from the new director.