closed job offers

VAC-2024-14 – Simulation and Data Assimilation in Geosciences

Published: 20/03/2024

Number of places: 1

Category: Innovation Assistant – IN ASSIS 2

Workplace: CIMNE - Campus Nord UPC, 08034, Barcelona

Salary (gross): 9.154,64 € / year

Weekly working hours: 20h / week

Duration: 5 months maximum or until the end of project

Functions to be developed:

The candidate will join CIMNE’s Research Cluster “Credible High-Fidelity and Data-Driven Models” to carry out tasks associated with in geoscience applications. The functions to be developed are:

  • Benchmarking specific software for geodynamical applications. Including software for model setup and software for dynamical modelling.
  • Using High Performance Computing facilities.
  • Performing numerical simulations of ocean plate dynamics.
  • Evaluate, summarize and present results. Write reports.

Required skills:

  • Notions and experience with numerical methods. Being familiar with geosciences modelling software.
  • Understanding of geophysics of the ocean plate environments.
  • A degree in Marine Science & Technologies (or equivalent) or at least being registered in such a degree.
  • Fluent Oral and written English.
  • Fluent Oral and written Catalan.

Other valued skills (not mandatory):

  • Communication skills
  • Programming in Matlab, C or other computer languages
  • Familiarity with input file formats usually used in geodynamics.

Qualification system:

The requisites and merits will be evaluated with a maximum note of 100 points. Such maximal note will be obtained summing up the following points:

  • Academic qualifications: 25%
  • Training and development: 5%
  • Professional experience: 5%
  • Knowledge of the Catalan language: 20%
  • Knowledge of the English language: 15%
  • Selective tests and interview: 30% 

Candidates must complete the "Application Form" form on our website, indicating the reference of the vacancy and attaching the required documents.

The deadline for registration to the offer ends on April 9th, 2024 at 12 noon.
The preselected candidates may be requested to send the documentation required in the "Requirements" and "Merits" sections, duly scanned, and may be called to go through selection tests (which might be of eliminatory nature) and / or personal interviews.

Proyecto PID2020-113463RB-C33 financiado por MICIU/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033


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