
[Video available!] Severo Ochoa Coffee Talk - "Research lines of AULA CIMNE - UPM ETSII", by David J. Vicente (CIMNE Madrid) and Jorge Rodríguez (Aula CIMNE-UPM)

Published: 26/09/2021

Wednesday, October 27th, 2021. Time: 15h

Online - Session link:


In this talk, we will talk about one of the most recently created AULAS CIMNE: the AULA ‘CIMNE-ETSI UPM’, attached to the School of Industrial Engineering of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM).

It will be described its origin, motivation and some of the most relevant actions carried out since its creation in 2020. Some of the main lines of interest of this AULA will be presented, highlighting the application of numerical models and Machine Learning methods to various fields: water quality, disinfection techniques and drinking water distribution systems.

The aim of this AULA is to consolidate the collaboration between these two entities, focusing their activity on training activities and the search for research and development projects.

The talk will be given in Spanish.


David J. Vicente is a post-doc researcher at CIMNE, Machine Learning in Civil Engineering research group. He is a Civil Engineer with 11 years of experience in the field of water distribution systems management: numerical modelling, advanced pressure management and leakage location using Machine Learning techniques. Other research lines include water resources management and advanced modelling of concrete dams. He is a member of the International Water Association (IWA).

Jorge Rodríguez Chueca is an Associate Professor at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), where is part of the Department of Industrial and Environmental Chemical Engineering at the Industrial Engineering School. He is responsible of the research line of Advanced Treatment of Water. He has 12 years of experience in the field of urban wastewater treatment and reuse by using advanced oxidation processes, other conventional technologies as ozonation or UV-C, as well as water quality and management. He has been involved in several national and European competitive projects and has contributed with 46 peer-reviewed publications, 7 technical articles in non-indexed journals and 4 book chapters.