
[VIDEO AVAILABLE!] Severo Ochoa Seminar at CIMNE - "The Finite Volume Method for sediment transport in rivers. Practical Applications", by Ernest Bladé

Published: 20/09/2021

Wednesday, October 20th, 2021. Time: 12 noon

Blending learning:  O.C. Zienkiewicz Conference Room, C1 Building, UPC Campus Nord, Barcelona - Link for online session:



Rivers transport water but also sediments. Numerical methods and tools are or great help to solve river dynamics problems, as bedload stability, estimation of erosion and sediment deposition, or for the establishment of sediment flushing protocols in reservoirs. Although the Finite Volume Method (FVM) has proven to be adequate and efficient when developing sediment transport numerical schemes, special care has to be taken when calculating the numerical fluxes in order to avoid instabilities. The focus on the seminar will be on practical considerations for the development of balanced and stable FVM schemes, illustrated by their application to selected case studies.


Ernest Bladé i Castellet is a professor of Hydraulics and River Dynamics in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. He is also Director of Flumen Institute, a research institute in River Dynamics and Environmental Engineering, participated by CIMNE and UPC.