
Severo Ochoa Coffee Talk at CIMNE - "Cómo NO preparar una propuesta. Una guía paso a paso", by Javier Mora

Published: 07/04/2021

Tuesday, June 1st, 2021. Time: 15h.

Online - Session link:


Are you interested in getting started in the amazing world of proposal preparation but don't know how? Are you already involved in writing projects and do you want to debate, to complain, to vent?

This coffee talk aims to show a very simple (almost "for dummies") but unreliable way of preparing proposals, with the aim of obtaining tips for raising funds for the projects of our dreams.


Telecommunication Engineer (UPC, 1992), PhD in Electronic Engineering by the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC, 1998). Project manager and researcher on electromagnetics in CIMNE (1998 - present). Development of finite element based electromagnetic simulation tools. Ramon y Cajal researcher. Participation in more than 20 European and national projects (seven of them as principal investigator). Research lines in computational electromagnetics, magnetic sensors and superconductivity.