
EN-TRACK project starts

Published: 25/11/2020

The European project EN-TRACK, coordinated by CIMNE-BEE Group, aims to enable continuous, large-scale data gathering on the energy and financial performance of Energy Efficiency Measures applied to buildings. 

By creating an open source big data platform and engaging public & commercial building owners, building operators, financial institutions, policy makers, the project will enable de-risking of Energy Efficiency Investments based on their actual performance in real life.  The EN-TRACK’s ultimate goal is to promote an evidence-based approach in decision-making on buildings renovation and to make the Energy Efficiency Investment a mainstream activity for financial institutions.

Entrack Kick-off Meeting
    Telco Kick-off Meeting of the project

"We are excited to coordinate a magnificent consortium of 7 partners from 5 European countries gathering the expertise best fitted for the job", explains CIMNE-BEE Group team at its last Newsletter

Related news: "CIMNE will coordinate EN-TRACK project from November 2020"

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