
New Severo Ochoa researchers at CIMNE

Published: 9/21/2020

The incorporation of the following researchers has been carried out through contracts financed with ref. CEX2018-000797-S / Severo Ochoa Centers of Excellence program, funded by the State Research Agency.

Guillermo Casas

Guillermo Casas

Position: Severo Ochoa PostDoc Trainee Position in Structural Mechanics Group

Team leader: Eugenio Oñate

Functions: Plan and conduct high-quality research under the supervision of Dr. Eugenio Oñate. Collaborate with various research groups across Europe and elsewhere. Document and disseminate research results with CIMNE and externally. Publish in high-impact magazines (at least 2 publications per planned year). Participate in search projects and contracts with the industry of interest to the RTD group. Collaborate in the preparation of competitive research proposals for the RTD.

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Mario A. Salgado


Severo Ochoa PostDoc Trainee Position in Risk and Resilience Group

Team leader: Martha Liliana Carreño

Functions: Plan and conduct high-quality research under the supervision of Dra. Martha Liliana Carreño. Collaborate with various research groups across Europe and elsewhere. Document and disseminate research results with CIMNE and externally. Publish in high-impact magazines (at least 2 publications per planned year). Participate in search projects and contracts with the industry of interest to the RTD group. Collaborate in the preparation of competitive research proposals for the RTD.

Research line: Mario Salgado’s current research line considers the integration of interconnected hazards in multi-risk assessment models and applied research on the integration of probabilistic hazard and risk models with alternative financial risk transfer instruments, such as parametric (re)insurance products.

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Francesc Verdugo

Francesc Verdugo

Severo Ochoa PostDoc Trainee Position in Large Scale Scientific Computing

Team leader: Santiago Badia

Functions: Plan and conduct high-quality research under the supervision of Dr. Santiago Badia. Collaborate with various research groups across Europe and elsewhere. Document and disseminate research results with CIMNE and externally. Publish in high-impact magazines (at least 2 publications per planned year). Participate in search projects and contracts with the industry of interest to the RTD group. Collaborate in the preparation of competitive research proposals for the RTD.

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Joaquín González

González Usia

Severo Ochoa PhD Position in Structural Mechanics Group

Team leader: Eugenio Oñate

Functions: Complete a PhD in Civil Engineering under the supervision of Eugenio Oñate. The candidate is expected to complete the PhD thesis in a maximum of three years. Collaborate with various research groups at CIMNE and around the world. Publish a minimum of two publications in JCR newspapers during the PhD period.

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Gerard Laguna

Severo Ochoa PostDoc Trainee Position in Building Energy and Environment

Team leader: Jordi Cipriano

Functions: Plan and conduct high-quality research under the supervision of Dr. Jordi Cipriano. Collaborate with various research groups across Europe and elsewhere. Document and disseminate research results with CIMNE and externally. Publish in high-impact magazines (at least 2 publications per planned year). Participate in search projects and contracts with the industry of interest to the RTD group. Collaborate in the preparation of competitive research proposals for the RTD.

Research topic: Data analysis to model buildings and apply Predictive Control Models (MPC). These techniques make it possible to predict the behavior of a building and optimize the consumption / cost / ecological impact of the operation of a building.

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Juan Marcelo Giménez

Juan Marcelo Giménez

Severo Ochoa PostDoc Trainee Position in Structural Mechanics Group

Team leader: Eugenio Oñate

Functions: Plan and conduct high-quality research under the supervision of Drs. Sergio Idelsohn and Eugenio Oñate. Collaborate with various research groups across Europe and elsewhere. Document and disseminate research results with CIMNE and externally. Publish in high-impact magazines (at least 2 publications per planned year). Participate in search projects and contracts with the industry of interest to the RTD group. Collaborate in the preparation of competitive research proposals for the RTD.

Research project: "A Multi-scale Numerical Method for Particle-Laden Fluids (PARAFLUIDS)"
The main objective of the PARAFLUIDS project is the development of an innovative multiscale numerical method for analysis of Particle-Laden Fluids (PLF) for a wide range of flows. The new computational method will be validated with experimental results for both passive and active PLF problems.

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Alba Muixí

Alba Muixí

Severo Ochoa PostDoc Trainee Position in Credible Data-driven Models group

Team leader: Pedro Díez

Functions: Plan and conduct high-quality investigations. Collaborate with various research groups across Europe and elsewhere. Document and disseminate research results in CIMNE and the externally. Publish in high impact magazines. Participate in research projects and contracts with industry of interest to the RTD group. Collaborate in the preparation of competitive research proposals for the RTD group.

Research topic:

Development and analysis of numerical methods in the framework of data-driven models, accounting for their efficiency and the credibility of the solutions. These techniques are used to solve challenging problems from different fields in applied sciences and engineering.

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Rubén Zorrilla

Rubén Zorrilla

Severo Ochoa PostDoc Trainee Position in Kratos Multiphysics Group

Team leader: Riccardo Rossi

Functions: Plan and conduct high-quality research. Collaborate with various research groups across Europe and elsewhere. Document and disseminate research results in Cimne and externally. Publish in high impact magazines. Participate in research projects and contracts with the industry of interest to the RTD group. Collaborate in the preparation of competitive research proposals for the RTD group.

Research line: Rubén Zorrilla's research is mainly focused on the resolution of multiphysics engineering problems, with special emphasis on the Fluid-Structure Interaction one. In this regard, he plans to continue exploiting his previous research on CFD and FSI non-conforming mesh methods to extend their application range to exact geometry representation solvers as well as to the Fluid-Structure-Contact Interaction problem.
He also aims at complementing these main research lines with the development and implementation of numerical methods for other engineering problems such as the compressible Navier-Stokes equations or the free-surface flows.
As an important member of the Kratos Multiphysics community, he is also expected to maintain his contribution level by doing code revision, maintenance, documentation and validation tasks.

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Mariano Tomás Fernández

Mariano Fernández

Severo Ochoa PhD Position in Credible Data-driven Models group

Team leader: Pedro Díez

Functions: Complete a PhD in "Computational and Mathematical Modeling" at UPC. The candidate is expected to complete the PhD thesis in a maximum of three years. Collaborate with various research groups at CIMNE and around the world. Publish a minimum of two publications in JCR newspapers during the PhD period.

Project: "Bayesian - Reduced-Order inversion scheme for nonlinear problems with applications to lithospheric structure"
The idea of the project is to solve an inverse problem regarding the lithospheric structure parameters. To this end, a large number of results of the forward Stokes flow problem in a three-dimensional domain are required. Solving the problem at an affordable computational cost, the full order finite element method and reduced-order approaches are used. A smart implementation of the nonlinear rheological parameter description is aimed, for physical completeness, at both the full and reduced-order approaches.

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Álvaro Borrás

Alvaro Borras

Severo Ochoa PhD Position in Innovative Algorithms for Fast Accurate Computing Group

Team leader: Antonio Huerta

Functions: Complete a PhD in Applied Mathematics or Civil Engineering at the UPC. The candidate is expected to complete the PhD thesis in a maximum of three years. Collaborate with various research groups at CIMNE and around the world. Publish a minimum of two publications in JCR newspapers during the PhD period. 

Research line: His research is focused on the study of model order reduction techniques. In particular, the proper generalized decomposition to solve problems in computational fluid dynamics with parametrized geometries in a fast and accurate way.

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Sthefania Grajales


Severo Ochoa PhD Position in Disaster Risk and Resilience Group

Team leader: Liliana Carreño

Functions: Complete a PhD on Civil Engineering at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. She works in topics related to disaster risk management and mitigation considering different perils such as earthquakes, floods, tropical cyclones and droughts, among others, besides developing practical applications around disaster resilience and adaptation to climate change.

Research line: Her research is focused on probabilistic risk assessment of wild and urban fires through the characterization of the hazard, exposure, and vulnerability components. The approach allows impact evaluation in terms of economic losses driven by the current and future climate scenarios.

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Zulkeefal Dar

Zulkeefal Dar

Severo Ochoa PhD Position in Fluid Mechanics Group

Team leader: Ramon Codina

Functions: Complete a PhD on Computational Fluid Mechanics, in particular, in fundamental aspects of the finite element method. Collaborate with various research groups within CIMNE and worldwide. To publish in JCR journals during the PhD period.

Research line: Zulkeefal is a Computational Fluid Dynamics and Clean Energy enthusiast. He has been a part of CIMNE since November 2020 as a Severo Ochoa Ph.D. student in the Fluid Mechanics group led by Prof. Ramon Codina. He holds an MSc in Sustainable Energy from Imperial College London and is a Commonwealth Scholarship Alumnus. After developing a comprehensive understanding of renewable energy technologies in his MSc, Zulkeefal decided to work on developing efficient techniques to model and analyze such system. Zulkeefal chose CIMNE to pursue this research due to its excellent international reputation as the leader in Numerical Methods for Engineering.

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