
Coffee Talk - "Simulating viscoelastic fluid flows with high Weissenberg number using a VMS stabilized formulation", by Laura Moreno

Published: 11/10/2019

Wednesday, December 11th, 2019. Time: 15h.

Place: O.C. Zienkiewicz Conference Room, C1 Building, UPC Campus Nord, Barcelona


Viscoelastic fluids are widely employed in a large variety of engineering, medical and natural science applications, such a safety devices capable of absorbing impacts, plastics or blood pumps. Its importance in industry is undeniable, however, the computation of the flow of these fluids leads to several difficulties, above all when elasticity becomes dominant, in other words, the dimensionless number well known as Weissenberg number is high.

In fact, the difficulties in numerically simulating high Weissenberg numbers flow are one of the biggest challenges in computational rheology since 1970s, a numerical phenomenon also called as the High Weissenberg Number Problem (HWNP).

In this talk, the logarithmic conformation reformulation  of the problem is presented as a possible strategy to deal with that trouble, using a FE stabilized formulation based on the Variational Multiscale (VMS) method implemented in Femuss. Some benchmarks will be shown in order to discuss the advantages of this technique.


Laura Moreno is mathematician from UA (University of Alicante) and a PhD candidate in UPC supervised by Ramon Codina and Joan Baiges. Her research consists in the development of mathematical models and numerical methods to achieve computational simulations of viscoelastic flows with high elasticity, including thermal effects.