Gavius Project, led by the Gavà City Council, has recently been selected in the framework of the 4th Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) Call for Proposals. Thus, Gavà City Council will have the opportunity to experiment and improve creative, innovative and lasting solutions to face the challenges related to the digital transition, sustainable use of solutions based on land and nature, urban poverty and urban security. Gavà and Getafe have been the only Spanish municipalities selected in this call.
Gavius Project, selected among 175 proposals from 23 member states, will create a digital tool that facilitates citizens to obtain the subsidies and social aids to which they are entitled in an agile and easy manner through artificial intelligence features. In this way, the urban authority aims to transform itself from a reactive to a proactive administration, which offers services in a more personalized and close way by knowing the needs of citizens through the use of data.
In a pilot phase, this new virtual assistant would only be applied to the social services field, but it aims to be implemented in an infinite number of cases to improve the current relationship between administration and citizens. The goal is to transform the City Council in a Data Driven entity that enables the management and decision-making processes between the Administration and the citizens.
El projecte Gavius liderat per l’Ajuntament, seleccionat pel fons europeu UIA. Gavius: un assistent virtual per conèixer i tramitar els ajuts socials des del mòbil. En total s'han escollit 20 iniciatives de les 175 presentades. Més informació:
— Ajuntament de Gavà (@AjuntamentGava) August 6, 2019