
Dr. Antonia Larese gives a Keynote Lecture at Protections 2018

Published: 12/06/2018

CIMNE participated actively at the 3rd International Conference on Protections against Overtopping PROTECTIONS 2018, that took place from 6 to 8 June 2018 in Grange over Sand (United Kingdom).

Antonia Larese. Protections 2018
Dra. Antonia Larese during her keynote presentation

In that occasion, Dra. Antonia Larese was invited to give a keynote lecture entitled: "Advanced computational methods for dam protections against overtopping". Prof. Miguel Ángel Toledo and Prof. Rafael Morán, from the Civil Engineering: Hidraulics, Energy and the Environment Department of the Technical University of Madrid have also attended the conference. This conference was an opportunity to present the recent advances of both HIRMA (RTC-2016-4967-5) and PRECISE (BIA2017-83805) projects.

Antonia Larese. Protections 2018
From left to right: Prof. Rafael Morán, Prof. Miguel Ángel Toledo and Dra. Antonia Larese