
Coffee Talk - "Natural Disaster Simulation by Particle Methods", by Bodhinanda Chandra

Published: 16/05/2018

Thursday, May 24th, 2018. Time: 15h.

Place: O.C. Zienkiewicz Conference Room, C1 Building, UPC Campus Nord, Barcelona


The presentation will be about the implementation of the commonly used continuum-based particle methods - Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and Material Point Methods (MPM) and their advantages of simulating multi-physics environmental flow and natural disaster problems. This also includes some validation tests and some numerical examples related to the same application, specifically for tsunami and landslide disaster. The discussion will continue further on the state of the art and the future plans of simulation development for natural disaster prevention measure. 


Bodhinanda-ChandraBodhinanda Chandra is presently a master student in computational mechanics at TU Munich. He graduated before from Kyushu University in Japan with a bachelor in civil engineering specialized also in computational mechanics. He is mainly interested in the simulation of multi-physics fluid-soil-structure interactions phenomena which occur during natural disasters. He is currently doing his honor project here at CIMNE and working on the material point methods (MPM) implementation in Kratos specifically for environmental flow modeling and simulations.

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