
Seminar - "Nonlinear multi-scale analysis. Proposals for an efficient calculation to simulate structural components", by Xavi Martínez

Published: 09/01/2018

Monday, May 28th, 2018. Time: 12h.

Place: O.C. Zienkiewicz Conference Room, C1 Building, UPC North Campus, Barcelona.


Recently, the multi-scale methods have gained much importance, to the point that there are already many computer packages that offer them as a tool to make structural calculations. This phenomenon has been encouraged for two reasons: the need and the possibilities. Nowadays the technology of the materials allows to make more complex micro-structures, which can not be reproduced easily with the traditional numerical tools (constitutive equations) and, therefore, it is necessary to use new methods to characterize the materials. And the increase in computer computing capacity has made it possible for a multi-scale strategy to be resolved to solve some structures. However, despite the fact that it is possible to use these tools, the non-linear analysis of structural components with multi-scale methods is still far from being applied in non-academic cases. This seminar will present different strategies that have been developed at CIMNE to minimize the computational cost of these simulations and that should allow multi-scale analysis to begin to be applied in engineering simulations.


Xavier Martínez is a Civil Engineer, university professor (since 2009, UPC) and researcher at CIMNE (since 2004). His research activity is developed in the field of numerical methods, continuum mechanics, constitutive models for material prediction, and analysis of composite materials and structures. He has participated in projects consisting in the numerical prediction of material failure of composite laminates due to fibre buckling and delamination, homogenization methods, fatigue of steel, inflatable structures, and reinforcement of concrete structures with carbon fibre reinforced polymers.

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