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Energy Efficiency Platform by EN-TRACK
By mid-July, the research consortium of the EU-funded project EN-TRACK announced the first public release of the energy efficiency platform. After two years of collaboration with partners and data collection from pilots in Spain and Bulgaria, EN-TRACK is now seeking valuable feedback from external s...

Successful collaboration with SLB DEVICES S.L.
The PhD student Junior Ramírez has succesfully developed, under the direction of Fernando Rastellini and José Manuel González, a numerical simulation of SLB devices for the company SLB DEVICES S.L.. The work consisted of making a digital twin to det...

BIGG project completed its 2nd year with a significant progress on the Standard Data Model for Buildings
In March 2023, the BIGG project has completed its second year with a significant progress on the Standard Data Model for Buildings, which aligns and harmonises various data sources. The data model also ensures consistent input for the Analytics Toolbox. The objectives achieved thus far are: Anal...

4-M: World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development
On 4th March World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development is celebrated. This Day, proclaimed by UNESCO in 2020, is a part of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and its purpose is to present engineering and technology projects that allow the goals set within the Sustainable Development Plan propose...

CIMNE joins the Efficient Energy Cluster
CIMNE has recently joined the Efficient Energy Cluster of Catalonia as a Silver member. In this way, the centre has become part of the entity, following in the steps of its spin-offs Inergy and Beedata. 馃煝 Avui donem la benvinguda a 2 nous socis del @clusterEE! 鉁旓笍 Cooper Onnes SL, fabricant d'...

Hamelin project results: How to control the use of pesticides with drones?
On May 19th, the results of the HAMELIN project were presented in Port-Vendres, a town in the Languedoc-Roussillon region (France). HAMELIN is the acronym for ‘Tools to adapt and improve the management of insect pests’. This project (EFA335/19) is coordinated by the International Centr...

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