European Projects

FIBRE4YARDS FIBRE composite manufacturing technologies FOR the automation and modular construction in shipYARDS website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/01/2021 31/12/2023 H2020 (2014-2020) SC4-Smart, green & integrated transport 101006860 CIMNE $782,277.86
FIBREGY Development, engineering, production and life-cycle management of improved FIBRE-based material solutions for structure and functional components of large offshore wind enerGY and tidal power platform website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/01/2021 30/04/2024 H2020 (2014-2020) LEITs-Leadership in enabling & industrial technologies 952966 CIMNE $921,441.12
prodPhD Social network tools and procedures for developing entrepreneurial skills in PhD programmes website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/01/2021 28/02/2023 H2020 (2014-2020) Science with and for a society 101005985 CIMNE $59,656.25
FIBRESHIP Engineering, production and life-cycle management for massive application of FIBRE-based materials in large-length SHIPs website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/06/2017 31/05/2020 H2020 (2014-2020) SC4-Smart, green & integrated transport 723360 TSI $982,150.01
FORTISSIMO (X-Sheaks) HPC-enabled System for enHanced sEeakeeping and stAtion-Keeping design website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/07/2015 31/12/2016 FP7 (2007-2013) COOPERATION 609029 COMPASS ING. Y SISTEMAS, S.A. $50,400.00
STM Validation Project STM Validation Project website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/01/2015 30/06/2019 CEF Programme 2014-2020 MAP: Multi-annual work programmes 2014-EU-TM-0206-S Swedish Maritime Administration $721,548.83
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/01/2015 31/07/2017 CEF Programme 2014-2020 MAP: Multi-annual work programmes 2014-EU-TMC-0698-M VALENCIAPORT $90,656.43
GAINN4SHIP INNOVATION LNG Technologies and Innovation for Maritime Transport for the Promotion of Sustainability, Multimodality and the Efficiency of the Network (GAINN 4 SHIP INNOVATION) website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/01/2015 31/05/2018 CEF Programme 2014-2020 MAP: Multi-annual work programmes 26170424 VALENCIAPORT $246,430.68
WiderMoS Wide Interoperability and new governance moDels for freight Exchange linking Regions through Multimodal maritime based cOrridorS website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/06/2013 31/12/2015 TEN-T Programme 2007-2013 MAWP-Multi-Annual Work Programmes 2007-2013 2012-EU-21021-S La Spezia Port Authority $193,801.00
TrainMoS Training Motorways of the Sea website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
15/01/2012 31/12/2013 TEN-T Programme 2007-2013 MAWP-Multi-Annual Work Programmes 2007-2013 2011-EU-21004-S UPM $101,175.00
MONALISA 2.0 MONALISA 2.0 website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/01/2012 31/12/2015 TEN-T Programme 2007-2013 MAWP-Multi-Annual Work Programmes 2007-2013 2012-EU-21007-S Swedish Maritime Administration $527,870.59
MOS4MOS Monitoring and Operation Services for Motorways of the Sea. website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
21/03/2011 31/05/2012 TEN-T Programme 2007-2013 MAWP-Multi-Annual Work Programmes 2007-2013 2010-EU-21102-S VALENCIAPORT $25,776.50
GRAIN Greener Aeronautics International Networking website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/10/2010 31/12/2012 FP7 (2007-2013) COOPERATION ACS0-GA-2010-266184 CIMNE $57,082.36
MIELE Mediterranean Interoperability E-services for Logistics and Environment sustainability website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/09/2010 31/12/2013 TEN-T Programme 2007-2013 MAWP-Multi-Annual Work Programmes 2007-2013 2010-EU-21105-S RINA $531,145.00
BESST Breakthrough in European Ship and Shipbuilding Technologies website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/09/2009 28/02/2013 FP7 (2007-2013) COOPERATION SCP8-GA-2010-233980 FINCANTIERI CANTIERI NAVALI IT., S. $54,420.00

International Projects

NICE-SHIP NICOP - Development of new Lagrangian computational methods for ice-ship interaction problems
Start End Funding bodies Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
30/09/2016 01/10/2019 ONR NICOP N62909-16-1-2236-P00002; GRANT12118656 - SA16N002 CIMNE $323,797.00
Start End Funding bodies Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/07/2012 30/06/2015 ONR NICOP N62909-12-1-7101 CIMNE $360,391.20
T-CRAFT SES Maneuvering and Skirt Seal Performance in Waves
Start End Funding bodies Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/04/2010 31/03/2012 ONR NICOP N62909-10-1-7053 CIMNE $354,016.00

National Projects

NICESHIP Desarrollo, validación y demostración de un algoritmo semilagrangiano para el análisis de la navegación en hielo de buques.
Start End Funding bodies Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/01/2019 31/03/2022 MCIU Retos Investigación RTI2018-094744-B-C21 CIMNE $78,650.00
MOVASE Desarrollo de nuevos métodos y herramientas para la optimización del proceso de fabricación de envases de vidrio -
Start End Funding bodies Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/07/2016 31/12/2018 MEIC Retos Colaboración: Proyectos I+D RTC-2016-4826-5 COMPASS ING. Y SISTEMAS, S.A. $200,370.45
X-SHEAKS Desarrollo de un modelo avanzado de cálculo acoplado X-IVAS FEM-BEM para el análisis del comportamiento en la mar de aerogeneradores flotantes Analytical X-IVAS FEM-BEM coupled tool for enHanced seEAKeeping design of offshore wind turbineS
Start End Funding bodies Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/01/2015 31/12/2016 MINECO Retos Investigación: Proyectos de I+D+i ENE2014-59194-C2-1-R CIMNE $48,400.01