Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=585
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Acronym TrainMoS
Project title Training Motorways of the Sea
Official Website http://www.TrainMoS.eu
Reference 2011-EU-21004-S
Principal investigator Jesus CARBAJOSA MENENDEZ - carbajosa@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 15/01/2012 End date 31/12/2013
Coordinator UPM
Consortium members
  • RINA
  • NTUA
  • Edinburgh Napier University
  • Università degli Studi di Genova
  • CMLL
  • City of Gothenburg
  • Liguria Region
  • Puertos del Estado
  • Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Program TEN-T Programme 2007-2013 Call Call MoS 2011
Subprogram MAWP-Multi-Annual Work Programmes 2007-2013 Category Europeo
Funding body(ies) EC Grant $101,175.00
Abstract Conceived by the Technology Platform of the Mediterranean and Black Sea (PTMB, MIELE aims at addressing the following need/opportunity: to realize a pilot application the “ICT mirror image” of the multimodal logistic chain as targeted by the Global project. In doing so, MIELE aims at demonstrating, via different pilot applications, its potentials for deployment; in practical terms, the goal is to realize an homogeneous and inter-operable ICT platform (middleware) which would enable the different (existing and/or under development) systems to co-operate removing the existing “virtual bottlenecks”. In short, the goal of MIELE is to demonstrate, via pilot application, the exploitability MIELE has the features of a “wider benefits action”: accordingly, all the stakeholders of waterborne and logistics sector will benefit from MIELE’s results (transport operators, ship-operators, ports, logistic operators, port Community systems, Classification societies, Administrations etc.). Project Description: The proposed action is a pilot study aimed at developing a MoS knowledge infrastructure. Pulling together local competences and knowledge already existing in different EU universities will deliver the basis for a future EU virtual open MoS university. 7 university courses will test and prove the TrainMoS concept. It will develop a training infrastructure and knowledge network.