Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=627
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Acronym MONALISA 2.0
Project title MONALISA 2.0
Official Website http://monalisaproject.eu/
Reference 2012-EU-21007-S
Principal investigator Jordi JIMENEZ DEL HIERRO - jimenez@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/01/2012 End date 31/12/2015
Coordinator Swedish Maritime Administration
Consortium members
  • DLR
  • UPC
  • CTH
  • NTUA
  • UPM
  • SSPA
  • Port Authority of Valencia
  • Fraunhofer
  • LFV
  • Carmenta AB
  • GateHouse A/S
  • Danish Maritime Authority
  • Jeppesen GmbH
  • Yrkeshögskolan Novia
  • Industrias Ferri
  • Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti – Direzione Generale per il trasporto
  • Transas Marine International AB
  • The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institue
  • Danish Meteorological Institue
  • World Maritime University
  • Rheinmetall Defence Electronics GmbH
  • MARSEC-XL International Ltd
  • Sociedad de Salvamento y Seguridad Maritima-Sasemar
  • Swedish Maritime Administration
Program TEN-T Programme 2007-2013 Call Call 2012
Subprogram MAWP-Multi-Annual Work Programmes 2007-2013 Category Europeo
Funding body(ies) EC Grant $527,870.59
Abstract MONALISA 2.0 aims at contributing to a continuous improvement and development of efficient, safe and environmentally friendly maritime transport in the EU by implementation of a series of measures which are also included or are in line with the EU’s transport policies and are highly relevant with regard to the development of Motorways of the Sea. The scope of the Action includes: • Testing of concrete applications and services which would allow short-term commercial deployment • Taking joint private-public action to elaborate better standards for route exchange through a common interface and data format • Demonstrating concrete services using new technology to enhance maritime safety, making search and rescue and massevacuations more efficient than today and by addressing port safety • Transferring the results of previous EU investments in air traffic management and other sectors into the maritime sector