PARACHUTES is a computer program for the fast simulation of parachute-payload systems. The solution methodology focuses mainly on gliding parachutes and is designed to produce aerodynamic, structural and trajectory data with minimal computational requirements . This makes PARACHUTES a handy tool that can help developers improve design and testing procedures while cutting analysis time and cost.
  • For given environmental and initial flight conditions, PARACHUTES simulates the unsteady aeroelastic behavior of parachute-payload systems and provides a complete set of data suitable for design and testing.

  • PARACHUTES also allows analyzing user-defined maneuvers and testing automatic control systems.

  • The solution in PARACHUTES is obtained by two coupled unsteady calculation modules . The aerodynamics is solved by a cost-effective low-order panel method and a robust explicit finite-element technique is used for the structure.

  • PARACHUTES is integrated into the pre and post-processor GiD . This makes it easier for users with basic training in computational mechanics to setup the problem, run the simulation and analyze the results.
  • The calculation modules in PARACHUTES can also be used separately to carry out specific structural and aerodynamic analyses in the same program environment.

  • PARACHUTES can be customized to meet users' specific needs.
PARACHUTES is a software developed by the International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), a research organization created in 1987 with the objective to develop computational techniques for advancing knowledge and technology in engineering and applied sciences (see ). CIMNE is a consortium between the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and the Generalitat de Catalunya.
  • Steady fligth configurations for symmetrical brake deflections
  • Analysis of unsymmetric brake deflection
  • Steady aerodynamic forces
  • Structural analysis of a parachute opening under empirical-based pressure loads.
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For additional information regarding PARACHUTES, available type of licenses and bugs report,
please contact:

CIMNE Building C1
Campus Nord UPC
C/ Gran Capità, S/N
08034 Barcelona, Spain

Friday, March 28, 2025     [ login ]