The aeroelastic solution in PARACHUTES has the following main features:
  • 2-way staggered coupling between the aerodynamic and structural solvers.
  • No interpolation of results is required because the solvers share the same mesh.

  • The transient and steady-state responses of the structure are obtained in a very efficient way.

  • The number of structural time increments performed per aerodynamic step (necessary for stability of the explicit solver) is automatically controlled according to the analysis time increment specified by the user.

  • Numerical damping is introduced to control high-frequency oscillations(∗).
(∗) The coupling approach in PARACHUTES is designed for cost-effectiveness, and this requires some compromises. One is the need of numerical damping. In this sense, this is not expected to affect the global dynamic behavior of the structure (usually of most interest to designers) because the damping forces are very small compared with other forces in the system. Regarding the high-frequency response, this can be affected to some extent. However, since these modes typically have low amplitude and involve only small parts of the structure, this is not suppossed to be a serious limitation in PARACHUTES.

For additional information regarding PARACHUTES, available type of licenses and bugs report,
please contact:

CIMNE Building C1
Campus Nord UPC
C/ Gran Capità, S/N
08034 Barcelona, Spain

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