is designed as a Gid+ calculation module.This greatly simplifies the use of the code while allowing benefit from all the capabilities of the pre and post-processing software GiD. These include:
  • CAD tools for creation and manipulation of the geometry. Models can also be imported from several CAD formats.

  • Customized menu windows for an easy configuration of the program input parameters (material properties, solver control settings and boundary conditions)

  • Structured and non-structured mesh generation and edition tools.

  • Menu windows for launching and monitoring the simulation.

  • Post-process tools that offer a wide range of possibilities for the analysis and visualization of the simulation results. Calculated data can also be exported to other analysis software.

More information about GiD+ modules here.

For additional information regarding PARACHUTES, available type of licenses and bugs report,
please contact:

CIMNE Building C1
Campus Nord UPC
C/ Gran Capità, S/N
08034 Barcelona, Spain

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