The structural module in PARACHUTES is designed for the robust and fast solution of highly non-linear problems. The solver is based on a large-displacement small-strain Finite Element formulation with explicit second-order time integration, and particular emphasis has been given to its computational efficiency. The main features of the solver are:
  • Modeling of membranes, cables and solids using linear finite elements.

  • Wrinkling model for cables and membranes.

  • Sets of structural components can be solved as rigid bodies (this reduces the cost when the deformation of certain parts is negligible).

  • A numerical dissipation model with Rayleigh damping and bulk viscosity is used to control spurious oscillations. The damping forces can be calculated using velocities relative to the system’s center of mass to avoid affecting rigid-body motions.

  • Changes in the cables length can be applied to simulate maneuvers. The lines deformation can be specified by the user as a function of time, and also can be given by solver routines dedicated for automatic control and guidance.

  • The structural module can be used separately from the aerodynamic to analyze structures under prescribed sets of loads.

For additional information regarding PARACHUTES, available type of licenses and bugs report,
please contact:

CIMNE Building C1
Campus Nord UPC
C/ Gran Capità, S/N
08034 Barcelona, Spain

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