European Projects

NextSim CODA: Next generation of industrial aerodynamic simulation code website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/03/2021 29/02/2024 H2020 (2014-2020) EuroHPC- Joint Undertaking 956104 BSC $86,034.69
eFlows4HPC Enabling dynamic and Intelligent workflows in the future EuroHPCecosystem
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/01/2021 29/02/2024 H2020 (2014-2020) EuroHPC- Joint Undertaking 955558 BSC $250,687.50
EdgeTwins HPC Bringing Digital Twins to the Edge for mass Industry 4.0 applications website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/06/2020 30/11/2021 H2020 (2014-2020) SC7-Secure societies 946009 CIMNE $57,500.00
ExaQUte EXAscale Quantification of Uncertainties for Technology and Science Simulation website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/06/2018 30/11/2021 H2020 (2014-2020) FET-Future & emerging technologies 800898 CIMNE $698,500.00
ULITES Ultra-lightweight structures with integrated photovoltaic solar cells: design, analysis and application to an emergency shelter prototype website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
07/01/2013 06/01/2015 FP7 (2007-2013) CAPACITIES 314891 BUILDAIR $300,000.00

National Projects

NextSim Nacional Next generation of industrial aerodynamic simulation code
Start End Funding bodies Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/03/2021 29/02/2024 MICINN Acciones Programación Conjunta Internacional (APCIN) PCI2021-121945 CIMNE $232,309.50
EFLOWS4HPC Nacional Enabling dynamic and Intelligent workflows in the future EuroHPCecosystem website
Start End Funding bodies Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/01/2021 29/02/2024 MICINN Acciones Programación Conjunta Internacional (APCIN) PCI2021-121944 CIMNE $230,628.67
AMADEUS Advanced Multi-scAle moDEling of coupled mass transport for improving water management in fUel cellS
Start End Funding bodies Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/01/2019 30/09/2022 MCIU Proyectos de I+D: Generación de Conocimiento PGC2018-101655-B-I00 CIMNE $107,690.01
PRECISE Métodos numéricos avanzados para el estudio de estructuras civiles frente a flujos de agua extremos Numerical methods for PREdicting the behaviour of CIvil StructurEs under water natural hazards
Start End Funding bodies Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/01/2018 31/12/2020 MCIU Retos Investigación: Proyectos de I+D+i BIA2017-83805-R CIMNE $127,050.00
AVINT Estratègies de mecanitzat i predicció de la rugositat per a una integritat superficial òptima (Comunitat RIS3CAT Industries del Futur)
Start End Funding bodies Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/01/2018 31/12/2020 MCIU Retos Investigación: Proyectos de I+D+i COMRDI16-1-0019-08 EURECAT $125,158.44
Start End Funding bodies Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/09/2016 31/12/2020 MEIC Retos Colaboración: Proyectos I+D RTC-2016-4967-5 INCLAM $176,024.00
PARFLOW Desarrollo y validación de métodos computacionales para análisis de flujos ambientales de partículas y sus efectos en la construción y el terreno Development and validation of computational methods for analysis of particulate environmental flows and their effects on constructions and landscape
Start End Funding bodies Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/01/2014 31/12/2016 MINECO Retos Investigación: Proyectos de I+D+i BIA2013-49007-C2-1-R CIMNE $60,500.00
e-DAMS Métodos numéricos y experimentales para la evaluación de la seguridad y protección de las presas de materiales sueltos en situación de sobrevertido. Numerical and experimental techniques for safety assessment and protection of embankment dams in overtopping scenarios website
Start End Funding bodies Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/01/2011 31/12/2013 MICINN Investigación Fundamental No Orientada BIA2010-21350-C03-00/BIA2010-21350-C03-01/BIA2010-21350-C03-0 CIMNE $49,489.00
XPRES Desarrollo de un método para estudio del proceso de rotura de presas de escollera por sobrevertido combinando técnicas de elementos finitos y partículas. Development of a method for studyng the failure process of rockill embankment dams combining finite website
Start End Funding bodies Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/10/2007 30/09/2010 MEC Proyectos I+D BIA2007-68120-C03-01 CIMNE $179,080.00