Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=641
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Project title Desarrollo y validación de métodos computacionales para análisis de flujos ambientales de partículas y sus efectos en la construción y el terreno Development and validation of computational methods for analysis of particulate environmental flows and their effects on constructions and landscape
Reference BIA2013-49007-C2-1-R
Principal investigator Sergio Rodolfo IDELSOHN BARG - sergio@cimne.upc.edu
Riccardo ROSSI BERNECOLI - rrossi@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/01/2014 End date 31/12/2016
Coordinator CIMNE
Consortium members
Program Fomento I+D+i orientada a retos sociedad Call Proyectos de I+D: Retos de la Sociedad 2013
Subprogram Retos Investigación: Proyectos de I+D+i Category Nacional
Funding body(ies) MINECO Grant $60,500.00
Abstract The objective of this research project is the development and experimental validation of a new generation of mathematical and computational methods allowing the study of flows incorporating particles of different sizes (i.e. particulate flows) and their interaction with structures in environmental hazards. The new methods will be applicable to fluid-soil-structure interaction (FSSI) problems for predictive safety of constructions and landscape to environmental hazards involving outstanding particulate water flows. The constructions include buildings, bridges, harbours, dams, dykes, breakwaters, and similar infrastructures and landscape under extraordinary forces due to hazards such as flooding and mudflow, sea waves and tsunamis, as well as water spills due to the collapse of dams, dykes and reservoirs induced by earthquakes and landslides, among others. The specific research aims of PARFLOW are: a) development and validation of a next generation of predictive methods based on new mathematical models and efficient computational procedures integrating a new particle-based method, the discrete element method and the finite element method for estimating the dynamics of three dimensional free surface particulate flows and their interaction with constructions and landscape accounting for FSSI effects, b) Extension of the new computational methods for FSSI problems allowing for failure mechanisms in the structure and the soil, c) application of the new methods for predicting the risk of failure in selected constructions and landscape under particulate flows in environmental hazards ,d) conditioning and performance of an experimental campaign based on rapidly variable flow (dam break) with a two-phase fluid (liquid - sediment) and their possible interactions with structures, e) development of a measurement equipment based on digitized images from a high-speed video, using standard lighting and laser lighting, f) validation of the new numerical model with data acquired in the experimental campaign The ultimate outputs of PARFLOW will be: a) new mathematical models and numerical methods for analysis of free surface particulate flows and their interaction with structures and b) new validated computational techniques and software for enhanced design and risk assessment of engineering constructions to protect human populations, civil infrastructure and landscape under environmental hazards involving particulate flows. The research work will be developed in a complementary and coordinated manner by two research groups led by distinguished scientists with proven experience in the development and experimental validation of computational methods for application in fluids and solid mechanics at the International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) and the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in Spain.