Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=490
Acronym XPRES
Project title Desarrollo de un método para estudio del proceso de rotura de presas de escollera por sobrevertido combinando técnicas de elementos finitos y partículas. Development of a method for studyng the failure process of rockill embankment dams combining finite
Official Website
Reference BIA2007-68120-C03-01
Principal investigator Riccardo ROSSI BERNECOLI - rrossi@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/10/2007 End date 30/09/2010
Coordinator CIMNE
Consortium members
  • UPM
Program Proyectos y Acciones Complementarias Call PLAN NACIONAL 2007
Subprogram Proyectos I+D Category Nacional
Funding body(ies) MEC Grant $179,080.00
Abstract The objective of the project is to develop an original computational method for the stability analysis and the follow up of the failure process of rockfill embankment dams due to an overspill. The onset and evolution of failure will be modelled by means of experimental tests on physical models at different scales. The new computational method will be based on the combination of advanced finite element methods and particle techniques. A Lagrangian description will be used to model both the kinematics of the flow particles and the deformation of the structure. The analysis method will be validated by comparing its results with those of experimental tests in scale models of dams. The method will allow to study in detail the stress-strain state of the dam and its possible instability and failure under water forces during an overspill, accounting for geometrical and material non linearities in the structure and coupled fluid-structure interaction effects. The new computational method will be a useful tool for the accurate evaluation of the stability and the safety of a rockfill embankment dam under unusual water loads, generally not considered in the design stage of such constructions. In summary, the project aim is to develop new computational tool able to evaluate accurately the failure process of the dam. The new tool will be more adequate than those available today allowing only gross predictions of a problem which, by its impact in the safety and economical impact on the dam and its surroundings, deserves the more rigorous treatment aimed in this project.