European Projects

NextSim CODA: Next generation of industrial aerodynamic simulation code website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/03/2021 29/02/2024 H2020 (2014-2020) EuroHPC- Joint Undertaking 956104 BSC $86,034.69
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/01/2020 31/12/2022 H2020 (2014-2020) SC4-Smart, green & integrated transport 875538 UPM $165,217.50
CityFlows Decision-support system for pro-active crowd management of crowded urban spaces website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/01/2020 31/12/2021 H2020 (2014-2020) SC4-Smart, green & integrated transport 20003/21099 AMS Institute $112,620.85
GAVIUS Gavius: from reactive to proactive public administrations website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/09/2019 28/02/2023 UIA Initiative Sustainable use of land and nature based solutions UIA04-095 AJUNTAMENT DE GAVA $207,124.80
ExaQUte EXAscale Quantification of Uncertainties for Technology and Science Simulation website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/06/2018 30/11/2021 H2020 (2014-2020) FET-Future & emerging technologies 800898 CIMNE $698,500.00
ICARe International Cooperation in Aviation Research website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/10/2017 31/05/2020 H2020 (2014-2020) SC4-Smart, green & integrated transport 769512 ERDYN CONSULTANTS $51,062.04
FIBRESHIP Engineering, production and life-cycle management for massive application of FIBRE-based materials in large-length SHIPs website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/06/2017 31/05/2020 H2020 (2014-2020) SC4-Smart, green & integrated transport 723360 TSI $982,150.01
IMAGE Innovative Methodologies and technologies for reducing Aircraft noise Generation and Emission website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/04/2016 30/06/2019 H2020 (2014-2020) SC4-Smart, green & integrated transport 688971 CHALMERS $190,000.02
DRAGY Drag Reduction in Turbulent Boundary Layer via Flow Control website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/04/2016 30/06/2019 H2020 (2014-2020) SC4-Smart, green & integrated transport 690623 CIMNE $233,781.74
ECO-COMPASS Ecological and Multifunctional Composites for Application in Aircraft Interior and Secondary Structures website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/04/2016 30/06/2019 H2020 (2014-2020) SC4-Smart, green & integrated transport 690638 DLR $244,892.89
e-CAERO 2 European Collaborative Dissemination of Aeronautical research and applications 2 website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/12/2014 30/11/2017 H2020 (2014-2020) SC4-Smart, green & integrated transport 640316 CIMNE $151,875.00
GRAIN 2 Greener Aeronautics International Networking website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/10/2013 31/05/2016 FP7 (2007-2013) COOPERATION 605119 CIMNE $45,073.60
UMRIDA unCertainty quAntification Robust DesIgN Aeronautics website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/10/2013 30/09/2016 FP7 (2007-2013) COOPERATION 605036 NUMECA $130,000.00
PARAPLANE Development of a New Steerable Parachute System for Rescue of Small and Medium Size Airplanes website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/12/2012 31/05/2015 FP7 (2007-2013) CAPACITIES 315105 CIMSA $370,000.00
NEURAL Neural network computation for fast trajectory prediction website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/04/2011 31/05/2012 FP7 (2007-2013) COOPERATION 278170 GTD $43,391.00
GRAIN Greener Aeronautics International Networking website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/10/2010 31/12/2012 FP7 (2007-2013) COOPERATION ACS0-GA-2010-266184 CIMNE $57,082.36
MARS Manipulation of Reynolds stress for drag reduction and separation control website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/10/2010 31/03/2014 FP7 (2007-2013) COOPERATION 266326 CIMNE $219,383.29
E-CAERO European Collaborative Dissemination of Aeronautical research and applications website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/09/2009 31/10/2013 FP7 (2007-2013) COOPERATION ACS8-GA-2009-234229 CIMNE $245,708.00
VALIANT VALidation and Improvement of Airframe Noise prediction Tools website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/09/2009 31/05/2013 FP7 (2007-2013) COOPERATION ACP8-GA-2009-233680 VKI $168,997.00
ALEF Aerodynamic loads estimation at extremes of the flight envelope website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/05/2009 30/04/2012 FP7 (2007-2013) COOPERATION ACP7-GA-2009-211785 AIRBUS FRANCE $159,125.25
CRESCENDO Collaborative and Robust Engineering using Simulation Capability Enabling Next Design Optimisation website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/05/2009 31/10/2012 FP7 (2007-2013) COOPERATION ACP8-GA-2010-234344 AIRBUS FRANCE $306,457.50

National Projects

NextSim Nacional Next generation of industrial aerodynamic simulation code
Start End Funding bodies Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/03/2021 29/02/2024 MICINN Acciones Programación Conjunta Internacional (APCIN) PCI2021-121945 CIMNE $232,309.50
AVINT Estratègies de mecanitzat i predicció de la rugositat per a una integritat superficial òptima (Comunitat RIS3CAT Industries del Futur)
Start End Funding bodies Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/01/2018 31/12/2020 MCIU Retos Investigación: Proyectos de I+D+i COMRDI16-1-0019-08 EURECAT $125,158.44
Start End Funding bodies Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/10/2009 31/03/2011 MICINN Proyectos Singulares-Estratégicos PSE-420000-2009- 003 RUCKER LYPSA, S.L. $103,250.00