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European Partners, and Chinese co-coordinator
The International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE, is a research organization in Barcelona, Spain. CIMNE was created in 1987 as a Consortium between the Catalan Government (Generalitat de Catalunya) and the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC \Uffffffff Universitat Polit\Uffffffffica de Catalunya). CIMNE is an autonomous RTD centre focusing in promoting and fostering advances in the development and application of numerical methods and computational techniques for the solution of engineering problems in an international context.

CIMNE employs some 180 scientists and engineers from different technical fields and nationalities specialised in the development and of numerical methods to a wide class of engineering problems. The research activities of CIMNE cover the development of innovative constitutive models for composite materials and structures, new numerical methods for non linear analysis and safety studies of structures, shape optimization in structural and fluid dynamic problems, computational fluid dynamics studies for both external and internal flow problems and numerical simulation of material deformation and forming processes for the manufacturing industry, mesh generation and visualization interfaces, casting and thermal process, stochastic optimization as well as program parallelization and distributed (grid) computing techniques.

In the last twenty years CIMNE has taken part in over 450 RTD projects with over 200 companies and organizations. Some 110 of these projects have received EC support through FP3-7 programmes. CIMNE has been the coordinator of some 30 EC funded projects (including a cluster of projects in the FP5 IST programme). The outcome of the research is recorded in over 900 scientific publications, technical reports and educational software codes published by CIMNE. CIMNE has also successfully organized some 200 courses and seminars and around 60 international conferences. CIMNE has also specialized in the development of decision support systems integrating Artificial Intelligence models based on the Monte Carlo method, Neural Networks and IT tools such as wireless sensor networks and user friendly interfaces for finite element based simulation software. CIMNE received one of the 2002 IST Awards for a new software product named GiD [GiD 2003] for pre-processing analysis data and the visualization of numerical results from engineering computations (see Also, in 2003 CIMNE received the City of Barcelona Award in Technological Research for the development of GID system \Uffffffffan innovative and easy graphic interface for modelization and visualization of numerical simulations results\Uffffffff.

Key contact person
Prof. Gabriel Bugeda is a UPC and CIMNE professor with more than 15 years of experience in the development of numerical methods for engineering applications. He managed several European research projects, including support activities like AEROCHINA 1 and 2, and GRAIN. He will contribute in both KGT2 and KGT3, where CIMNE is involved.

Prof. Jacques Periaux is a Senior visiting professor in CIMNE with a large experience in optimization methods, CFD and aeronautical applications. Prof Periaux is the former technical director of Dassault Aviation. He will mainly contribute in KGT2.

Dr. Jordi Pons is a researcher in CIMNE, responsible for the aeronautical projects group. His PhD thesis developed new methodologies for Robust optimization using Monte-Carlo and Latin Hypercube methods combined with evolutionary algorithms. He supported Prof. Bugeda during the GRAIN project, and he is acting as deputy coordinator in the MARS research project, which includes several Chinese partners. He will contribute in both KGT2 and KGT3, where CIMNE is involved.

Airbus is comprised of 5 main companies: Airbus SAS, Airbus Operations SL, Airbus Operations SAS, Airbus Operations ltd, and Airbus Operations GmbH, all owned by EADS NV. Airbus has a payroll of around 55.000 employees throughout the world and since its creation as GIE at the end of 1970, has manufactured and delivered 6000 aircraft and sold more than 9000.
Since 1972, Spain has participated in the development and production phase of the most extensive and modern range of commercial aircraft with more than 100 seats. To date, Airbus Operations S.L is responsible for the design, development and manufacturing of structural components for all Airbus aircraft models, being specialised in large carbon fibre lifting surfaces.

Airbus Operations S.L. facilities include the Getafe (Madrid) and Puerto Real (C\Uffffffffz) facilities together with the Advanced Composite Centre of Illescas (Toledo). The current headcount of Airbus Operations S.L exceeds 2500 persons. Airbus Operations S.L has considerable experience in R&D projects and is engaged in international interchanges of technology concerning advanced materials technologies and is participating regularly in European funded research programmes.

Background information and experience
AIRBUS has long-term experience and expertise in the specification, industrialization and application of numerical methods for aerodynamic aircraft design and data production including single discipline optimization (SDO), multidiscipline analysis (MDA) and multidisciplinary optimization (MDO).
Since early 2000\Uffffffffs advanced developments have been achieved by Airbus in setting-up multi-physics simulation in the field of fluid-structure coupling for aeroelastics, conjugate heat transfer for aerothermics in ventilation of compartments, simulation of icing shape accretion, aeroacoustics for the simulation of noise source and propagation.

All these simulation are made by considering fluid simulation with a specific emphasis put on accuracy for drag prediction and optimization technique based on adjointNavier-Stokes method.
The staff of AI-E has wide experience in aircraft aerodynamic and structural design and analysis. It has become specialist in the field of horizontal tail plane design and manufacturing. In that way it has developed the horizontal tail plane of the successive Airbus Industry aircraft up to today. AI-E is responsible, among other parts, of the horizontal tailplane and belly-fairing of the recently launched A380. This experience has been accomplished and maintained thanks to the considerable effort of continuous funding to the field of research and development carried out by the company.
On the numerical side, Airbus has a wide experience in the development of numerical methods, both structured and unstructured as well as on the multi-physics domain.

Key person contact
Daniel Redondo, Aerodynamics R&T Operations Manager (AI-E), aerospace engineer and physicist with 8 years experience in aerodynamic research leading Airbus contribution to European projects.
Address:    Airbus Operations SL (A4B2 P038), Paseo John Lennon S/N, 28906, Getafe, Madrid (Spain)
Telephone:    +34 91624 3560

Dr. Dale King, senior manager for international R&T partnerships, with over 30 years working in Airbus research and technology, currently responsible for developing global strategy and cooperation programs.
Address:    Airbus Operations Ltd, Filton, Bristol, UK, BS99 7A (R&T Plateau, Building 20A1)
Telephone:    +44 117 9363926

Both Daniel and Dale will contribute in KGT2, where AIRBUS is involved.


The European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, EUROCONTROL, was founded in 1963. It is an intergovernmental organisation supporting its member states in the development, implementation and operation of a seamless, performance driven pan-European Air Traffic Management network. EUROCONTROL is a civil - military organisation with currently 39 member states.
The main activities of EUROCONTROL are focused upon the coordination and planning of air traffic management across Europe. This involves working with air transport stakeholders from the national authorities, air navigation service providers, civil and military airspace users, airports, and other organizations. Its activities involve all gate-to-gate air navigation service operations: Network Management, controller training, regional control of airspace, safety-proven technologies and procedures, collection of air navigation charges, regulatory support functions and research.
EUROCONTROL has a long history in research and the co-ordination and monitoring of European ATM related research, most notably through its engagement in ACARE and in the ARDEP products.
EUROCONTROL is a founding member of the SESAR Joint Undertaking and is actively engaged in the co-ordination of European research related to the modernisation of the European ATM system and its further improvement, with particular emphasis upon the overall performance of the European ATM network. Through its recognised capabilities and expertise, it contributes actively to the research, development and validation of future technical and operational improvements.
Through its engagement in research it has frequently encountered and upon occasions worked with the Civil Aviation Authority of China and in particular its safety research centre and Air Traffic Management Bureau who is responsible for the provision of ANS services in the Republic of China.  
Contribution to GRAIN2
EUROCONTROL will bring its expertise and previous experience in the Air Traffic Management domain, and in particular to elements relating to Safety and safety management, and the optimisation and management of the Air Traffic network. EUROCONTROL may also support activities addressing the environmental domain covering air quality, noise and climate change impact assessments, ATM mitigations (Operational procedures), regulation issues (MBM).
Key contact person
David YOUNG, Responsible for ATM policy within the ATM Policy Bureau at EUROCONTROL, with particular emphasis upon European Air Transport and Air Traffic Management. Active member of Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe, where he is a member of its steering board, has co-chaired the Safety and Security working group and co-authored the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda addressing the challenges of Flightpath 2050.
Has experience in initiating activities with Chinese counterparts and has worked together with Chinese representative in collaborative research in FP 6. He will contribute in KGT4.

Contact Data:
Address: Rue de la Fus\Uffffffff96, Bruxelles 1130, Belgium
Phone: +33 1 69 88 72 28
Fax: +33 1 69 88 70 18
Email: YOUNG Dave


Honeywell Aerospace
Honeywell is a global company employing 130,000 people in nearly 100 countries. 25% of the Honeywell staff are employed in Europe. We perform basic research, working closely with universities and laboratories, and develop advanced technology for our Aerospace, Transportations Systems, Automation and Control Solutions and Specialty Materials businesses. Honeywell International s.r.o. in the Czech Republic operates as a separate legal entity within the Honeywell corporate structure. The entity is authorized to execute Aerospace R&D within the Czech Republic, and its sites of Prague and Brno form public sector technology centers of excellence for Honeywell Aerospace in Europe. This European arm of the Advanced Technology group develop local know-hop and Intellectual Property through collaborative research in the FP6 and FP7 programs funded by the European Commission, as well as programs funded by the Czech national research authorities.
Honeywell Belgium will act as a third party of Honeywell Aerospace.

Contribution to GRAIN2
We propose our contribution in the following tasks:
\Uffffffff    Participate in selected meetings and workshops
\Uffffffff    Provide advice and guidance
\Uffffffff    Support in identifying the common R&D interests in Key Green Technologies

Background information and experience
Honeywell Aerospace is a global and leading player in the aviation market.We are provider of technology and services that cover almost every on-board system for fixed wing, rotary wing and remotely piloted aircraft. The company is a Founding Member of the European ATM modernization program SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research). It is also involved in the ANTARES project which is being executed under the ESA IRIS programme.

Honeywell is actively participating in numerous European and national research and development projects. Most of the current projects are co-funded by the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission (SAFAR, MERASA, REFLECT, ESPOSA, HAIC, ULTRA), ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking (iFEST, RECOMP, CAMMI) and the Czech national research support programmes (ENTIS).

In addition, Honeywell Aerospace has also presence in many locations China. Amongst those are a number of ATM labs.

Key contact person:
M.Sc. Joeri De Ruytter has a Masters Degree in Avionics and is an active private pilot ever since he was 16 years old.  He spent the whole of his career in the aviation market and is a recognized aviation expert by the European Commission. He has been business developer and consultant at some of the major European aviation companies, covering the fields of Air Traffic Management, Airports and Avionics. Currently he is responsible for R&T Business Development and Strategic Partnerships at Advanced Technology Europe unit of Honeywell Aerospace. He is also Member of the Royal Aeronautical Society (MRAeS) and Secretary of its Brussels Branch. He will contribute in KGT4.

Contact data:
R&T Business Development and Partnerships
Honeywell Aerospace
Hermeslaan 1H
B-1831 Diegem, Belgium
Tel  +32 2 40 30 10 2
Mob +32 497 488 704

The EADS Corporate Research Centre is the transnational R&D centre for the EADS group. Entities are in Suresnes, Ottobrunn, Toulouse, Hamburg, and liaison offices in Singapore and Moscou.
The Surenes Centre in France has personnel of 300 persons with highly skilled and experienced engineers and scientists as well as project managers.

The missions of EADS IW are:
-    As a global R&T partner, the EADS Corporate Research Centre enables superior return on R&T investment and regional presence through: an open and flexible organization; maximizing its innovation potential through a high degree of co-operation and integration with public and private research organizations; acquiring and promoting the best available knowledge.
-    Assure added value by synergy of shared research inside EADS and by cooperation with research partner organisations (e.g. DLR, INTA, ONERA, Universities, Laboratories\Uffffffff).
-    Maintain and develop innovation potential for long term technological competitiveness of EADS.
-    Enable emerging technology integration in current and future EADS products.
-    Support EADS technology strategy.

Some of the competitive advantages to products, processes and services of the EADS group are:
-    Providing services in intellectual property and standardisation.
-    Multidisciplinary know-how combining expertise and shared facilities.
-    Developing new tools and methods for processes in design, testing, manufacturing, simulation and quality assurance.
-    Accelerated transfer of results into products and services.
-    Rapid reaction force for technical consultancy.
-    Advanced expertise and skills.

Background information and experience
Composites Technologies
Metallic Technologies & Surface Engineering
Structure Engineering, Production & Aeromechanics
Sensors, Electronics & Systems Integration
Engineering, Physics, IT, Security Services & Simulation
Energy & Propulsion

Key contact person
Dr. Cyrille Schwob
Dr. Pierre Vialettes, VIALETTES Pierre

Both Cyrille and Pierre will contribute in KGT1 and KGT3, where EADS is involved.

Contact Data :
D. Cyrille Schwob, Research Engineer at IW, is specialized in computational mechanics methods. He will be the key contact person.
European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company - EADS
12, rue Pasteur \Uffffffff BP 76
92152 Suresnes Cedex - France
+33 1 46 97 30 00
Numeca International
NUMECA Int. is a Belgian SME (, with headquarters located in Brussels, active in the development of advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), grid generation, multiphysics and optimization software. Founded as a result of research activities carried out in the field of CFD at the Department of Fluid Mechanics of the VrijeUniversiteitBrussel (VUB), NUMECA has been growing steadily and has progressively gained worldwide recognition. Presently, NUMECA has over 80 engineers and PhD scientists at its headquarters in Brussels, and another 30-35 active in its worldwide network. The NUMECA software allows simulation, design and optimization of fluid flow and heat transfer and worldwide manufacturers trust NUMECA for the superior performance, reliability and ease-of-use of its software and for its professional services.

NUMECA activities are, for a large part, oriented towards the area of aeronautics and propulsion. NUMECA is indeed heavily focusing its CFD software products FINETM/Turbo, the automatic grid generator AutogridTM and FINETM/Design3D, towards the aerospace, propulsion and energy markets with a significant percentage of NUMECA customers being connected to the aerospace sector. FINE\Uffffffff/Design3D is a dedicated and fully integrated software environment for turbomachinery blade shape optimization, developed by NUMECA and several industrial partners, largely in use with several turbomachinery and engine manufacturers. FINE\Uffffffff/Open with OpenLabs is NUMECA\Uffffffffs unstructured software system, for external, internal and multiphysics applications. It is associated to OpenLabs which is a user-friendly environment allowing the introduction by any user of new CFD models. Currently, adjoints methods are introduced in FINE\Uffffffff/Open towards applications of error-based adaptation; uncertainty quantification and optimization.

NUMECA has a broad experience with EU projects and is currently involved in several FP7 projects, such as ERICKA (optimization of cooled turbine blade components), ATAAC (on advanced turbulence models for aeronautics), FFAST (on Reduced Order Modelling techniques for aeroelastic simulations), VALIANT (on broadband aircraft noise analysis), IDIHOM (on development of high order methods for CFD). NUMECA was also involved in several recently terminated projects, such as DESIDER (DES methods for aeronautics), UFAST (on shock boundary layer interactions). NUMECA has recently been awarded four CLEANSKY subcontracts, related to counter-rotating open rotors with the associated evaluation of noise, aeroacoustics and porting its CFD codes to GPU\Uffffffffs, within the SFWA and GRA ITD\Uffffffffs.
NUMECA was coordinating the NODESIM-CFD project, on uncertainty quantification and non-deterministic simulations. In addition, NUMECA acted as coordinator of the ADCOMB-CFD (FP6) Marie-Curie Project, related to combustion modelling, and is presently coordinator of a follow-on IAPP project COMBINA, oriented at premixed combustion modelling. Currently, NUMECA is partner in two ITN\Uffffffffs, ANADE on CFD research and MARE-WINT on technology for offshore wind turbines.

Key Contact Person
Prof. Ch. Hirsch, president and founder of NUMECA, will be the official contact point during the project, he will take care of the coordination and responsible for the NUMECA contributions. He has more than 30 years experience in CFD and related fields.
Prof. Charles Hirsch is Em. Professor at the VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL (VUB) and President,of the CFD software company NUMECA International. He is Fellow of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and Arts, and Honorary Professor at the Xi\Uffffffffan JaiTong University, Xi\Uffffffffan, China.
He is author of the books Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows; The fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics
Second edition; Elsevier, 2007, and the earlier editions of Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows\Uffffffff; Volume 1 : Fundamentals of Numerical Discretisation\Uffffffff, 1988; Volume 2 : Computational Models for Inviscid and Viscous Flow Models\Uffffffff, 1990 John Wiley & Sons. He has published many papers on CFD; turbomachinery aerodynamics; turbulence; wind energy. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of John Wiley\Uffffffffs Series on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences European Editor of the International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics. He will contribute in both KGT1 and KGT2.

Phone: 00 32 2 642 28 00


DLR is Germany\Uffffffffs national research centre for aeronautics and space. Its extensive research and development work in Aeronautics, Space, Energy, Transport and Security is integrated into national and international cooperative ventures. As Germany\Uffffffffs space agency, DLR has been given responsibility for the forward planning and the implementation of the German space programme by the German federal government as well as for the international representation of German interests. Furthermore, Germany\Uffffffffs largest project management agency is also part of DLR. Approximately 7300 people are employed at 16 locations in Germany: Cologne (headquarters), Augsburg, Berlin, Bonn, Braunschweig, Bremen, Goettingen, Hamburg, Juelich, Lampoldshausen, Neustrelitz, Oberpfaffenhofen, Stade, Stuttgart, Trauen, and Weilheim. DLR also operates offices in Brussels, Paris, and Washington D.C.
About 150 scientists and engineers are working at the Institute of Composite Structures and Adaptive Systems, which has sites in Braunschweig, Stade, Hamburg and Bremen. The main topics of our research and development are multifunctional materials, structural mechanics, composite design, composite technology, adaptronics and composite process technology. Our research focuses on the improvement of weight efficiency, cost efficiency, functionality, comfort and environmental protection. Since 2007, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Wiedemann has been the head of our institute, which has been growing constantly. In 2010, the Center for Lightweight Production-Technology (ZLP) in Stade was founded as an addition to the institute and complemented the research by further topics. We cooperate with partners and customers from the industry, science and politics on a national and international level. We bridge the gap between fundamental research and industrial application. Our research covers the entire process chain to create adaptable, tolerant, efficiently manufactured, lightweight structures. It is our conviction that successful research and development in the field of functional CFRP structures is driven by close collaboration between materials, engineering, production and quality disciplines. In order to deal with strength, stability and thermo-mechanical phenomena, we operate unique experimental facilities like thermo-mechanical test facilities, buckling facilities and an Airbus qualified material test lab. Our Institute has capabilities in the areas of preforming, filament winding, liquid composite moulding and microwave curing. We also feature a fiber placement facility with cooperating robots, the biggest research autoclave worldwide and a high production rate RTM process line. These state of the art manufacturing facilities enable us to develop novel manufacturing technologies and to realize innovative composite structures.

Key Contact Person
Maksim Danilov, 2006 \Uffffffff currently: Research engineer and deputy head of department \UffffffffComposite Technology\Uffffffff at the German Aerospace Center. Main focus of research: energy-efficient manufacturing of CFRP.
2000-2006: Technical university Braunschweig, Germany. Graduated in 2006 with diploma degree in mechanical engineering
2003-2004: University of Southampton
Dr. Markus Kleineberg. He is Head of Department "Composite Technology" having more than 15 years' experience in manufacturing technologies, design and application of composite structures. His contact details are:

Mr. Maksim Danilov
Institute of Composite Structures and Adaptive Systems, German Aerospace Center,
Lilienthalplatz 7, 38108 Braunschweig, Germany;
Tel.: +49 531 2952872,

Dr. Markus Kleineberg
Institute of Composite Structures and Adaptive Systems
German Aerospace Center
Lilienthalplatz 7
38108 Braunschweig
Tel.: +49 531 2952315

They both will contribute in KGT3.

The National Aerospace Laboratory NLR is a Dutch organisation that identifies, develops and applies high-tech knowledge in the aviation and aerospace sectors. The NLR\Uffffffffs activities are socially relevant, market-orientated, and conducted not-for-profit. In this, the NLR serves to bolster the government\Uffffffffs innovative capabilities, while also promoting the innovative and competitive capacities of its partner companies. The NLR, renowned for its leading expertise, professional approach and independent consultancy, is staffed by client-orientated personnel who are not only highly skilled and educated, but also continuously strive to develop and improve their competencies. The NLR moreover possesses a large array of high quality research facilities for Air Transport Research, Development, Test and Evaluation.

Contribution to GRAIN 2
The NLR relevant products and services for GRAIN 2 are in the area of airport airside operations, airspace and air traffic management, and in the area of aircraft health monitoring.

The NLR contribution to KGT 3 of the GRAIN 2 programme will be delivered by the Aerospace Vehicles division, especially by the group working on health monitoring. This division of NLR is dedicated to the development of technology for next generation aircraft. The research focuses on flight physics, loads, design tools, engines, noise, structures, materials and testing.

NLR has a long and distinct track record in the field of Structural Integrity, Health and Usage Monitoring, Life Cycle Management, Integrated Weapon System Management, Load Monitoring, Data Management and Fatigue and Damage Tolerance. In these areas, NLR has supported and is supporting multiple Nations such as The Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Spain, Germany, Germany, Portugal and Chile, both for fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft. Data exchange agreements exist or are in the making with a.o. LM Aero, US Army, US Navy and various foreign nationals, such as Korea and Australia.

The NLR contribution to KGT 4 of GRAIN 2 will be delivered by the Air Transport division. The departments in the division cover all research activities relevant to the SESAR programme including: ATM and Airports; safety, environment and human factors; cockpit and flight operations; and simulation and validation. The NLR contributed to a large amount of research projects, and also lead several projects, funded by EU, Eurocontrol, ESA, EASA, EDA and of course Dutch national R&D programs. Such projects include SESAR, Clean Sky (trajectory based operations by aircraft, Smart fixed wing, Green rotorcraft and Ecodesign), Optimal (environmental friendly procedures and required ATC tools), Flysafe (technology and procedures for aircraft and ATC enabling all weather operations), Blocks & Bubbles (new airport airside operations), and ARTAS (development of Europe\Uffffffffs standard radar tracker).

Key contact person:
Luc de Nijs
Anthony Fokkerweg 2, 1059 CM, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
tel. +31 88 511 3737, fax. +31 88 511 3210
Luc de Nijs is responsible for developing business and setting up collaborations with international partners especially on ATM. Within NLR he is the prime contact person for ATM collaborations in China.

Arjen Vollebregt is the NLR poc for the our contribution in Environmental friendly materials and structures (KGT3).  His details:
Anthony Fokkerweg 2, 1059 CM, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
tel. +31 88 511 4436, fax. +31 88 511 3210
Arjen Vollebrecht is currently department manager Gas Turbines & Structural Integrity at NLR.

INRIA (National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control) is a French public sector scientific and technological institute with 2100 employees, operating under the dual authority of the Ministry of Research and the Ministry of Industry. The research carried out at INRIA brings together experts from the fields of computer science and applied mathematics covering the following areas: Networks and Systems; Software Engineering and Symbolic Computing; Man-Machine Interaction; Image Processing, Data Management, Knowledge Systems; Simulation and Optimization of Complex Systems.

Opale Project-Team has several objectives: analyze mathematically single or multi-disciplinary coupled systems of partial differential equations arising from physics or engineering in view of their optimization or control ( geometrical optimization); construct and experiment efficient numerical approximation methods (coupling algorithms, model reduction) and optimization algorithms (gradient-based and/or evolutionary algorithms, game theory); develop software platforms for the distributed parallel computation of the related discrete systems.

INRIA, the national institute for research in computer science and control, operating under the joint authority of the Ministries of Research and of Industry, is dedicated to fundamental and applied research in information and communication science and technology (ICST). INRIA has an annual budget of 125 million euros, one quarter of which comes from its own research contracts and development products.

Background information and experience
INRIA has a long experience of international cooperation and coordination responsible for the building of Modulef (300 installations/members), early contributing to build European structures as ERCIM, ERCOFTAC, ECCOMAS. Spatial CFD networks (Hypersonic database) and many CEC projects. The group OPALE gathers working on the design of efficient and accurate numerical methods for the simulation of complex compressible flows on unstructured meshes. INRIA has several years of experience in theoretical and experimental studies related to optimal control model problems and optimum design problems (industrial aerodynamics and electromagnetics) solved using Gas, among others. It has also several years expertise in building databases for CFD testcases (FLOWnet, INGEnet and PROMUVAL), as well as parallel, cluster and grid computing environments applied to CFD optimisation and aerostructure problems.

Key contact person
Dr. To\UffffffffNguy\Uffffffffis Directeur de Recherche with INRIA and Docteur \UffffffffSciences Math\Ufffffffftiques (PhD, Universit\Uffffffffe Grenoble I, 1986).
He is responsible for high-performance computing platforms for the project OPALE at INRIA, which focus is on numeric optimization.
His main interests are in distributed, grid, cloud and parallel computing, high-performance computing and workflow systems for e-Science, focusing on fault-tolerance and application resilience. He is involved in a number of European projects with partners from the aeronautics sector and with China. He is also involved in national projects with partners from the automotive sector. T. Nguy\Uffffffffis member of numerous international conferences Program Committees. T. Nguy\Uffffffffhas published over 150 papers in International Conferences and Journals (
He is member of the INRIA Commission d'Evaluation since 2011.
He is member of INRIA AGOS Board (cultural and social association) since 2008. He is also member of the local CLHS (Security and Health Committee) since 2009. He is Sauveteur Secouriste du Travail (emergency staff).
Toan nguyen will contribute to Task 2.1 and Task 2.2 focusing on the HPC item and its application to drag reduction, HPC innovative architecture, numerical simulation, etc He will contribute in KGT2.

Contact data:
655 avenue de l'Europe
38334 Saint-Ismier
Phone : +33 476 61 52 40

The CFD Software Entwicklungs- und Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (CFDB) is an innovative consulting SME offering high-tech solutions for fluid flow and aeroacoustic simulations. With strong links to the CFD research community, cutting-edge methods can be applied, which are yet to appear in commercial software. CFDB was founded in Berlin in 1987 and has completed contracts for a wide range of industrial customers spanning the aerospace, ground vehicle transportation and process engineering sectors. Alongside these consulting activities, CFDB also conducts specialised industrial training in CFD. In this manner, CFDB also contributes to the transfer of specialist expertise to industry.

Background information and experience
Technical expertise:
-    Hybrid RANS-LES methods for turbulence-resolving simulations
-    CFD-CAA approaches for airframe and jet noise simulation
-    Use of advanced HPC architectures for CFD simulations
-    Adjoint optimisation
-    Advanced statistical analysis for unsteady CFD data

Business fields:
-    Software development and method implementation
-    Expert personnel for industrial CFD
-    Method development research
-    IT consulting for CFD applications
-    Specialist industrial training

Key personnel
Prof. Dr. Frank Thiele is the Managing Director of CFDB, who brings over 30 years of experience in the management of research projects and high-level involvement in more than 10 EU-funded projects. He is an acknowledged expert in several fields, including turbulent flows and aeroacoustics, and has numerous long-term research collaborations with Chinese institutions.
Dr. Charles Mockett is a Senior Research Consultant of CFDB, who will be responsible for technical input into GRAIN 2. His principle area of expertise is hybrid RANS-LES methods (in particular DES), ranging from method development through to industrial aerodynamic and aeroacoustic applications and best-practice training. He has worked on numerous EU-funded research projects, including FLOMANIA, DESider, ATAAC, Go4Hybrid, REMFI and JERONIMO.
They will contribute in KGT2.

The Italian Aerospace Research Centre, is a limited consortium company founded in July 1984. The Italian government has entrusted CIRA to manage the PRORA (Italian Aerospace Research Program).
CIRA institutional aim is:
\Uffffffff    to carry out the PRORA by realizing Excellence Centres, which shall integrate Research Capabilities with the Large Fluid dynamic Facilities and Technological Laboratories in several main technologies areas
\Uffffffff    to be the National focal point in Aerospace Research and Technology
\Uffffffff    to contribute to the Competitive and Sustainable Growth of the Italian Aerospace Sector
\Uffffffff    to identify Scientific Objectives and develop Basic Research in synergy with the National and International Scientific Community
\Uffffffff    to support the Industry in Applied Research both in the development phase and in the technology validation phase
\Uffffffff    to act as a partner of the Scientific Community and Industry
\Uffffffff    to facilitate technology transfer from the aerospace field to other sectors
\Uffffffff    to provide technical assistance to public Authorities for qualification and regulations
As a member of EREA, CIRA works in close co-operation with European Aerospace Research Establishments.

Key personnel
Domenico Quagliarella is senior researcher in the Fluids Mechanics Department at CIRA. He got a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering and he is specialized in robust multi-objective optimization methods using evolutionary computing, with applications to aerodynamic and multidisciplinary design problems. He will be the key contact person.
Emiliano Iuliano is senior researcher at CIRA in the Fluid Dynamics Department. He is Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering and his main interests are in applied aerodynamics, aircraft multidisciplinary analysis and design, global optimization with surrogate models and in-flight icing. He will provide support for the KGT2 actions.
Raffaele Salvatore Donelli is senior researcher at CIRA in the Fluid Dynamics Department. He is specialized in laminar to turbulent flow transition prediction and laminar flow control technology. He is currently the CIRA responsible for \UffffffffInstability and Transition and Flow Control\Uffffffff research group in the \UffffffffApplied Aerodynamics Laboratory\Uffffffff. He will provide support for the KGT2 actions.
Mauro Minervino is experienced researcher at CIRA in the Fluid Dynamics Department. He works on aerodynamic design optimization and has gathered expertise in industrial application of advanced shape design methodologies. His research interests are focused on the needs of industry, and cover areas such as efficient and robust multidisciplinary design, aerodynamic and aero-elastic shape optimization, high-lift system design. He will provide support for the KGT2 actions.

Von Karman Institute
The von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, founded in 1956, is an international non profit organization for post graduate education and research in fluid dynamics. Permanent staff of VKI is about 95 in total, spread over its 3 departments: Aeronautics and Aerospace, Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics, Turbomachinery and Propulsion. VKI is an associate member of EREA (European Research Establishments in Aeronautics) and is also considered as a SME according to the Commission\Uffffffffs definition. The research and training activities are carried out combining experimental, theoretical and numerical approaches, and span over aeronautical and non-aeronautical flow applications of industrial interest. VKI has a large number of advanced experimental facilities, in total 43 wind tunnels and test rigs, available in the domain of aerospace, aeronautical and industrial fluid dynamics. They cover a large span, ranging from low speed to hypersonic. Experimental research is complemented by an important activity in the domain of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) which now covers more than 1/3 of the research activities. Two clusters of multi-processor computers are available. Many of the research activities carried out at the VKI are supported by research contracts with industry, governmental institutions or international institutions. VKI is currently or has been involved, as partner or coordinator, in several EC projects or networks, such as VITAL, PROBAND, IDIHOM, VALIANT, DREAM, IDeMAS, IDEALVENT, MESURE, CRAFT, LAPCAT, AETHER, PIVNET, FLOWnet, EUA4X, AMeGOS, ... .

Key personnel
Deconinck Herman, Professor and Dean of Faculty is specialized in advanced CFD methods with application in aeronautics. He will be the key contact person.
Verstraete Tom, Assistant Professor, specialized in turbomachinery multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) will provide support for the KGT1 actions. He has over 5 years of experience in turbomachinery related projects.
Christophe Schram, Associate. Professor, specialized in Aero-acoustics will provide support for the KGT2 actions. Prof. Schram is coordinater of the EU Valiant project concerned with advanced methods for broadband noise simulation. He has over 10 years of experience in aeroacoustics related projects.
Dr. Engineer LillaKapa-Koloszar obtained a PhD in Aeroacoustics in 2010. She will be involved in the coordination and management and the follow up of KGT2.

KTH is a public technical university accounting for one-third of Sweden\Uffffffffs technical research and engineering education capacity at university level. There are 12,000 full-year equivalent undergraduate students, 1,500 active postgraduate students, and 2,800 full time equivalent employees, of which 268 professors and 194 associate professors. About 300 BSc, 1600 MSc and MArchitecture, 135 licentiate and 240 PhD degrees are awarded annually, with 28% to women. The total turnover is 294 M\Uffffffff, 157 M\Uffffffff in university allocations and 108 M\Uffffffff from EU programs, national and private funding agencies.
KTH has extensive international research and educational exchange programs with universities and colleges, mainly in Europe, the USA and Australia, but also increasingly in Asia. The university participates actively in various EU research programs and also cooperates with Swedish and international development agencies.
KTH will participate through the Division of Fluid Technology and Climate in the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering. One of the important research aspects in the division is to develop advanced modelling and simulation methodologies to support CFD analysis of both fundamental and applied applications. The department has been active in the EU's research programs. In the project work, if needed, collaboration with other KTH researchers will be undertaken, for example, from the Department of Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering and the Department of Fluid Mechanics.
Key personnel to work in this project are:
Prof Shia-Hui Peng, he holds a guest professorship in Computational Thermal and Fluid Dynamics at KTH. He has extensive experience working on CFD in general, modelling of flow physics, aero-acoustics, flow control for fundamental research and aeronautical applications. He is Research Director in CFD and turbulence modelling, and also an adjunct professor in CFD at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. He will act as PoC of KTH in GRAIN2. He will provide support for the KGT2 actions concerning drag and noise reduction, with an emphasis on advanced flow-physics modelling and simulation methods in analysis of airframe drag and noise generation and reduction. He will act also together with UPM as the leader of WP 2 on the European side.

Telephone: +46-8-7904832 or cellphone: +46-73-4447673

Prof. Sture Holmberg is professor and the head of Division of Fluid and Climate Technology (FCT) at KTH. Holmberg has a cross-disciplinary background and interest in both experimental work and advanced numerical simulations. His many national and international contacts are important for the research outcome. He is today supervising 5 PhD students in several different research projects. He will provide internal support of the project work, as well as survey on the state-of-the-art work in the fields of numerical simulation and modelling.

Telephone: +46-8-7909775 or cellphone: +46-70-5643430


Leitat Technological Center
LEITAT Technological Center is dedicated to providing services to the industrial sector, adding technological value to the products and their processing. While focusing on R+D+i, these services are clearly oriented and aimed to comply with a constantly changing market.LEITAT has developed a strong expertise in new polymers, coating and paints, nanostructured materials, and materials with tailored properties to be used in many different automotive/aeronautical and Space applications including in the development of electronic and smart systems, in robotics and new production process as well as energy storage. In relation to industrial design, LEITAT offers know-how in rapid manufacturing and prototyping, design and simulation by FEA capabilities. Also LEITAT can contribute to design and fabrication of electronic components and their integration with the entire prototype. LEITAT can also develop proof-of-concept prototypes and systems. Our research divisions include: biomedicine, bioinvitro, nanohealth and safety, nanomaterials, industrial biotechnology, new production processes, fast moving consumer goods, smart systems, renewable energies, advanced polymers, environment, surface treatments, analytical chemistry and textile technologies. Its International Projects Office supports the RTD groups in administrative and managerial tasks and has broad experience and competencies to prepare and submit proposals and execute projects in several funding initiatives.Besides, LEITAT offers competencies and expertise in materials and components certification and testing for the automotive industry. Indeed, LEITAT has a long standing tradition to provide certification and testing services for local automotive related industries, including OEMs, vendors, and manufacturers.

Key Personnel
Marc Crescenti
Marc Crescenti is an industrial engineer (5 years university degree) specialized in mechanical engineering at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). He holds a master degree in materials and structures mechanics. He is focused on structural and fluid dynamics design and numerical analysis as well as on composite materials, making use of engineering tools as Finite Element Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics, and with deep knowledge of the complex micromechanical phenomenology and design and manufacturing criteria involved in composite materials. In GRAIN 2 Marc will provide technical support in tasks within WP1 and 3.

Email: , Phone: (+34) 93 788 23 00

Ahmad Bilal
Ahmad Bilal works as a Project Manager in the Transport and Aeronautics areas of the International Projects Office in Leitat Technological Centre.He is a graduate in aerospace engineering and has a Masters in Industrial Engineering and Management from Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy. He has experience in both public and private international institutions, developing and managing projects in the areas of Transport, Aeronautics, Environment and Energy.Currently, at LEITAT he is involved in preparation and implementation of several European projects within different thematic areas. In GRAIN 2 Ahmad will be involved in WP6 and will support WP1, 3 and will manage financial and administrative tasks of GRAIN 2 Project. Email: , Phone: (+34) 93 788 23 00

Address: C/ de la Innovaci\Uffffffff, 08225, Terrassa (Barcelona)


Airborne Technology Center
Airborne Technology Centre
Laan van Ypenburg 70
2497 GB Den Haag
The Netherlands
+31 70 3017400

Airborne develops and produces advanced composite products, for a variety of markets such as aeronautics, space, oil & gas, semiconductor industry and maritime. It turns innovative know-how into industrialised production, through integrated Design and Build programmes.It operates in three locations, The Hague and Ijmiuden in the Netherlands and Girona in Spain.   

The Airborne Technology Centre is founded to develop the new, differentiating composite technologies. The following four Research themes are defined:
\Uffffffff    Thermoplastic composites: Thermoplastic tape placement, in-situ consolidation, autoclave/oven consolidation, welding
\Uffffffff    Injection and perform technologies: RTM and VARTM, automated performing techniques, fast curing materials
\Uffffffff    Simulation: Composite mechanical behaviour, simulation of process-induced effects
\Uffffffff    Automation: Automated Fibre Placement, fiber steering, Continuous Winding process, machining of composites

Experience and contribution to previous EU funded projects
PDT-COIL (FP5):Power & Data Transmission Composite Coiled Tubing. Development of thermoplastic composite tubular technology, including new production process. Coordinator of the project
ZEM (FP5): Zero emission composite high pressure natural gas tank for automotive applications. Integration of fiberbragg gratings for structural health monitoring. FEA of damage behaviour, automated manufacturing process, prototyping
Clean Sky Green RotorCraft (FP7): development of a smart rotor blade, with integrated optical fibre sensors and active materials for shape morphing.Development of production technology and manufacturing of rotor prototype blades.
Clean Sky Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft (FP7): development and manufacturing of smart structure components in the wing/flaps, with integrated optical fibre sensors and active materials

Contribution to the project - skills and expertise
Airborne will provide an overview of the state-of-the-art of composite manufacturing processes, focused to primary aircraft structure. Novel production methods such as fibre placement, resin injection, new curing methods such as microwave and fast curing resins will be covered. Special attention will be given to the emerging field of Manufacturing Process Simulation, to simulate the effects of the production process on residual stresses and deformations. Current practice in industry is to solve this by trial-and-error, but adequate simulation is required to optimise the product, enhance safety and reduce development effort.

Key personnel
-    Marcus Kremers (
CTO of Airborne and Managing Director of the Airborne Technology Centre. His expertise is in technology development for composites, with an extensive experience in materials, processes, automation and design concepts.

-    Anders Br\Uffffffff (
Technology Manager at Airborne Technology Centre with 15 years of experience in the field of composite materials and processes.

-    Tahira Ahmed (
Project Manager at the Airborne Technology Centre. Her expertise is on project management of research projects, with an academic background at the TU Delft on composites (PhD).


Sheffield University
The University of Sheffield, which celebrated its centenary in 2005, is one of the UK\Uffffffffs leading research-led universities, with an international reputation for excellence in both teaching and research. In constantly developing the quality and diversity of its research across a wide range of subjects, the University has appointed many outstanding academics to its multidisciplinary research groups.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Sheffield is one of the largest and most respected in the UK since its foundation in 1905, consistently achieving high ratings for teaching quality and research. Itis internationally renowned for high quality research. The expertise of our staff covers a wide range of specialist areas and our mission is to carry out research for fundamental science through to practical industrial applications.
Mechanical Engineering has received an outstanding result in the latest Research Assessment Exercise (RAE). The Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) has independently assessed research carried out by staff in every university department in the country. The quality of our research outputs, the research environment, research income, professional esteem, and PhD students are all rated and compared with our peers. Our profile is as 30% 4*, 45% 3*, 20% 2*, 5% 1*. This is an exceptionally good result and places us second in the country for Mechanical Engineering.
The Aerodynamics group's research activities cover aerodynamics, combustion, turbulence and bio-fluids using both computational (CFD) and experimental tools.Major facilities include two recently refurbished low speed wind tunnels and a local parallel computing cluster. These facilities provide the group with the equipment for applied and fundamental fluid mechanic research and experiment-CFD side-by-side research for mutual validation and basic understanding. On-going research projects include: aerodynamic optimisation of blended wing body aircraft; shock control for aircraft drag reduction; flow control for drag reduction and separation control; multidisciplinary design and optimisation; aero-engine fuel emission control; synthetic jets for stall control; measurement and analysis of fluid flow in fuel cell systems; particle flow in human airway; simulation tools for micro-fluidic gases; fractal and wavelet analysis of turbulence and experiments; and real-time simulation of aircraft/vortex interaction.

Key contact person:
Professor N. Qin
Head of Aerodynamics Group and Professor of Aerodynamics
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK
Professor Ning Qin is currently Chair of Aerodynamics and Head of Thermo-Fluids in Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Sheffield. He has been involved in a wide range of research activities for Aerodynamics/CFD development and applications. He has published over 160 journal and conference papers in the area, including flow control research. His recent research interest includes: shock control for drag reduction, DES simulation of synthetic jet control of aircraft wing stall, aircraft aerodynamic and multi-disciplinary optimisation, vertical axis wind turbine unsteady aerodynamics, moving mesh and adaptive mesh solution techniques, and algorithm development for high order turbulent flow simulations. He obtained research funding from Research Councils and industries including EPSRC, Leverhulme Trust, EU, DERA(QinetiQ), BAE Systems, Westland Helicopters Ltd, Airbus and Rolls Royce. He is currently working with Rolls Royce and Airbus within the Centre for Flow Modelling and Simulation and in the UK Applied Aerodynamics Consortium funded by EPSRC. He will act as contact person in KGT2.
Dr S Siouris, Research Associate, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK
Contact data:
Sir Frederick Mappin Building, Mappin St
Sheffield, SI3JD
Tel: +44 114 222 7718

Manchester University
The Aerospace Research Institute of the University of Manchester Aerospace Research Institute (UMARI)operates on an interdisciplinary basis right across the University, bringing together every aspect of aerospace research which is innovative and united.
The Aerospace Research Institute also aims to:
\Uffffffff    Achieve a doubling of our aerospace research portfolio to become one of the top three Universities for aerospace research
\Uffffffff    Expand the research base by fully exploiting world class technologies and skills within the University not presently associated with aerospace
\Uffffffff    Recruit virtuoso scholars and researchers
\Uffffffff    Make the University of Manchester the University of choice as an aerospace collaborator in new projects and initiatives within Europe, nationally and regionally by establishing a portfolio of major aerospace related initiatives
\Uffffffff    Develop the skills and proficiency of graduates and post graduates in aerospace
\Uffffffff    Enable the University to access outstanding students from abroad.
\Uffffffff    Collaborate, as appropriate, with other universities in the North West to advance the interests of the region, building on the collaborative success of the North West Composites Centre, North West Laser Engineering Consortium, NATEC and the North West Aerospace Alliance.

In the 10 years, UMARI has taken part in over 250 RTD projects with over 130 companies and organizations. UMARI has been the coordinator of BP-ICAM project (120 million USD). Some 47 of these projects have received EC support through FP5-7 programmes. UMARI has been the coordinator of some 9 EC funded projects.The outcome of the research is recorded in over 2000 scientific publications, technical reports and educational software codes published by UMARI academics. UMARI has also successfully organized some 200 courses and seminars and around 60 international conferences. UMARI has also specialized in the development of decision support systems integrating Artificial Intelligence models based on the Monte Carlo method, Neural Networks and IT tools such as wireless sensor networks and user friendly interfaces for finite element based simulation software.

Specific contribution to Project
UNIMAN will survey new technologies associated with drag and noise reduction such as plasma actuators, piezoelectric elements, morphing structures, which will put in the context of practical applications for greener air transport. The importance of multi-disciplinary optimization in the design of drag and noise reduction technologies will be discussed together with the importance of HPC in modelling and simulating of the induced phenomena and interactions. UNIMAN will also provide a state-of-the art document on surface coating technologies for extending the operating temperature range of gas turbines and improving their performance. In the present proposal, it will contribute in KGT2 and KGT3.

Key personel
Prof. K. Kontis
Chair of Aerodynamics and Shock Physics
Head of the Aerospace Research Group
Deputy Director of the Aerospace Research Institute
Tel: +441613065751

Prof Kontis is expert in Flow control actuators, systems, architectures and their application using wind tunnel testing and flow rigs in general (plasma, pneumatics etc); Optimization studies for design of experiments; Aerodynamics studies of UAS (including NAV and MAV); Fluid-structure interactions including load control (morphing, smart structures); Advanced flow diagnostics for validation studies; Multidisciplinary wing processes and integrated wing design technologies; Surface coating technologies for extending the operating temperature range of gas turbines and improving their performance.


Cranfield University
Cranfield University is a distinctive, wholly postgraduate university specialising in science, technology, engineering and management. Its income earned from UK industry (as a percentage of the total) is the highest in the UK and the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) placed Cranfield third in the UK for its research in mechanical, aeronautical and manufacturing engineering. Cranfield has been at the forefront of aerospace development for over 60 years and brings together the disciplines of aeronautical engineering, materials, manufacturing and management to create new solutions for the industry.
It has over 2,000 staff (800 research and teaching) and 3,000 students (about 25-30% on full time research). Its activities are spread over two campuses at Cranfield and Shrivenham in five Schools. It brings a range of multidisciplinary skills to bear in addressing a number of fields including: Aerospace, Automotive, Bioscience, Energy, Environment, Manufacturing, and Security and Defence. Cranfield undertakes a full spectrum of research from basic through to application in order to serve society and inform our teaching. Its aim is to transform all its knowledge to practical application. This is mainly achieved through the work of its students and through its work for sponsoring clients.
There are approximately 200 research & teaching staff and 200 PhD students currently working on Aerospace topics; the range of expertise and facilities available covers the entire range of aviation technologies.  
Cranfield has been involved, as partner or coordinator, in many EC funded projects or networks, such as CleanSky, COINS, CRESCENDO, GRAIN, SADE, etc.  

Key personnel
Dr Xiang Zhang (FRAeS, SMAIAA, CEng)
Reader in aircraft structural integrity and durability. She has been active in research and teaching. A graduate of NPU (China) and PhD from Imperial College London, she has over 30 years\Uffffffff experience in both the academia and industry. She has particular expertise in structural mechanics, fracture mechanics, modelling and characterisation of structures and materials performance (metallic and fibre reinforced polymer composites). Current research projects include predictive models for low-velocity impact damage in composite structures, through-thickness reinforced laminates (z-fibre pinning), and damage tolerance analysis of novel aircraft structures (welded, bonded, hybrid materials).
Contact address:
Aerospace Engineering Dept, Cranfield University, Bedford, MK43 0AL, United Kingdom. T: +44 (0) 1234 754621; E:
Prof Ian Poll (OBE, FREng, FCGI, Hon.FAIAA, FRAeS)
Emeritus Professor of Aerospace Engineering at Cranfield University and a Non-Executive Director of Cranfield Aerospace Ltd. A graduate of Imperial College, he has 40 years\Uffffffff experience in both the academic and commercial domains. He has particular expertise in fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, air vehicle performance and design and the impact of aviation on the environment.
Contact address:
Aerospace Engineering Dept, Cranfield University, Bedford, MK43 0AL, United Kingdom. E:


Universitat Polit\Uffffffffica de Catalunya
The Technical University of Catalonia - BarcelonaTech (UPC) is a university with a consolidated worldwide reputation and an international vision that generates technological innovation and attracts talent. The objectives of the UPC are based on internationalization, as it is Spain\Uffffffffs technical university with the highest number of international PhD students and Spain\Uffffffffs university with the highest number of international master\Uffffffffs degree students. The UPC is home to more strategic research projects funded by the European Union's Seventh Framework Program than any other Spanish university. Today, the University is characterized by a purposefully open stance towards international students, a wide selection of master\Uffffffffs degree programs in English, participation in the European Institute of Innovation and Technology and various international research programs, and a consolidated line of worldwide cooperation activities that serve as tools for change and social progress.

The ICARUS research group from the UPC will participate in this project. The group is formed by interdisciplinary researchers (mainly with aeronautical, telecommunications or computer science backgrounds) assigned to the UPC's Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering School of Castelldefels (EETAC). The group initiated its initial activities in 2005 and was formally recognised as an emerging research group by the Catalan government in 2009 (AGAUR grant SGR-1012). The research of the group is focused in the improvement of air transportation efficiency, while reducing its environmental impact; and the development of new technologies aiming at improving ATM automation; new systems and applications for Communications Navigation and Surveillance for civil aviation; and the integration of UAS into non-segregated airspace. In order to address these objectives, the group uses extensively Information and Communication Technologies, along with methods and techniques coming from Computer Science and Operational Research disciplines.
The ICARUS group has previous experience in trajectory optimisation, CNS systems, environmental impact studies for aviation and in the implementation of software aiming at increasing the automation levels in ATM. So far, the research has been funded by regional and national programmes and through cooperation with the industry. Despite the recent creation of the group, in the last 3 years, 4 PhD students advised by faculty from ICARUS graduated and researchers of the group have published more than ten papers into peer-reviewed international journals. At present, ICARUS has a research grant from Eurocontrol in ATM automation and recently, the group was awarded a PhD research grant from HALA! (a SESAR WP-E research network) and a CelanSky project on tactical aircraft trajectory optimisation. Moreover, the group is participating in numerous consultancy projects with industry or public agencies close to aviation and ATM such as Indra, Boeing, ALG-global, ARINC, Aeroports de Catalunya, Pildo Labs etc.  
Key Contact Person
Dr. Xavier Prats i Menendez. Associated professor at the UPC.
He is an aeronautical engineer from ENAC (Toulouse) and he also holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineering from Telecom Barcelona which belongs to the UPC. Furthermore, he has a Ph.D in Aerospace Science and Technology from UPC. He has been working with UPC since 2001 and currently, he is an assistant professor at the EETAC. He co-founded the ICARUS research group and is currently leading the Air Transportation and ATM research activities within it. Before that, he was a researcher of the Geomatics and Astronomy research Group (gAGE) at UPC (2002-2005), where he investigated in the domain of satellite navigation systems for civil aviation. Then, he joined the Advanced Control Systems group (SAC), also at UPC where he developed his doctoral thesis work on aircraft trajectory optimization. He has published more than 15 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals and more than 25 articles in international conference proceedings in the last 5 years.
Contact data:
c/ Esteve Terrades, 5
Campus PMT-UPC,
08860 Castelldefels
Tel: +34 93 401 41 25

Dr. Luis Delgado Mu\Uffffffff Associated professor at the UPC.
Holds and Aeronautical and a Computer Science degree. As a junior researcher he joined the ICARUS research group three years ago and he just finished his PhD studies, which are devoted to optimising flight trajectories for Air Traffic Management purposes.
Contact data:
c/ Esteve Terrades, 5
Campus PMT-UPC,
08860 Castelldefels
Tel: +34 93 401 41 25

Universidad Polit\Uffffffffica de Madrid

Universidad Polit\Uffffffffica de Madrid (UPM) is the oldest and largest Spanish technical University, with more than 4.000 faculty members, around 48.000 undergraduate students and 6.000 postgraduates in 21 Schools of study. UPM\Uffffffffs Schools cover most of engineering disciplines, including Aeronautical. UPM, as a top quality academic establishment, has a strong commitment to R&D and Innovation. It boasts over 200 Research Units and several Research Institutes and Technological Centres.

The Applied Mathematics Department, within the School of Aeronautics, has over 15 years of experience in computational fluid dynamics applied to aircraft design problems. Current investigations are concerned with the development of accurate as well as efficient numerical procedures for the solution of Navier-Stokes equations.

The expertise of the group relevant to the current project is in airframe drag and weight reduction technologies including flow control and numerical simulation technologies related to HPC, parallel computing, error estimation, mesh adaptation and stability analysis of detached flow. The activities of a total of 10 researchers have been jointly financed by the Spanish Ministry of Innovation and AIRBUS within its FUSIM (Future Simulation Concept) program. The group keeps a strong collaboration with the UPM Super Computing Centre ( giving access and support to Magerit, the current top-Spanish supercomputer with 3920 processors and 72Tflops of peak performance.

Throughout the years, the Applied Mathematics & Fluid Mechanics Research Group has been actively involved in many national and international research projects: REMFI, CAFEDA,PCTRANS, ACE-PCOR, FAR-WAKE. The school of aeronautics from the UPM and the members involve in this project has a strong experience in international training programs. Currently, UPM acts as coordinator of the Initial Training Network ANADE.

The UPM will coordinates the activities in WP2 (KGT2) related to aircraft drag and weight reduction technologies and HPC numerical simulation technologies. For KGT2 this will include: study of the state of the art of all corresponding technology in Europe and China, analysis of future and emerging technologies, prospective of existing technologies that could be transferred from other fields which enable the reduction of drag to directly affect consumption (SFC) and related CO2 emissions control.

UPM will also focus on the study and analysis of available and future IT technologies which will facilitate and speed up the development of new technologies for large scale simulation and optimisation in aeronautics. Time-to-market and aircraft design cost reduction technologies based on high performance computation resources will be analysed.

Key Persons:
Dr. Eusebio Valero, Professor in Applied Mathematics, School of Aeronautics, UPM. PhD in aeronautical engineer. More than 20 years of experience in different fields of fluid mechanics and more than 50 publications in international journals and proceedings. Expertise in numerical methods, stability analysis and algorithms. He will help in the coordination and follow-up of KGT2 actions and will participate in WP6.
Eusebio Valero
Dpto Matem\Uffffffffca Aplicada y Estad\Uffffffffica
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Plaza Cardenal Cisneros 3
28040 Madrid
Telf: +34-913366326
Dr. Adel Abbas, Former Head of the Aerodynamic Research and Technology. Company expert in aerodynamic and multidisciplinary simulation methods. Chairman of EADS research group for flight physics. Currently Honorary Professor at UPM. He will coordinate the Task 2.1 in KGT2 actions.
Adel Abbas
Dpto Matem\Uffffffffca Aplicada y Estad\Uffffffffica
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Plaza Cardenal Cisneros 3
28040 Madrid
Telf: +34-913366326


RWTH Aachen University
With 260 institutes in nine faculties, RWTH Aachen University (http://www.rwth-aachen. de) is one of Europe\Uffffffffs leading institutions for science and research. Currently around 34.000 students are enrolled in over 100 academic programs. The individual competence centres at RWTH Aachen University collaborate very efficiently across departments and faculties in interdisciplinary groups and forums, while still maintaining a strong focus on their own department specialization. For instance, the CCES \Uffffffff Centre for Computational Engineering Science ( \Uffffffff stimulates interdisciplinary activities linking fundamental and applied research in the field of computational engineering science, where considerable scientific advances are anticipated due to the application of mathematical modelling methods and modern computational techniques to challenging engineering problems. The research areas of the Computational Mathematics Group (CompMath) at CCES are: Nonlinear and Numerical Optimisation, Optimisation and Control with PDEs, Aerodynamic Design Optimisation in Multidisciplinary Design Context, Optimal Active Flow Control, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Computational Aero Acoustics (CAA), and Algorithmic/Automatic Differentiation (AD).
The CompMath personnel bring experience in the development of efficient (adjoint-based) sensitivity evaluation and theuse of these sensitivities in innovative optimisation strategies, especially based on the use of AD-tools applied to CFD as well as CAA solvers.

Role in GRAIN2:
The CompMath personnel bring experience in the development of efficient (adjoint-based) sensitivity evaluation and the use of these sensitivities in innovative optimisation strategies, especially based on the use of AD-tools applied to CFD as well as CAA solvers.

Key contact person:

Prof. Dr. Nicolas Gauger is the Head of CompMath at RWTH. He has been involved in several EU-Projects (e.g. AEROSHAPE, NODESIM-CFD) as well as in the German DFG Priority Programme on Optimisation with PDEs (headed three collaborative projects on aerodynamic shape design).

Prof. Dr. Nicolas R. Gauger
Head of Computational Mathematics Group
Department of Mathematics and Center for Computational Engineering Science (CCES)
RWTH Aachen University
Schinkelstr. 2
52062 Aachen, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)241 80 98 660 and 98 672
Fax:   +49 (0)241 80 92 600
European Partners, and Chinese co-coordinator
The International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE, is a research organization in Barcelona, Spain. CIMNE was created in 1987 as a Consortium between the Catalan Government (Generalitat de Catalunya) and the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC \Uffffffff Universitat Polit\Uffffffffica de Catalunya). CIMNE is an autonomous RTD centre focusing in promoting and fostering advances in the development and application of numerical methods and computational techniques for the solution of engineering problems in an international context.

CIMNE employs some 180 scientists and engineers from different technical fields and nationalities specialised in the development and of numerical methods to a wide class of engineering problems. The research activities of CIMNE cover the development of innovative constitutive models for composite materials and structures, new numerical methods for non linear analysis and safety studies of structures, shape optimization in structural and fluid dynamic problems, computational fluid dynamics studies for both external and internal flow problems and numerical simulation of material deformation and forming processes for the manufacturing industry, mesh generation and visualization interfaces, casting and thermal process, stochastic optimization as well as program parallelization and distributed (grid) computing techniques.

In the last twenty years CIMNE has taken part in over 450 RTD projects with over 200 companies and organizations. Some 110 of these projects have received EC support through FP3-7 programmes. CIMNE has been the coordinator of some 30 EC funded projects (including a cluster of projects in the FP5 IST programme). The outcome of the research is recorded in over 900 scientific publications, technical reports and educational software codes published by CIMNE. CIMNE has also successfully organized some 200 courses and seminars and around 60 international conferences. CIMNE has also specialized in the development of decision support systems integrating Artificial Intelligence models based on the Monte Carlo method, Neural Networks and IT tools such as wireless sensor networks and user friendly interfaces for finite element based simulation software. CIMNE received one of the 2002 IST Awards for a new software product named GiD [GiD 2003] for pre-processing analysis data and the visualization of numerical results from engineering computations (see Also, in 2003 CIMNE received the City of Barcelona Award in Technological Research for the development of GID system \Uffffffffan innovative and easy graphic interface for modelization and visualization of numerical simulations results\Uffffffff.

Key contact person
Prof. Gabriel Bugeda is a UPC and CIMNE professor with more than 15 years of experience in the development of numerical methods for engineering applications. He managed several European research projects, including support activities like AEROCHINA 1 and 2, and GRAIN. He will contribute in both KGT2 and KGT3, where CIMNE is involved.

Prof. Jacques Periaux is a Senior visiting professor in CIMNE with a large experience in optimization methods, CFD and aeronautical applications. Prof Periaux is the former technical director of Dassault Aviation. He will mainly contribute in KGT2.

Dr. Jordi Pons is a researcher in CIMNE, responsible for the aeronautical projects group. His PhD thesis developed new methodologies for Robust optimization using Monte-Carlo and Latin Hypercube methods combined with evolutionary algorithms. He supported Prof. Bugeda during the GRAIN project, and he is acting as deputy coordinator in the MARS research project, which includes several Chinese partners. He will contribute in both KGT2 and KGT3, where CIMNE is involved.

Airbus is comprised of 5 main companies: Airbus SAS, Airbus Operations SL, Airbus Operations SAS, Airbus Operations ltd, and Airbus Operations GmbH, all owned by EADS NV. Airbus has a payroll of around 55.000 employees throughout the world and since its creation as GIE at the end of 1970, has manufactured and delivered 6000 aircraft and sold more than 9000.
Since 1972, Spain has participated in the development and production phase of the most extensive and modern range of commercial aircraft with more than 100 seats. To date, Airbus Operations S.L is responsible for the design, development and manufacturing of structural components for all Airbus aircraft models, being specialised in large carbon fibre lifting surfaces.

Airbus Operations S.L. facilities include the Getafe (Madrid) and Puerto Real (C\Uffffffffz) facilities together with the Advanced Composite Centre of Illescas (Toledo). The current headcount of Airbus Operations S.L exceeds 2500 persons. Airbus Operations S.L has considerable experience in R&D projects and is engaged in international interchanges of technology concerning advanced materials technologies and is participating regularly in European funded research programmes.

Background information and experience
AIRBUS has long-term experience and expertise in the specification, industrialization and application of numerical methods for aerodynamic aircraft design and data production including single discipline optimization (SDO), multidiscipline analysis (MDA) and multidisciplinary optimization (MDO).
Since early 2000\Uffffffffs advanced developments have been achieved by Airbus in setting-up multi-physics simulation in the field of fluid-structure coupling for aeroelastics, conjugate heat transfer for aerothermics in ventilation of compartments, simulation of icing shape accretion, aeroacoustics for the simulation of noise source and propagation.

All these simulation are made by considering fluid simulation with a specific emphasis put on accuracy for drag prediction and optimization technique based on adjointNavier-Stokes method.
The staff of AI-E has wide experience in aircraft aerodynamic and structural design and analysis. It has become specialist in the field of horizontal tail plane design and manufacturing. In that way it has developed the horizontal tail plane of the successive Airbus Industry aircraft up to today. AI-E is responsible, among other parts, of the horizontal tailplane and belly-fairing of the recently launched A380. This experience has been accomplished and maintained thanks to the considerable effort of continuous funding to the field of research and development carried out by the company.
On the numerical side, Airbus has a wide experience in the development of numerical methods, both structured and unstructured as well as on the multi-physics domain.

Key person contact
Daniel Redondo, Aerodynamics R&T Operations Manager (AI-E), aerospace engineer and physicist with 8 years experience in aerodynamic research leading Airbus contribution to European projects.
Address:    Airbus Operations SL (A4B2 P038), Paseo John Lennon S/N, 28906, Getafe, Madrid (Spain)
Telephone:    +34 91624 3560

Dr. Dale King, senior manager for international R&T partnerships, with over 30 years working in Airbus research and technology, currently responsible for developing global strategy and cooperation programs.
Address:    Airbus Operations Ltd, Filton, Bristol, UK, BS99 7A (R&T Plateau, Building 20A1)
Telephone:    +44 117 9363926

Both Daniel and Dale will contribute in KGT2, where AIRBUS is involved.


The European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, EUROCONTROL, was founded in 1963. It is an intergovernmental organisation supporting its member states in the development, implementation and operation of a seamless, performance driven pan-European Air Traffic Management network. EUROCONTROL is a civil - military organisation with currently 39 member states.
The main activities of EUROCONTROL are focused upon the coordination and planning of air traffic management across Europe. This involves working with air transport stakeholders from the national authorities, air navigation service providers, civil and military airspace users, airports, and other organizations. Its activities involve all gate-to-gate air navigation service operations: Network Management, controller training, regional control of airspace, safety-proven technologies and procedures, collection of air navigation charges, regulatory support functions and research.
EUROCONTROL has a long history in research and the co-ordination and monitoring of European ATM related research, most notably through its engagement in ACARE and in the ARDEP products.
EUROCONTROL is a founding member of the SESAR Joint Undertaking and is actively engaged in the co-ordination of European research related to the modernisation of the European ATM system and its further improvement, with particular emphasis upon the overall performance of the European ATM network. Through its recognised capabilities and expertise, it contributes actively to the research, development and validation of future technical and operational improvements.
Through its engagement in research it has frequently encountered and upon occasions worked with the Civil Aviation Authority of China and in particular its safety research centre and Air Traffic Management Bureau who is responsible for the provision of ANS services in the Republic of China.  
Contribution to GRAIN2
EUROCONTROL will bring its expertise and previous experience in the Air Traffic Management domain, and in particular to elements relating to Safety and safety management, and the optimisation and management of the Air Traffic network. EUROCONTROL may also support activities addressing the environmental domain covering air quality, noise and climate change impact assessments, ATM mitigations (Operational procedures), regulation issues (MBM).
Key contact person
David YOUNG, Responsible for ATM policy within the ATM Policy Bureau at EUROCONTROL, with particular emphasis upon European Air Transport and Air Traffic Management. Active member of Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe, where he is a member of its steering board, has co-chaired the Safety and Security working group and co-authored the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda addressing the challenges of Flightpath 2050.
Has experience in initiating activities with Chinese counterparts and has worked together with Chinese representative in collaborative research in FP 6. He will contribute in KGT4.

Contact Data:
Address: Rue de la Fus\Uffffffff96, Bruxelles 1130, Belgium
Phone: +33 1 69 88 72 28
Fax: +33 1 69 88 70 18
Email: YOUNG Dave


Honeywell Aerospace
Honeywell is a global company employing 130,000 people in nearly 100 countries. 25% of the Honeywell staff are employed in Europe. We perform basic research, working closely with universities and laboratories, and develop advanced technology for our Aerospace, Transportations Systems, Automation and Control Solutions and Specialty Materials businesses. Honeywell International s.r.o. in the Czech Republic operates as a separate legal entity within the Honeywell corporate structure. The entity is authorized to execute Aerospace R&D within the Czech Republic, and its sites of Prague and Brno form public sector technology centers of excellence for Honeywell Aerospace in Europe. This European arm of the Advanced Technology group develop local know-hop and Intellectual Property through collaborative research in the FP6 and FP7 programs funded by the European Commission, as well as programs funded by the Czech national research authorities.
Honeywell Belgium will act as a third party of Honeywell Aerospace.

Contribution to GRAIN2
We propose our contribution in the following tasks:
\Uffffffff    Participate in selected meetings and workshops
\Uffffffff    Provide advice and guidance
\Uffffffff    Support in identifying the common R&D interests in Key Green Technologies

Background information and experience
Honeywell Aerospace is a global and leading player in the aviation market.We are provider of technology and services that cover almost every on-board system for fixed wing, rotary wing and remotely piloted aircraft. The company is a Founding Member of the European ATM modernization program SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research). It is also involved in the ANTARES project which is being executed under the ESA IRIS programme.

Honeywell is actively participating in numerous European and national research and development projects. Most of the current projects are co-funded by the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission (SAFAR, MERASA, REFLECT, ESPOSA, HAIC, ULTRA), ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking (iFEST, RECOMP, CAMMI) and the Czech national research support programmes (ENTIS).

In addition, Honeywell Aerospace has also presence in many locations China. Amongst those are a number of ATM labs.

Key contact person:
M.Sc. Joeri De Ruytter has a Masters Degree in Avionics and is an active private pilot ever since he was 16 years old.  He spent the whole of his career in the aviation market and is a recognized aviation expert by the European Commission. He has been business developer and consultant at some of the major European aviation companies, covering the fields of Air Traffic Management, Airports and Avionics. Currently he is responsible for R&T Business Development and Strategic Partnerships at Advanced Technology Europe unit of Honeywell Aerospace. He is also Member of the Royal Aeronautical Society (MRAeS) and Secretary of its Brussels Branch. He will contribute in KGT4.

Contact data:
R&T Business Development and Partnerships
Honeywell Aerospace
Hermeslaan 1H
B-1831 Diegem, Belgium
Tel  +32 2 40 30 10 2
Mob +32 497 488 704

The EADS Corporate Research Centre is the transnational R&D centre for the EADS group. Entities are in Suresnes, Ottobrunn, Toulouse, Hamburg, and liaison offices in Singapore and Moscou.
The Surenes Centre in France has personnel of 300 persons with highly skilled and experienced engineers and scientists as well as project managers.

The missions of EADS IW are:
-    As a global R&T partner, the EADS Corporate Research Centre enables superior return on R&T investment and regional presence through: an open and flexible organization; maximizing its innovation potential through a high degree of co-operation and integration with public and private research organizations; acquiring and promoting the best available knowledge.
-    Assure added value by synergy of shared research inside EADS and by cooperation with research partner organisations (e.g. DLR, INTA, ONERA, Universities, Laboratories\Uffffffff).
-    Maintain and develop innovation potential for long term technological competitiveness of EADS.
-    Enable emerging technology integration in current and future EADS products.
-    Support EADS technology strategy.

Some of the competitive advantages to products, processes and services of the EADS group are:
-    Providing services in intellectual property and standardisation.
-    Multidisciplinary know-how combining expertise and shared facilities.
-    Developing new tools and methods for processes in design, testing, manufacturing, simulation and quality assurance.
-    Accelerated transfer of results into products and services.
-    Rapid reaction force for technical consultancy.
-    Advanced expertise and skills.

Background information and experience
Composites Technologies
Metallic Technologies & Surface Engineering
Structure Engineering, Production & Aeromechanics
Sensors, Electronics & Systems Integration
Engineering, Physics, IT, Security Services & Simulation
Energy & Propulsion

Key contact person
Dr. Cyrille Schwob
Dr. Pierre Vialettes, VIALETTES Pierre

Both Cyrille and Pierre will contribute in KGT1 and KGT3, where EADS is involved.

Contact Data :
D. Cyrille Schwob, Research Engineer at IW, is specialized in computational mechanics methods. He will be the key contact person.
European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company - EADS
12, rue Pasteur \Uffffffff BP 76
92152 Suresnes Cedex - France
+33 1 46 97 30 00
Numeca International
NUMECA Int. is a Belgian SME (, with headquarters located in Brussels, active in the development of advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), grid generation, multiphysics and optimization software. Founded as a result of research activities carried out in the field of CFD at the Department of Fluid Mechanics of the VrijeUniversiteitBrussel (VUB), NUMECA has been growing steadily and has progressively gained worldwide recognition. Presently, NUMECA has over 80 engineers and PhD scientists at its headquarters in Brussels, and another 30-35 active in its worldwide network. The NUMECA software allows simulation, design and optimization of fluid flow and heat transfer and worldwide manufacturers trust NUMECA for the superior performance, reliability and ease-of-use of its software and for its professional services.

NUMECA activities are, for a large part, oriented towards the area of aeronautics and propulsion. NUMECA is indeed heavily focusing its CFD software products FINETM/Turbo, the automatic grid generator AutogridTM and FINETM/Design3D, towards the aerospace, propulsion and energy markets with a significant percentage of NUMECA customers being connected to the aerospace sector. FINE\Uffffffff/Design3D is a dedicated and fully integrated software environment for turbomachinery blade shape optimization, developed by NUMECA and several industrial partners, largely in use with several turbomachinery and engine manufacturers. FINE\Uffffffff/Open with OpenLabs is NUMECA\Uffffffffs unstructured software system, for external, internal and multiphysics applications. It is associated to OpenLabs which is a user-friendly environment allowing the introduction by any user of new CFD models. Currently, adjoints methods are introduced in FINE\Uffffffff/Open towards applications of error-based adaptation; uncertainty quantification and optimization.

NUMECA has a broad experience with EU projects and is currently involved in several FP7 projects, such as ERICKA (optimization of cooled turbine blade components), ATAAC (on advanced turbulence models for aeronautics), FFAST (on Reduced Order Modelling techniques for aeroelastic simulations), VALIANT (on broadband aircraft noise analysis), IDIHOM (on development of high order methods for CFD). NUMECA was also involved in several recently terminated projects, such as DESIDER (DES methods for aeronautics), UFAST (on shock boundary layer interactions). NUMECA has recently been awarded four CLEANSKY subcontracts, related to counter-rotating open rotors with the associated evaluation of noise, aeroacoustics and porting its CFD codes to GPU\Uffffffffs, within the SFWA and GRA ITD\Uffffffffs.
NUMECA was coordinating the NODESIM-CFD project, on uncertainty quantification and non-deterministic simulations. In addition, NUMECA acted as coordinator of the ADCOMB-CFD (FP6) Marie-Curie Project, related to combustion modelling, and is presently coordinator of a follow-on IAPP project COMBINA, oriented at premixed combustion modelling. Currently, NUMECA is partner in two ITN\Uffffffffs, ANADE on CFD research and MARE-WINT on technology for offshore wind turbines.

Key Contact Person
Prof. Ch. Hirsch, president and founder of NUMECA, will be the official contact point during the project, he will take care of the coordination and responsible for the NUMECA contributions. He has more than 30 years experience in CFD and related fields.
Prof. Charles Hirsch is Em. Professor at the VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL (VUB) and President,of the CFD software company NUMECA International. He is Fellow of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and Arts, and Honorary Professor at the Xi\Uffffffffan JaiTong University, Xi\Uffffffffan, China.
He is author of the books Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows; The fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics
Second edition; Elsevier, 2007, and the earlier editions of Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows\Uffffffff; Volume 1 : Fundamentals of Numerical Discretisation\Uffffffff, 1988; Volume 2 : Computational Models for Inviscid and Viscous Flow Models\Uffffffff, 1990 John Wiley & Sons. He has published many papers on CFD; turbomachinery aerodynamics; turbulence; wind energy. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of John Wiley\Uffffffffs Series on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences European Editor of the International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics. He will contribute in both KGT1 and KGT2.

Phone: 00 32 2 642 28 00
e-mail:    DLR
DLR is Germany\Uffffffffs national research centre for aeronautics and space. Its extensive research and development work in Aeronautics, Space, Energy, Transport and Security is integrated into national and international cooperative ventures. As Germany\Uffffffffs space agency, DLR has been given responsibility for the forward planning and the implementation of the German space programme by the German federal government as well as for the international representation of German interests. Furthermore, Germany\Uffffffffs largest project management agency is also part of DLR. Approximately 7300 people are employed at 16 locations in Germany: Cologne (headquarters), Augsburg, Berlin, Bonn, Braunschweig, Bremen, Goettingen, Hamburg, Juelich, Lampoldshausen, Neustrelitz, Oberpfaffenhofen, Stade, Stuttgart, Trauen, and Weilheim. DLR also operates offices in Brussels, Paris, and Washington D.C.
About 150 scientists and engineers are working at the Institute of Composite Structures and Adaptive Systems, which has sites in Braunschweig, Stade, Hamburg and Bremen. The main topics of our research and development are multifunctional materials, structural mechanics, composite design, composite technology, adaptronics and composite process technology. Our research focuses on the improvement of weight efficiency, cost efficiency, functionality, comfort and environmental protection. Since 2007, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Wiedemann has been the head of our institute, which has been growing constantly. In 2010, the Center for Lightweight Production-Technology (ZLP) in Stade was founded as an addition to the institute and complemented the research by further topics. We cooperate with partners and customers from the industry, science and politics on a national and international level. We bridge the gap between fundamental research and industrial application. Our research covers the entire process chain to create adaptable, tolerant, efficiently manufactured, lightweight structures. It is our conviction that successful research and development in the field of functional CFRP structures is driven by close collaboration between materials, engineering, production and quality disciplines. In order to deal with strength, stability and thermo-mechanical phenomena, we operate unique experimental facilities like thermo-mechanical test facilities, buckling facilities and an Airbus qualified material test lab. Our Institute has capabilities in the areas of preforming, filament winding, liquid composite moulding and microwave curing. We also feature a fiber placement facility with cooperating robots, the biggest research autoclave worldwide and a high production rate RTM process line. These state of the art manufacturing facilities enable us to develop novel manufacturing technologies and to realize innovative composite structures.

Key Contact Person
Maksim Danilov, 2006 \Uffffffff currently: Research engineer and deputy head of department \UffffffffComposite Technology\Uffffffff at the German Aerospace Center. Main focus of research: energy-efficient manufacturing of CFRP.
2000-2006: Technical university Braunschweig, Germany. Graduated in 2006 with diploma degree in mechanical engineering
2003-2004: University of Southampton
Dr. Markus Kleineberg. He is Head of Department "Composite Technology" having more than 15 years' experience in manufacturing technologies, design and application of composite structures. His contact details are:

Mr. Maksim Danilov
Institute of Composite Structures and Adaptive Systems, German Aerospace Center,
Lilienthalplatz 7, 38108 Braunschweig, Germany;
Tel.: +49 531 2952872,

Dr. Markus Kleineberg
Institute of Composite Structures and Adaptive Systems
German Aerospace Center
Lilienthalplatz 7
38108 Braunschweig
Tel.: +49 531 2952315

They both will contribute in KGT3.    NLR
The National Aerospace Laboratory NLR is a Dutch organisation that identifies, develops and applies high-tech knowledge in the aviation and aerospace sectors. The NLR\Uffffffffs activities are socially relevant, market-orientated, and conducted not-for-profit. In this, the NLR serves to bolster the government\Uffffffffs innovative capabilities, while also promoting the innovative and competitive capacities of its partner companies. The NLR, renowned for its leading expertise, professional approach and independent consultancy, is staffed by client-orientated personnel who are not only highly skilled and educated, but also continuously strive to develop and improve their competencies. The NLR moreover possesses a large array of high quality research facilities for Air Transport Research, Development, Test and Evaluation.

Contribution to GRAIN 2
The NLR relevant products and services for GRAIN 2 are in the area of airport airside operations, airspace and air traffic management, and in the area of aircraft health monitoring.

The NLR contribution to KGT 3 of the GRAIN 2 programme will be delivered by the Aerospace Vehicles division, especially by the group working on health monitoring. This division of NLR is dedicated to the development of technology for next generation aircraft. The research focuses on flight physics, loads, design tools, engines, noise, structures, materials and testing.

NLR has a long and distinct track record in the field of Structural Integrity, Health and Usage Monitoring, Life Cycle Management, Integrated Weapon System Management, Load Monitoring, Data Management and Fatigue and Damage Tolerance. In these areas, NLR has supported and is supporting multiple Nations such as The Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Spain, Germany, Germany, Portugal and Chile, both for fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft. Data exchange agreements exist or are in the making with a.o. LM Aero, US Army, US Navy and various foreign nationals, such as Korea and Australia.

The NLR contribution to KGT 4 of GRAIN 2 will be delivered by the Air Transport division. The departments in the division cover all research activities relevant to the SESAR programme including: ATM and Airports; safety, environment and human factors; cockpit and flight operations; and simulation and validation. The NLR contributed to a large amount of research projects, and also lead several projects, funded by EU, Eurocontrol, ESA, EASA, EDA and of course Dutch national R&D programs. Such projects include SESAR, Clean Sky (trajectory based operations by aircraft, Smart fixed wing, Green rotorcraft and Ecodesign), Optimal (environmental friendly procedures and required ATC tools), Flysafe (technology and procedures for aircraft and ATC enabling all weather operations), Blocks & Bubbles (new airport airside operations), and ARTAS (development of Europe\Uffffffffs standard radar tracker).

Key contact person:
Luc de Nijs
Anthony Fokkerweg 2, 1059 CM, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
tel. +31 88 511 3737, fax. +31 88 511 3210
Luc de Nijs is responsible for developing business and setting up collaborations with international partners especially on ATM. Within NLR he is the prime contact person for ATM collaborations in China.

Arjen Vollebregt is the NLR poc for the our contribution in Environmental friendly materials and structures (KGT3).  His details:
Anthony Fokkerweg 2, 1059 CM, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
tel. +31 88 511 4436, fax. +31 88 511 3210
Arjen Vollebrecht is currently department manager Gas Turbines & Structural Integrity at NLR.    INRIA
INRIA (National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control) is a French public sector scientific and technological institute with 2100 employees, operating under the dual authority of the Ministry of Research and the Ministry of Industry. The research carried out at INRIA brings together experts from the fields of computer science and applied mathematics covering the following areas: Networks and Systems; Software Engineering and Symbolic Computing; Man-Machine Interaction; Image Processing, Data Management, Knowledge Systems; Simulation and Optimization of Complex Systems.

Opale Project-Team has several objectives: analyze mathematically single or multi-disciplinary coupled systems of partial differential equations arising from physics or engineering in view of their optimization or control ( geometrical optimization); construct and experiment efficient numerical approximation methods (coupling algorithms, model reduction) and optimization algorithms (gradient-based and/or evolutionary algorithms, game theory); develop software platforms for the distributed parallel computation of the related discrete systems.

INRIA, the national institute for research in computer science and control, operating under the joint authority of the Ministries of Research and of Industry, is dedicated to fundamental and applied research in information and communication science and technology (ICST). INRIA has an annual budget of 125 million euros, one quarter of which comes from its own research contracts and development products.

Background information and experience
INRIA has a long experience of international cooperation and coordination responsible for the building of Modulef (300 installations/members), early contributing to build European structures as ERCIM, ERCOFTAC, ECCOMAS. Spatial CFD networks (Hypersonic database) and many CEC projects. The group OPALE gathers working on the design of efficient and accurate numerical methods for the simulation of complex compressible flows on unstructured meshes. INRIA has several years of experience in theoretical and experimental studies related to optimal control model problems and optimum design problems (industrial aerodynamics and electromagnetics) solved using Gas, among others. It has also several years expertise in building databases for CFD testcases (FLOWnet, INGEnet and PROMUVAL), as well as parallel, cluster and grid computing environments applied to CFD optimisation and aerostructure problems.

Key contact person
Dr. To\UffffffffNguy\Uffffffffis Directeur de Recherche with INRIA and Docteur \UffffffffSciences Math\Ufffffffftiques (PhD, Universit\Uffffffffe Grenoble I, 1986).
He is responsible for high-performance computing platforms for the project OPALE at INRIA, which focus is on numeric optimization.
His main interests are in distributed, grid, cloud and parallel computing, high-performance computing and workflow systems for e-Science, focusing on fault-tolerance and application resilience. He is involved in a number of European projects with partners from the aeronautics sector and with China. He is also involved in national projects with partners from the automotive sector. T. Nguy\Uffffffffis member of numerous international conferences Program Committees. T. Nguy\Uffffffffhas published over 150 papers in International Conferences and Journals (
He is member of the INRIA Commission d'Evaluation since 2011.
He is member of INRIA AGOS Board (cultural and social association) since 2008. He is also member of the local CLHS (Security and Health Committee) since 2009. He is Sauveteur Secouriste du Travail (emergency staff).
Toan nguyen will contribute to Task 2.1 and Task 2.2 focusing on the HPC item and its application to drag reduction, HPC innovative architecture, numerical simulation, etc He will contribute in KGT2.

Contact data:
655 avenue de l'Europe
38334 Saint-Ismier
Phone : +33 476 61 52 40
Mail:    CFDB
The CFD Software Entwicklungs- und Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (CFDB) is an innovative consulting SME offering high-tech solutions for fluid flow and aeroacoustic simulations. With strong links to the CFD research community, cutting-edge methods can be applied, which are yet to appear in commercial software. CFDB was founded in Berlin in 1987 and has completed contracts for a wide range of industrial customers spanning the aerospace, ground vehicle transportation and process engineering sectors. Alongside these consulting activities, CFDB also conducts specialised industrial training in CFD. In this manner, CFDB also contributes to the transfer of specialist expertise to industry.

Background information and experience
Technical expertise:
-    Hybrid RANS-LES methods for turbulence-resolving simulations
-    CFD-CAA approaches for airframe and jet noise simulation
-    Use of advanced HPC architectures for CFD simulations
-    Adjoint optimisation
-    Advanced statistical analysis for unsteady CFD data

Business fields:
-    Software development and method implementation
-    Expert personnel for industrial CFD
-    Method development research
-    IT consulting for CFD applications
-    Specialist industrial training

Key personnel
Prof. Dr. Frank Thiele is the Managing Director of CFDB, who brings over 30 years of experience in the management of research projects and high-level involvement in more than 10 EU-funded projects. He is an acknowledged expert in several fields, including turbulent flows and aeroacoustics, and has numerous long-term research collaborations with Chinese institutions.
Dr. Charles Mockett is a Senior Research Consultant of CFDB, who will be responsible for technical input into GRAIN 2. His principle area of expertise is hybrid RANS-LES methods (in particular DES), ranging from method development through to industrial aerodynamic and aeroacoustic applications and best-practice training. He has worked on numerous EU-funded research projects, including FLOMANIA, DESider, ATAAC, Go4Hybrid, REMFI and JERONIMO.
They will contribute in KGT2.    CIRA
The Italian Aerospace Research Centre, is a limited consortium company founded in July 1984. The Italian government has entrusted CIRA to manage the PRORA (Italian Aerospace Research Program).
CIRA institutional aim is:
\Uffffffff    to carry out the PRORA by realizing Excellence Centres, which shall integrate Research Capabilities with the Large Fluid dynamic Facilities and Technological Laboratories in several main technologies areas
\Uffffffff    to be the National focal point in Aerospace Research and Technology
\Uffffffff    to contribute to the Competitive and Sustainable Growth of the Italian Aerospace Sector
\Uffffffff    to identify Scientific Objectives and develop Basic Research in synergy with the National and International Scientific Community
\Uffffffff    to support the Industry in Applied Research both in the development phase and in the technology validation phase
\Uffffffff    to act as a partner of the Scientific Community and Industry
\Uffffffff    to facilitate technology transfer from the aerospace field to other sectors
\Uffffffff    to provide technical assistance to public Authorities for qualification and regulations
As a member of EREA, CIRA works in close co-operation with European Aerospace Research Establishments.

Key personnel
Domenico Quagliarella is senior researcher in the Fluids Mechanics Department at CIRA. He got a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering and he is specialized in robust multi-objective optimization methods using evolutionary computing, with applications to aerodynamic and multidisciplinary design problems. He will be the key contact person.
Emiliano Iuliano is senior researcher at CIRA in the Fluid Dynamics Department. He is Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering and his main interests are in applied aerodynamics, aircraft multidisciplinary analysis and design, global optimization with surrogate models and in-flight icing. He will provide support for the KGT2 actions.
Raffaele Salvatore Donelli is senior researcher at CIRA in the Fluid Dynamics Department. He is specialized in laminar to turbulent flow transition prediction and laminar flow control technology. He is currently the CIRA responsible for \UffffffffInstability and Transition and Flow Control\Uffffffff research group in the \UffffffffApplied Aerodynamics Laboratory\Uffffffff. He will provide support for the KGT2 actions.
Mauro Minervino is experienced researcher at CIRA in the Fluid Dynamics Department. He works on aerodynamic design optimization and has gathered expertise in industrial application of advanced shape design methodologies. His research interests are focused on the needs of industry, and cover areas such as efficient and robust multidisciplinary design, aerodynamic and aero-elastic shape optimization, high-lift system design. He will provide support for the KGT2 actions.    Von Karman Institute
The von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, founded in 1956, is an international non profit organization for post graduate education and research in fluid dynamics. Permanent staff of VKI is about 95 in total, spread over its 3 departments: Aeronautics and Aerospace, Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics, Turbomachinery and Propulsion. VKI is an associate member of EREA (European Research Establishments in Aeronautics) and is also considered as a SME according to the Commission\Uffffffffs definition. The research and training activities are carried out combining experimental, theoretical and numerical approaches, and span over aeronautical and non-aeronautical flow applications of industrial interest. VKI has a large number of advanced experimental facilities, in total 43 wind tunnels and test rigs, available in the domain of aerospace, aeronautical and industrial fluid dynamics. They cover a large span, ranging from low speed to hypersonic. Experimental research is complemented by an important activity in the domain of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) which now covers more than 1/3 of the research activities. Two clusters of multi-processor computers are available. Many of the research activities carried out at the VKI are supported by research contracts with industry, governmental institutions or international institutions. VKI is currently or has been involved, as partner or coordinator, in several EC projects or networks, such as VITAL, PROBAND, IDIHOM, VALIANT, DREAM, IDeMAS, IDEALVENT, MESURE, CRAFT, LAPCAT, AETHER, PIVNET, FLOWnet, EUA4X, AMeGOS, ... .

Key personnel
Deconinck Herman, Professor and Dean of Faculty is specialized in advanced CFD methods with application in aeronautics. He will be the key contact person.
Verstraete Tom, Assistant Professor, specialized in turbomachinery multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) will provide support for the KGT1 actions. He has over 5 years of experience in turbomachinery related projects.
Christophe Schram, Associate. Professor, specialized in Aero-acoustics will provide support for the KGT2 actions. Prof. Schram is coordinater of the EU Valiant project concerned with advanced methods for broadband noise simulation. He has over 10 years of experience in aeroacoustics related projects.
Dr. Engineer LillaKapa-Koloszar obtained a PhD in Aeroacoustics in 2010. She will be involved in the coordination and management and the follow up of KGT2.    KTH
KTH is a public technical university accounting for one-third of Sweden\Uffffffffs technical research and engineering education capacity at university level. There are 12,000 full-year equivalent undergraduate students, 1,500 active postgraduate students, and 2,800 full time equivalent employees, of which 268 professors and 194 associate professors. About 300 BSc, 1600 MSc and MArchitecture, 135 licentiate and 240 PhD degrees are awarded annually, with 28% to women. The total turnover is 294 M\Uffffffff, 157 M\Uffffffff in university allocations and 108 M\Uffffffff from EU programs, national and private funding agencies.
KTH has extensive international research and educational exchange programs with universities and colleges, mainly in Europe, the USA and Australia, but also increasingly in Asia. The university participates actively in various EU research programs and also cooperates with Swedish and international development agencies.
KTH will participate through the Division of Fluid Technology and Climate in the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering. One of the important research aspects in the division is to develop advanced modelling and simulation methodologies to support CFD analysis of both fundamental and applied applications. The department has been active in the EU's research programs. In the project work, if needed, collaboration with other KTH researchers will be undertaken, for example, from the Department of Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering and the Department of Fluid Mechanics.
Key personnel to work in this project are:
Prof Shia-Hui Peng, he holds a guest professorship in Computational Thermal and Fluid Dynamics at KTH. He has extensive experience working on CFD in general, modelling of flow physics, aero-acoustics, flow control for fundamental research and aeronautical applications. He is Research Director in CFD and turbulence modelling, and also an adjunct professor in CFD at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. He will act as PoC of KTH in GRAIN2. He will provide support for the KGT2 actions concerning drag and noise reduction, with an emphasis on advanced flow-physics modelling and simulation methods in analysis of airframe drag and noise generation and reduction. He will act also together with UPM as the leader of WP 2 on the European side.

Telephone: +46-8-7904832 or cellphone: +46-73-4447673

Prof. Sture Holmberg is professor and the head of Division of Fluid and Climate Technology (FCT) at KTH. Holmberg has a cross-disciplinary background and interest in both experimental work and advanced numerical simulations. His many national and international contacts are important for the research outcome. He is today supervising 5 PhD students in several different research projects. He will provide internal support of the project work, as well as survey on the state-of-the-art work in the fields of numerical simulation and modelling.

Telephone: +46-8-7909775 or cellphone: +46-70-5643430    Leitat Technological Center
LEITAT Technological Center is dedicated to providing services to the industrial sector, adding technological value to the products and their processing. While focusing on R+D+i, these services are clearly oriented and aimed to comply with a constantly changing market.LEITAT has developed a strong expertise in new polymers, coating and paints, nanostructured materials, and materials with tailored properties to be used in many different automotive/aeronautical and Space applications including in the development of electronic and smart systems, in robotics and new production process as well as energy storage. In relation to industrial design, LEITAT offers know-how in rapid manufacturing and prototyping, design and simulation by FEA capabilities. Also LEITAT can contribute to design and fabrication of electronic components and their integration with the entire prototype. LEITAT can also develop proof-of-concept prototypes and systems. Our research divisions include: biomedicine, bioinvitro, nanohealth and safety, nanomaterials, industrial biotechnology, new production processes, fast moving consumer goods, smart systems, renewable energies, advanced polymers, environment, surface treatments, analytical chemistry and textile technologies. Its International Projects Office supports the RTD groups in administrative and managerial tasks and has broad experience and competencies to prepare and submit proposals and execute projects in several funding initiatives.Besides, LEITAT offers competencies and expertise in materials and components certification and testing for the automotive industry. Indeed, LEITAT has a long standing tradition to provide certification and testing services for local automotive related industries, including OEMs, vendors, and manufacturers.

Key Personnel
Marc Crescenti
Marc Crescenti is an industrial engineer (5 years university degree) specialized in mechanical engineering at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). He holds a master degree in materials and structures mechanics. He is focused on structural and fluid dynamics design and numerical analysis as well as on composite materials, making use of engineering tools as Finite Element Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics, and with deep knowledge of the complex micromechanical phenomenology and design and manufacturing criteria involved in composite materials. In GRAIN 2 Marc will provide technical support in tasks within WP1 and 3.

Email: , Phone: (+34) 93 788 23 00

Ahmad Bilal
Ahmad Bilal works as a Project Manager in the Transport and Aeronautics areas of the International Projects Office in Leitat Technological Centre.He is a graduate in aerospace engineering and has a Masters in Industrial Engineering and Management from Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy. He has experience in both public and private international institutions, developing and managing projects in the areas of Transport, Aeronautics, Environment and Energy.Currently, at LEITAT he is involved in preparation and implementation of several European projects within different thematic areas. In GRAIN 2 Ahmad will be involved in WP6 and will support WP1, 3 and will manage financial and administrative tasks of GRAIN 2 Project. Email: , Phone: (+34) 93 788 23 00

Address: C/ de la Innovaci\Uffffffff, 08225, Terrassa (Barcelona)    Airborne Technology Center
Airborne Technology Centre
Laan van Ypenburg 70
2497 GB Den Haag
The Netherlands
+31 70 3017400

Airborne develops and produces advanced composite products, for a variety of markets such as aeronautics, space, oil & gas, semiconductor industry and maritime. It turns innovative know-how into industrialised production, through integrated Design and Build programmes.It operates in three locations, The Hague and Ijmiuden in the Netherlands and Girona in Spain.   

The Airborne Technology Centre is founded to develop the new, differentiating composite technologies. The following four Research themes are defined:
\Uffffffff    Thermoplastic composites: Thermoplastic tape placement, in-situ consolidation, autoclave/oven consolidation, welding
\Uffffffff    Injection and perform technologies: RTM and VARTM, automated performing techniques, fast curing materials
\Uffffffff    Simulation: Composite mechanical behaviour, simulation of process-induced effects
\Uffffffff    Automation: Automated Fibre Placement, fiber steering, Continuous Winding process, machining of composites

Experience and contribution to previous EU funded projects
PDT-COIL (FP5):Power & Data Transmission Composite Coiled Tubing. Development of thermoplastic composite tubular technology, including new production process. Coordinator of the project
ZEM (FP5): Zero emission composite high pressure natural gas tank for automotive applications. Integration of fiberbragg gratings for structural health monitoring. FEA of damage behaviour, automated manufacturing process, prototyping
Clean Sky Green RotorCraft (FP7): development of a smart rotor blade, with integrated optical fibre sensors and active materials for shape morphing.Development of production technology and manufacturing of rotor prototype blades.
Clean Sky Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft (FP7): development and manufacturing of smart structure components in the wing/flaps, with integrated optical fibre sensors and active materials

Contribution to the project - skills and expertise
Airborne will provide an overview of the state-of-the-art of composite manufacturing processes, focused to primary aircraft structure. Novel production methods such as fibre placement, resin injection, new curing methods such as microwave and fast curing resins will be covered. Special attention will be given to the emerging field of Manufacturing Process Simulation, to simulate the effects of the production process on residual stresses and deformations. Current practice in industry is to solve this by trial-and-error, but adequate simulation is required to optimise the product, enhance safety and reduce development effort.

Key personnel
-    Marcus Kremers (
CTO of Airborne and Managing Director of the Airborne Technology Centre. His expertise is in technology development for composites, with an extensive experience in materials, processes, automation and design concepts.

-    Anders Br\Uffffffff (
Technology Manager at Airborne Technology Centre with 15 years of experience in the field of composite materials and processes.

-    Tahira Ahmed (
Project Manager at the Airborne Technology Centre. Her expertise is on project management of research projects, with an academic background at the TU Delft on composites (PhD).    Sheffield University
The University of Sheffield, which celebrated its centenary in 2005, is one of the UK\Uffffffffs leading research-led universities, with an international reputation for excellence in both teaching and research. In constantly developing the quality and diversity of its research across a wide range of subjects, the University has appointed many outstanding academics to its multidisciplinary research groups.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Sheffield is one of the largest and most respected in the UK since its foundation in 1905, consistently achieving high ratings for teaching quality and research. Itis internationally renowned for high quality research. The expertise of our staff covers a wide range of specialist areas and our mission is to carry out research for fundamental science through to practical industrial applications.
Mechanical Engineering has received an outstanding result in the latest Research Assessment Exercise (RAE). The Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) has independently assessed research carried out by staff in every university department in the country. The quality of our research outputs, the research environment, research income, professional esteem, and PhD students are all rated and compared with our peers. Our profile is as 30% 4*, 45% 3*, 20% 2*, 5% 1*. This is an exceptionally good result and places us second in the country for Mechanical Engineering.
The Aerodynamics group's research activities cover aerodynamics, combustion, turbulence and bio-fluids using both computational (CFD) and experimental tools.Major facilities include two recently refurbished low speed wind tunnels and a local parallel computing cluster. These facilities provide the group with the equipment for applied and fundamental fluid mechanic research and experiment-CFD side-by-side research for mutual validation and basic understanding. On-going research projects include: aerodynamic optimisation of blended wing body aircraft; shock control for aircraft drag reduction; flow control for drag reduction and separation control; multidisciplinary design and optimisation; aero-engine fuel emission control; synthetic jets for stall control; measurement and analysis of fluid flow in fuel cell systems; particle flow in human airway; simulation tools for micro-fluidic gases; fractal and wavelet analysis of turbulence and experiments; and real-time simulation of aircraft/vortex interaction.

Key contact person:
Professor N. Qin
Head of Aerodynamics Group and Professor of Aerodynamics
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK
Professor Ning Qin is currently Chair of Aerodynamics and Head of Thermo-Fluids in Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Sheffield. He has been involved in a wide range of research activities for Aerodynamics/CFD development and applications. He has published over 160 journal and conference papers in the area, including flow control research. His recent research interest includes: shock control for drag reduction, DES simulation of synthetic jet control of aircraft wing stall, aircraft aerodynamic and multi-disciplinary optimisation, vertical axis wind turbine unsteady aerodynamics, moving mesh and adaptive mesh solution techniques, and algorithm development for high order turbulent flow simulations. He obtained research funding from Research Councils and industries including EPSRC, Leverhulme Trust, EU, DERA(QinetiQ), BAE Systems, Westland Helicopters Ltd, Airbus and Rolls Royce. He is currently working with Rolls Royce and Airbus within the Centre for Flow Modelling and Simulation and in the UK Applied Aerodynamics Consortium funded by EPSRC. He will act as contact person in KGT2.
Dr S Siouris, Research Associate, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK
Contact data:
Sir Frederick Mappin Building, Mappin St
Sheffield, SI3JD
Tel: +44 114 222 7718
Email:    Manchester University
The Aerospace Research Institute of the University of Manchester Aerospace Research Institute (UMARI)operates on an interdisciplinary basis right across the University, bringing together every aspect of aerospace research which is innovative and united.
The Aerospace Research Institute also aims to:
\Uffffffff    Achieve a doubling of our aerospace research portfolio to become one of the top three Universities for aerospace research
\Uffffffff    Expand the research base by fully exploiting world class technologies and skills within the University not presently associated with aerospace
\Uffffffff    Recruit virtuoso scholars and researchers
\Uffffffff    Make the University of Manchester the University of choice as an aerospace collaborator in new projects and initiatives within Europe, nationally and regionally by establishing a portfolio of major aerospace related initiatives
\Uffffffff    Develop the skills and proficiency of graduates and post graduates in aerospace
\Uffffffff    Enable the University to access outstanding students from abroad.
\Uffffffff    Collaborate, as appropriate, with other universities in the North West to advance the interests of the region, building on the collaborative success of the North West Composites Centre, North West Laser Engineering Consortium, NATEC and the North West Aerospace Alliance.

In the 10 years, UMARI has taken part in over 250 RTD projects with over 130 companies and organizations. UMARI has been the coordinator of BP-ICAM project (120 million USD). Some 47 of these projects have received EC support through FP5-7 programmes. UMARI has been the coordinator of some 9 EC funded projects.The outcome of the research is recorded in over 2000 scientific publications, technical reports and educational software codes published by UMARI academics. UMARI has also successfully organized some 200 courses and seminars and around 60 international conferences. UMARI has also specialized in the development of decision support systems integrating Artificial Intelligence models based on the Monte Carlo method, Neural Networks and IT tools such as wireless sensor networks and user friendly interfaces for finite element based simulation software.

Specific contribution to Project
UNIMAN will survey new technologies associated with drag and noise reduction such as plasma actuators, piezoelectric elements, morphing structures, which will put in the context of practical applications for greener air transport. The importance of multi-disciplinary optimization in the design of drag and noise reduction technologies will be discussed together with the importance of HPC in modelling and simulating of the induced phenomena and interactions. UNIMAN will also provide a state-of-the art document on surface coating technologies for extending the operating temperature range of gas turbines and improving their performance. In the present proposal, it will contribute in KGT2 and KGT3.

Key personel
Prof. K. Kontis
Chair of Aerodynamics and Shock Physics
Head of the Aerospace Research Group
Deputy Director of the Aerospace Research Institute
Tel: +441613065751

Prof Kontis is expert in Flow control actuators, systems, architectures and their application using wind tunnel testing and flow rigs in general (plasma, pneumatics etc); Optimization studies for design of experiments; Aerodynamics studies of UAS (including NAV and MAV); Fluid-structure interactions including load control (morphing, smart structures); Advanced flow diagnostics for validation studies; Multidisciplinary wing processes and integrated wing design technologies; Surface coating technologies for extending the operating temperature range of gas turbines and improving their performance.    Cranfield University
Cranfield University is a distinctive, wholly postgraduate university specialising in science, technology, engineering and management. Its income earned from UK industry (as a percentage of the total) is the highest in the UK and the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) placed Cranfield third in the UK for its research in mechanical, aeronautical and manufacturing engineering. Cranfield has been at the forefront of aerospace development for over 60 years and brings together the disciplines of aeronautical engineering, materials, manufacturing and management to create new solutions for the industry.
It has over 2,000 staff (800 research and teaching) and 3,000 students (about 25-30% on full time research). Its activities are spread over two campuses at Cranfield and Shrivenham in five Schools. It brings a range of multidisciplinary skills to bear in addressing a number of fields including: Aerospace, Automotive, Bioscience, Energy, Environment, Manufacturing, and Security and Defence. Cranfield undertakes a full spectrum of research from basic through to application in order to serve society and inform our teaching. Its aim is to transform all its knowledge to practical application. This is mainly achieved through the work of its students and through its work for sponsoring clients.
There are approximately 200 research & teaching staff and 200 PhD students currently working on Aerospace topics; the range of expertise and facilities available covers the entire range of aviation technologies.  
Cranfield has been involved, as partner or coordinator, in many EC funded projects or networks, such as CleanSky, COINS, CRESCENDO, GRAIN, SADE, etc.  

Key personnel
Dr Xiang Zhang (FRAeS, SMAIAA, CEng)
Reader in aircraft structural integrity and durability. She has been active in research and teaching. A graduate of NPU (China) and PhD from Imperial College London, she has over 30 years\Uffffffff experience in both the academia and industry. She has particular expertise in structural mechanics, fracture mechanics, modelling and characterisation of structures and materials performance (metallic and fibre reinforced polymer composites). Current research projects include predictive models for low-velocity impact damage in composite structures, through-thickness reinforced laminates (z-fibre pinning), and damage tolerance analysis of novel aircraft structures (welded, bonded, hybrid materials).
Contact address:
Aerospace Engineering Dept, Cranfield University, Bedford, MK43 0AL, United Kingdom. T: +44 (0) 1234 754621; E:
Prof Ian Poll (OBE, FREng, FCGI, Hon.FAIAA, FRAeS)
Emeritus Professor of Aerospace Engineering at Cranfield University and a Non-Executive Director of Cranfield Aerospace Ltd. A graduate of Imperial College, he has 40 years\Uffffffff experience in both the academic and commercial domains. He has particular expertise in fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, air vehicle performance and design and the impact of aviation on the environment.
Contact address:
Aerospace Engineering Dept, Cranfield University, Bedford, MK43 0AL, United Kingdom. E:    Universitat Polit\Uffffffffica de Catalunya
The Technical University of Catalonia - BarcelonaTech (UPC) is a university with a consolidated worldwide reputation and an international vision that generates technological innovation and attracts talent. The objectives of the UPC are based on internationalization, as it is Spain\Uffffffffs technical university with the highest number of international PhD students and Spain\Uffffffffs university with the highest number of international master\Uffffffffs degree students. The UPC is home to more strategic research projects funded by the European Union's Seventh Framework Program than any other Spanish university. Today, the University is characterized by a purposefully open stance towards international students, a wide selection of master\Uffffffffs degree programs in English, participation in the European Institute of Innovation and Technology and various international research programs, and a consolidated line of worldwide cooperation activities that serve as tools for change and social progress.

The ICARUS research group from the UPC will participate in this project. The group is formed by interdisciplinary researchers (mainly with aeronautical, telecommunications or computer science backgrounds) assigned to the UPC's Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering School of Castelldefels (EETAC). The group initiated its initial activities in 2005 and was formally recognised as an emerging research group by the Catalan government in 2009 (AGAUR grant SGR-1012). The research of the group is focused in the improvement of air transportation efficiency, while reducing its environmental impact; and the development of new technologies aiming at improving ATM automation; new systems and applications for Communications Navigation and Surveillance for civil aviation; and the integration of UAS into non-segregated airspace. In order to address these objectives, the group uses extensively Information and Communication Technologies, along with methods and techniques coming from Computer Science and Operational Research disciplines.
The ICARUS group has previous experience in trajectory optimisation, CNS systems, environmental impact studies for aviation and in the implementation of software aiming at increasing the automation levels in ATM. So far, the research has been funded by regional and national programmes and through cooperation with the industry. Despite the recent creation of the group, in the last 3 years, 4 PhD students advised by faculty from ICARUS graduated and researchers of the group have published more than ten papers into peer-reviewed international journals. At present, ICARUS has a research grant from Eurocontrol in ATM automation and recently, the group was awarded a PhD research grant from HALA! (a SESAR WP-E research network) and a CelanSky project on tactical aircraft trajectory optimisation. Moreover, the group is participating in numerous consultancy projects with industry or public agencies close to aviation and ATM such as Indra, Boeing, ALG-global, ARINC, Aeroports de Catalunya, Pildo Labs etc.  
Key Contact Person
Dr. Xavier Prats i Menendez. Associated professor at the UPC.
He is an aeronautical engineer from ENAC (Toulouse) and he also holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineering from Telecom Barcelona which belongs to the UPC. Furthermore, he has a Ph.D in Aerospace Science and Technology from UPC. He has been working with UPC since 2001 and currently, he is an assistant professor at the EETAC. He co-founded the ICARUS research group and is currently leading the Air Transportation and ATM research activities within it. Before that, he was a researcher of the Geomatics and Astronomy research Group (gAGE) at UPC (2002-2005), where he investigated in the domain of satellite navigation systems for civil aviation. Then, he joined the Advanced Control Systems group (SAC), also at UPC where he developed his doctoral thesis work on aircraft trajectory optimization. He has published more than 15 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals and more than 25 articles in international conference proceedings in the last 5 years.
Contact data:
c/ Esteve Terrades, 5
Campus PMT-UPC,
08860 Castelldefels
Tel: +34 93 401 41 25

Dr. Luis Delgado Mu\Uffffffff Associated professor at the UPC.
Holds and Aeronautical and a Computer Science degree. As a junior researcher he joined the ICARUS research group three years ago and he just finished his PhD studies, which are devoted to optimising flight trajectories for Air Traffic Management purposes.
Contact data:
c/ Esteve Terrades, 5
Campus PMT-UPC,
08860 Castelldefels
Tel: +34 93 401 41 25    Universidad Polit\Uffffffffica de Madrid

Universidad Polit\Uffffffffica de Madrid (UPM) is the oldest and largest Spanish technical University, with more than 4.000 faculty members, around 48.000 undergraduate students and 6.000 postgraduates in 21 Schools of study. UPM\Uffffffffs Schools cover most of engineering disciplines, including Aeronautical. UPM, as a top quality academic establishment, has a strong commitment to R&D and Innovation. It boasts over 200 Research Units and several Research Institutes and Technological Centres.

The Applied Mathematics Department, within the School of Aeronautics, has over 15 years of experience in computational fluid dynamics applied to aircraft design problems. Current investigations are concerned with the development of accurate as well as efficient numerical procedures for the solution of Navier-Stokes equations.

The expertise of the group relevant to the current project is in airframe drag and weight reduction technologies including flow control and numerical simulation technologies related to HPC, parallel computing, error estimation, mesh adaptation and stability analysis of detached flow. The activities of a total of 10 researchers have been jointly financed by the Spanish Ministry of Innovation and AIRBUS within its FUSIM (Future Simulation Concept) program. The group keeps a strong collaboration with the UPM Super Computing Centre ( giving access and support to Magerit, the current top-Spanish supercomputer with 3920 processors and 72Tflops of peak performance.

Throughout the years, the Applied Mathematics & Fluid Mechanics Research Group has been actively involved in many national and international research projects: REMFI, CAFEDA,PCTRANS, ACE-PCOR, FAR-WAKE. The school of aeronautics from the UPM and the members involve in this project has a strong experience in international training programs. Currently, UPM acts as coordinator of the Initial Training Network ANADE.

The UPM will coordinates the activities in WP2 (KGT2) related to aircraft drag and weight reduction technologies and HPC numerical simulation technologies. For KGT2 this will include: study of the state of the art of all corresponding technology in Europe and China, analysis of future and emerging technologies, prospective of existing technologies that could be transferred from other fields which enable the reduction of drag to directly affect consumption (SFC) and related CO2 emissions control.

UPM will also focus on the study and analysis of available and future IT technologies which will facilitate and speed up the development of new technologies for large scale simulation and optimisation in aeronautics. Time-to-market and aircraft design cost reduction technologies based on high performance computation resources will be analysed.

Key Persons:
Dr. Eusebio Valero, Professor in Applied Mathematics, School of Aeronautics, UPM. PhD in aeronautical engineer. More than 20 years of experience in different fields of fluid mechanics and more than 50 publications in international journals and proceedings. Expertise in numerical methods, stability analysis and algorithms. He will help in the coordination and follow-up of KGT2 actions and will participate in WP6.
Eusebio Valero
Dpto Matem\Uffffffffca Aplicada y Estad\Uffffffffica
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Plaza Cardenal Cisneros 3
28040 Madrid
Telf: +34-913366326
Dr. Adel Abbas, Former Head of the Aerodynamic Research and Technology. Company expert in aerodynamic and multidisciplinary simulation methods. Chairman of EADS research group for flight physics. Currently Honorary Professor at UPM. He will coordinate the Task 2.1 in KGT2 actions.
Adel Abbas
Dpto Matem\Uffffffffca Aplicada y Estad\Uffffffffica
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Plaza Cardenal Cisneros 3
28040 Madrid
Telf: +34-913366326
email:    RWTH Aachen University
With 260 institutes in nine faculties, RWTH Aachen University (http://www.rwth-aachen. de) is one of Europe\Uffffffffs leading institutions for science and research. Currently around 34.000 students are enrolled in over 100 academic programs. The individual competence centres at RWTH Aachen University collaborate very efficiently across departments and faculties in interdisciplinary groups and forums, while still maintaining a strong focus on their own department specialization. For instance, the CCES \Uffffffff Centre for Computational Engineering Science ( \Uffffffff stimulates interdisciplinary activities linking fundamental and applied research in the field of computational engineering science, where considerable scientific advances are anticipated due to the application of mathematical modelling methods and modern computational techniques to challenging engineering problems. The research areas of the Computational Mathematics Group (CompMath) at CCES are: Nonlinear and Numerical Optimisation, Optimisation and Control with PDEs, Aerodynamic Design Optimisation in Multidisciplinary Design Context, Optimal Active Flow Control, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Computational Aero Acoustics (CAA), and Algorithmic/Automatic Differentiation (AD).
The CompMath personnel bring experience in the development of efficient (adjoint-based) sensitivity evaluation and theuse of these sensitivities in innovative optimisation strategies, especially based on the use of AD-tools applied to CFD as well as CAA solvers.

Role in GRAIN2:
The CompMath personnel bring experience in the development of efficient (adjoint-based) sensitivity evaluation and the use of these sensitivities in innovative optimisation strategies, especially based on the use of AD-tools applied to CFD as well as CAA solvers.

Key contact person:

Prof. Dr. Nicolas Gauger is the Head of CompMath at RWTH. He has been involved in several EU-Projects (e.g. AEROSHAPE, NODESIM-CFD) as well as in the German DFG Priority Programme on Optimisation with PDEs (headed three collaborative projects on aerodynamic shape design).

Prof. Dr. Nicolas R. Gauger
Head of Computational Mathematics Group
Department of Mathematics and Center for Computational Engineering Science (CCES)
RWTH Aachen University
Schinkelstr. 2
52062 Aachen, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)241 80 98 660 and 98 672
Fax:   +49 (0)241 80 92 600