Wednesday, July 3, 2024
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The Chinese Aeronautical Establishment (CAE) owns 31 research institutes and 3 new research centres in different disciplines located across the country. CAE undertakes the tasks of fundamental research, applied fundamental research, applied research, design, test and technical validation of aeronautical science and technology for aircraft, engine and airborne equipment. It is under the administration of China Aviation Industry Corporation (AVIC), which is state-owned industrial group directly under the administration of the Central Government. Authorized by the Chinese government, CAE is also responsible for the coordination, planning and management of the development and international cooperation of science and technology in aviation industry. There are over 10,000 scientific, engineering and technical personnel in CAE. Among them there are 16 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Science and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

CAE will act as administration and coordinator for all Chinese contributors to the project. The technical administration will relay on Ms. Sun Jian from CAE.

Key Contact Person
Ms. SUN Jian is a senior engineer with more than 15 years of experience in engineering management and International Cooperation. She managed more than 50 EU-China Cooperation projects in Industrial and Research fields in aeronautics, including activities like AEROCHINA, AEROCHINA2, MARS, COLTS, and GRAIN.
Address: 2, Anwaibeiyuan
100012 Beijing China
Tel: +86 10 84933561

Mr. LUO Shilu professor, has been charge of management of science and technology in aeronautics for a long time, and responsible for operation of the website in CAE since 2008.
Tel: +86 10 84936533
Chinese Associates

The First Aircraft Institute of AVIC (FAI) is located in Yan liang district, Xi'an City, Shan xi province. It\Uffffffffs also called as Xi\Uffffffffan Aircraft Design institute. It is an institute focusing on transport aircraft design and specializing in configuration design and aerodynamic design.
Some milestones of China Aviation Industry History were set up by this  institutes, the first Chinese civil aircraft\UffffffffY7, the first China\Uffffffffs business aircraft\UffffffffLE500. It also had international cooperation research experience on  MPC75 and  AE100.
There are more than 20 research divisions in the institute, such as aircraft configuration, aerodynamics, structure design, strength analysis, landing gear, avionics, flight control and hydraulic system, engine and fuel system, environmental control system, etc .

For GRAIN II Networking activities, FAI maintains expertises in laminar wing design,  HLFC technologies and flow controls to delay separation. Besides, aircraft noise reduction technologies especially on high lift devices are also developed.

Specific contributions to GRAIN2 project

A state of the art will be studied and analyzed in terms of reduction of drag and noise . European and Chinese technologies in aerodynamic design, CFD, wind tunnel experiments  and  their applications and ways to improve the aircrafts performances will be considered by meeting and expert panel review, including: (1)laminar wing design, (2) HLFC, (3) turbulence flow control, (4) high lift devices aero-acoustics.

Key Contact Person
Prof.DUAN Zhuoyi, Vice Chief Designer in FAI, he has worked more than 20 years in both academic and industry.Currently, his main interest is aerodynamic design and CFD analyse, particular expertise in aircraft MDO research, CFD simulation and drag reduction by integrated design. (KGT2)
Address: 20, Renmindong Road
710089 Yanliang District, Xi\Uffffffffan, Shaanxi Province, China
Tel: +86 137 7219 5221

Ms. DENG Yiju, Head of Aerodynamic Design Division in FAI, her major interest is aerodynamic design especially on 2D and 3D high-lift devices.She supports Prof. DUAN during the GRAIN project.(KGT2)

AVIC Commercial Aircraft Engine Co., Ltd.(ACAE) is one of the subsidiaries of Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC). It is a limited liability company with a Board of Directors, AVIC, Shanghai Electric Corporation and Shanghai Guosheng Group, with registered capital of 6 billion RMB.ACAE bears the responsibility for commercial aircraft engine and the related products, including R&D, manufacture, final assembly, testing, sales, MRO, service, technological development and consultation. ACAE focuses on setting up the network-researching, developing, manufacturing, assembling, testing and serving for high bypass ratio aero-engine, by the way of combining self-made business with international cooperation, take advantage of the domestic/international research and manufacturing resource.

For the GRAIN2 Networking activities, ACAE will contribute in the following cutting edge research areas: clean combustion technologies, ceramic matrix composite applications and whole engine mult-disciplinary design optimization (MDO) technology.

Key contact person
Prof. LI Jibao is the Vice President of ACAE, works at propulsion technology in ACAE. (KGT1)
Address: 3998, Lianhua Nanlu
201108 Shangai, China
Tel: +86 2133366666
Fax: +86 2133366688


Aircraft Strength Research Institute (ASRI), subordinated to Aviation Industries of China (AVIC), is the aircraft strength research center and ground test base for aircraft structure in aviation industry. As the sole strength research center in China, there are a number of specialized research departments for statics, dynamics, fatigue and reliability, composite materials, structure health monitoring, multi-environment, aeroacoustics, cabin noise control and acoustic fatigue as well as computational mechanics.

Background information and experience
ASRI has the unique Aeronautical Science and Technology Key Laboratory of Aeroacoustics and Dynamic Strength research in China. It has been organizing and conducting R&D  projects for the past decades in domains of aeroacoustics, related cabin noise, sonic fatigue and aircraft noise control, funded by the nation as well as in cooperation with Industries. ASRI also has gained internationally collabrtive experiences by taking part in EU-China co-funded projects since AEROCHINA,AEROCHINA2 to the latest GRAIN, in which ASRI acted as the coordinator of KGT3 for noise reduction.

Specific contributions to GRAIN2 project
ASRI will contribute in KGT-2 to the noise reduction related research activities in GRAIN2 project, with its aeroacoustic test facility with anechoic chamber, professional test technique and devices for experimental technique research and innovative noise control technique. ASRI will focus on new developments of experimentation and optimization for reduction of noise perception,which includes:
1 Develop signal processing techniques for acoustic/flow pressure separation
2 Test and evaluation on aircraft noise reduction methods, inspecting their benefits and penalties with help of multidisplinary approach.
3 Optimal assessment on aircraft noise reduction techniques, by using global sensitivity analysis and local gradient search methods.

ASRI will aiso contribute in KGT-3, for the structure health related research activities in GRAIN2 project, focus on development of damage identification methods and systems based on piezoelectric monitoring technique.

Key Contact Person
Prof. Wenchao HUANG is the vice chief engineer of ASRI, taking charge of acoustics, vibration and dynamics related research. He is also the director of Aeronautical Science and Technology Key Laboratory of Aeroacoustics and Dynamic Strength. He has more than 20 years of experiences in aircraft noise reduction, as well as aeroacoustics and sonic fatigue research.(KGT2)
Address: 86. 2nd Dianzi Road
710065, Xi\Uffffffffan City, China
Tel: +86 (0) 29 882 68907
Tel2: +86 (0) 133 892 60092

Mr. Yingchun XIAO is the vice chief engineer of ASRI, Director of structure damage Detecting and Monitoring Department of ASRI. And will take charge of research in aircraft structure health monitoring in GRAIN2.(KGT3)

The Aeronautics Computing Technique Research Institute (ACTRI) is mainly engaged in the development of airborne computers, and aeronautical software. Being a professional institute in the avionics domain, ACTRI has accumulated rich experiences in aircraft condition monitoring, fault diagnosis, and health management. ACTRI completed the Central Maintenance System for the ARJ21 airplane by cooperating with Rockwell Collins. ACTRI participates in several important vehicle CMS/PHM related projects.
Meanwhile, ACTRI has an Airborne Computer Development Center, an Aeronautic Software Development Center, a Xi\Uffffffffan Computer Software Testing Center, and an integrated-circuit design center which is specific for aviation industries. It is the Benchmarking enterprise of avionics in China.

In the past ACTRI had been involved several China-EU co-founded projects like AEROCHINA, AEROCHINA2, GRAIN, and MARS. In AEORCHINA, and AEROCHINA2 project it acted as the coordinator and deputy coordinator for the projects since 2005.

Specific contributions to GRAIN2 project
For KGT2, ACTRI will contributed to parallel CFD techniques for aeronautical applications, especially for drag reduction and high lift predictions.

For KGT3, ACTRI will focus on intelligent health management:
-    Aircraft condition monitoring and onboard fault diagnosis;
-    On-ground strctual fault diagnosis,remaining useful life prognostics;
-    Generic model-based arithmetic and diagnosis/prognostics model development;
-    Data, model, arithmetic and knowledge management.

For KGT4, ACTRI will contribute in the following topics:
-    advanced avionics techniques for CNS, including the system simulation,prototype system and analysis for performance
-    concepts and technologies of high precision navigation technology for general aviation.

Key contact person
Prof. NIU Wensheng is Vice President and Chief Engineer of Aeronautics Computing Technique Research Institute. He is an adjunct professor in computer science at Xidian University, and Chinese Aeronautical Establishment, where he is appointed as a doctoral supervisor. Currently he is specialized in theoretical and application researches on computer science, especially for distributed computer system, and high security operating system. He will act as the key contact person of ACTRI in GRAIN2 project. (KGT3)
Address: 15, Jin Ye 2 Road
710119, Xian, Shanxi province, China
Tel: +86 29 13891898283
Fax: +86 29 89186001

Mr. LIU Wenxue is Deputy Research Director in airborne avionics system of Aeronautics Computing Technique Research Institute. He received his B.S. degree from Xidian University, Xi\Uffffffffan, China in 2005. Since then he had worked as a research engineer for airborne avionics system at ACTRI, where he is majored in advanced avionics techniques and high precision navigation technology for general aviation. He will be the key contact person of ACTRI for KGT4.
Address: 156, Tai Bai North Road
710068, Xian, Shanxi province, China
Tel: +86 29 13892813122
Fax: +86 29 89186001

Mr. LI Li is a Leading Research Engineer in CFD of of Aeronautics Computing Technique Research Institute. He received his M.S. and B.S degree from Department of Mathematics of Xi\Uffffffffan Jiaotong University in 2000, and 2004, respectively. From 2002 to 2003, and from 2004 to 2005, he worked as a Research Associate at Department of Electronic Engineering of City University of Hongkong. Since April of 2005, he had worked for ACTRI as a research engineer in CFD. He is specialized in CFD algorithm, and verification and validations.

AVIC Aerodynamics Research Institute (AVIC ARI) is the unique institution for aerodynamics research in China Aviation Industry, AVIC ARI has effective abilities of aircraft configuration designs by experimentation, simulation and optimization methods. All of AVIC ARI's 7 wind tunnels are equipped with advanced measurement equipments and have the ability of performing the conventional and special tests. There are many sophisticated test techniques in AVIC ARI and a lot of resources and efforts have been dedicated in recent years to research activities in airplane configuration designs. Simultaneously, AVIC ARI\Uffffffffs own codes have the abilities of numerical simulation based on RANS as well as DES & LES. Some optimized design technologies and approaches have been developed and applied to aircraft industry. Moreover, for noise reduction research, AVIC ARI has established a professional workgroup which devotes to aeroacoustics. Its mainly work covers theoretical prediction, experimental measurement, numerical simulation (CAA/CFD), etc. Most of all, AVIC ARI has many efforts on flow control and drag reduction, such as researches on VG, synthetic jets, plasma, moving surface and other flow controls. AVIC ARI has attended the projects of AEROCHINA, AEROCHINA 2, GRAIN, and has been the Chinese administrative coordinator of the project MARS.

Specific contributions to GRAIN2 Project
AVIC ARI's contributions to GRAIN project will focus on KGT2, which including drag reduction, noise reduction, methods/simulation with HPC.
-    Development of reliable methods for aerodynamic performance validation and analysis, such as high precision CFD simulation code, optimization theory research, special test measurement device etc.;
-    Design and analysis of laminar airfoils and wings. Combining computational and experimental approaches will be used for studying several promising topics, including prediction of transition position, supercritical natural laminar wing design, shock wave control, etc.;
-    Design high lift aerodynamic configuration of airplanes, such as high lift system, winglet configuration, etc.;
-    Development of innovative flow control device for separation control and drag reduction, such as Micro-Electro- Mechanical System and plasma, etc.
-    Develop noise reduction and drag reduction technologies for airfoil/wing based on Large Eddy Simulation.
Key contact persons
Mr. LIU Guozheng, a Senior Engineer of AVIC ARI, works at flow visualization, flow control, and dynamic wind tunnel test technique. He has attended the MARS program in WP2 and WP5, and he is the leader in WP5 of MARS.(KGT2)
Address: 2, Yiman street
Nan-gang District
150001 Harbin, China
Tel: +86 10 13936406898
Tel2: +86 451 87570204
Fax: +86 451 82511688
Email:    BIAM
The Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials (BIAM) is the one of the largest materials research and development centres in China, and the only one serving the Chinese aviation industry. The wide-ranging materials research and development are listed in 4 major areas: (1) metallic materials, (2) Hot processes, (3) Non-metallic materials, and (4) Materials characterization, simulation and evaluation. BIAM is currently or has been involved, as partner or coordinator, in many international cooperation projects including several EC projects or networks, such as COLTS, AeroChina and GRAIN.
For GRAIN2 Networking activities, BIAM maintains expertises in bio-sourced polymers and natural composites and structures. Besides, green coating and metal alloys technologies are also developed.

Specific contributions to GRAIN2 project
A state of the art will be studied and analyzed in terms of reduction of weight and environmental footprint as well as the recyclabilityof the materials and structures to enable the use of them in aircrafts, interiors, and cabins etc. European and Chinese technologies in aeronautical materials and applications and ways to improve their environmental behavior will be considered by meeting and expert panel review, including: (1) bio-sourced polymers, (2) green compositetechnologies, (3) green metal alloys, (4) environment- friendly surface coating technologies, (5) Acoustic design and manufacturing of green Cabins, (6) Cost-effective and environment-friendly manufacturing technologies, (7) Nano-structured and nano-modified green materials, (8) Computational approach on the green materials and structures.

Key contact person
YI Xiaosu, Prof. Dr.-Ing., is the member of the executive board and the director of the National Key Laboratory of Advanced Composites (LAC). His research interests include structural composites, functional composites, process engineering, materials modelling and surface modification.(KGT3)
Address: 8, HuanHang Ave
HaiDian district, PO box 81
Beijing, China
Tel: +86 10 62496740
Fax: +86 10 62496741


GTE is one of leading research institutes engaged in low emission combustion research in China. GTE focus on lean premixed pre-evaporation (LPP) which includes building up combustion, combustor cooling, fuel jet and atomization etc. In GRAIN KGT1, GTE work is aimed to build prediction emission model of alternative fuel combustion based using CRN. Based on simplified CFD analysis, the present work is aimed at evaluating the potentiality of using a low computational effort modelling approach, to quickly assess emissions. Combined CFD and CRN are used to predict NOx and CO emissions on alternative fuel combustor, making the most of both CFD tools, providing basic fluid dynamics information, and a CRN tool to provide reaction and pollutants information

Key contact person
Prof. HuashengXuis the vice Chief engineer in GTE. He will focus on the research in WP1 of GRAIN2.(KGT2)
Address: 6, Xin Jun Road
610500, Xin Du Town, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Tel: +86 028 83017663
Tel2: +86 13880579519

Shanghai Aircraft Design & Research Institute of COMAC is now undertaking two primary tasks of the design work for both the regional and large passenger airplanes. Under the supervision of COMAC, the institute has a strong design team of 80% of the overall staff. The institute has a broad range of design centers in the following fields: Aerodynamics Design & Analysis & Configuration, Structure, Strength, Electronic and Electrical system, Flight Control, Hydraulic system, Reliability & Maintainability, Standard, Material, Computer, Scientific Information and IT, which focus on a wide variety of research and design areas such as Aircraft design, Mechanical Engineering, Aerodynamics, Aviation Engines, Aircraft Design and Engineering, Mechanical System, Electronic Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control, Aircraft Manufacture Engineering, Mechanical Design and Manufacturing, Reliability Engineering, Material, Computer, Test and Instrument, Airworthiness and Etc.
Established in 1970s, Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute is the only large design and research institute for civil aircraft in the whole country. We have completed with success a number of civil aircraft model design projects over the past 30 years.

Specific contributions to GRAIN2 project
For KGT4, COMAC will contribute in the following topics:
-    subsystems integration related to CNS/ATM
-    systematic and standard-compliance verification and validation of the integrated subsystems/systems.

Key contact person
Dr. WANG Haiyun, SADRI, COMAC. Her major is mainly in the areas of digital signal/image processing, algorithm research, and airborn software development. She is currently working in Avionics Department of SADRI, COMAC, responsible for standard-compliance airborne software research and development, especially for display system.(KGT4)
BUAA had made great contributions to China\Uffffffffs Aviation Industry, especially in the area of aero-engine, communication, air traffic management system (CNS/ATM) and sustainable aviation energy.
The National Key Laboratory on Aero-Engines in BUAA has a leading position in the aerodynamics of fans and compressors and the design of a compressor cascade with splitter vanes. BUAA Airworthiness Technology Research Center, with the approval of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, will make effort to promote the safety level of civil aviation with focusing on R&D of complex systems. The Energy and Environment International Center (EEIC) provides a collaborative environment where a worldwide team of researchers and educators can work together to find innovative solutions to national and global energy and environmental issues, and provide students with the training and vision necessary for a clean and sustainable future. The researches in this area include heat transfer, structure strength, aero-engine control, dynamics, aeroacoustics, and sustainable energy application in aviation. More importantly, emphasis will be put on the substantive collaborations and active interactions across multidisciplinary research areas in order to tackle the most challenging problems from aerospace power and energy engineering. Currently, the research around sustainable aviation and green energy has been reorganized into a new team, significantly expanding the efforts in the enhancement of airworthiness, and the innovation of various sustainable energy, and engine noise through innovative ideas in a variety of areas. In addition, the educational program will be gradually reformed to adopt modern aerospace propulsion and energy systems engineering practices as the context for the curriculum and pedagogy.
BUAA has made great contribution to China\Uffffffffs Civil Aviation Industry, especially in Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Air Traffic Management system (CNS/ATM) research and development for the next generation air transportation system of China. The National Key Laboratory of CNS/ATM founded in BUAA has been dedicated to conducting CNS/ATM related R&D activities. The representatives are as follow:
\Uffffffff    Aeronautical Broadband Mobile Communication
\Uffffffff    Air-Space-Ground Integrated Communication Network
\Uffffffff    Integrity Monitoring and Augmentation for Satellite Navigation
\Uffffffff    Performance Based Navigation
\Uffffffff    Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast
\Uffffffff    Airspace Safety Monitoring&Assessment
\Uffffffff    National Air routes Network Redesign
\Uffffffff    Air Traffic Flow Management
\Uffffffff    Flight Inspection System
The National Key Laboratory of CNS/ATM has established close cooperation with universities, research institutes and companies both in China and overseas. For example, for the research on Aeronautical Broadband Mobile Communication, the Laboratory has made strong links to Chongqing University and foreign partners, such as ARINC and Honeywell.

Specific contributions to GRAIN2 project

For KGT4, BUAA will bring expertise and previous experience in CNS/ATM domain to contribute to KGT4in the following activities:
-    a state of the art of CNS/ATM technology and application in China, especially in topics relating to Total Airport Management, System wide Information management , 4D trajectory based operation and Performance based ATM.
-    identification of RTD demands in China including: Aeronautical Broadband Mobile Communication, National Air routes Network Redesign and Flight Service for General Aviation.

Key contact person
Prof. ZHANG Jun, professor and vice president of BUAA is specialized in air traffic flow control and management.(KGT4)
Prof. XU Huibing, vice president of BUAA is specialized in aeronautical materials.(KGT3)
Prof. DING Shuiting, professor and Dean of school of energy and power engineering,  is specialized in airworthiness and safety assessment on aero-engine system. He will be the key contact person.(KGT1)
Address: Beijing
Tel: +86 10 82338339
Tel2: +86 13501004073
Fax: +86 10 82317346
Prof. SUN Xiaofeng,professor of school of energy and power engineering is specialized in acoustic scattering of aircraft fuselage with complex geometry and acoustic design technique of aircraft nacelles.(KGT2)

NUAA is one of key university in aeronautics and astronautics in China. It has also made a lot of breakthroughs in many key projects concerning aeronautic and astronautic research and national programs. NUAA has engage in the research of aerodynamics for many decades. The capabilities in numerical simulation and experiments have been built.  NUAA is only university that owns a ministerial level key laboratory on Smart Materials and Structures, the research areas of which include sensors and actuators, structural health monitoring, vibration and noise control and adaptive structures. NUAA has taken great effort in international academic exchanges and scientific cooperation.

Specific Contributions to GRAIN2 project
NUAA has engaged in the research of Aerodynamics, smart materials and health monitoring for many years. NUAA can contribute to the GRAIN2 project in KGT 2 and KGT 3 on the following aspects: in KGT 2: (1) developing the capabilities of numerical prediction tools for drag/noise reduction based on RANS and LES methods, (2) developing the capabilities of the drag prediction tools for drag reduction based on high performance computation resources, (3) the numerical optimisation tools; in KGT 3: (1) development of new sensing technology for smart structures, (2) on-line monitoring methods of damages based on sound-ultrasonic piezoelectric technology, (3) load/strain monitoring methods, (4) implementation and integration technology of typical aircraft structural health monitoring system, and (5) the method of aircraft structural life prediction based on structural health monitoring sensor network data.

Key Contact Person
Prof. ZHAO Ning, Dean of College of Aerospace Engineering is specialized in advanced CFD methods with application in aeronautics. He will be the key contact person.
Address: Nanjing
Tel: +86 25 84891585

Prof.QIU Jinhao, a Professor of College of Aerospace Engineering, specialized in Smart Materials and Structures. He has over 25 years of experience in smart materials and structures related projects.
NPU is situated in Xi'an China. NPU is one of the 15 key universities in China, and the country's only multi-disciplinary university of science and technology featuring the engineering education of aeronautics, astronautics and marine engineering with the stress on engineering and with the integration of engineering, science, management and humanities. In the University, there are 3 state key subjects, 8 state key laboratories and specialized laboratories, and 9 provincial and ministerial key laboratories and engineering research groups.
The research organizations directed by the Department of Fluid Dynamics of NPU include: National Key Aerofoil and Cascade Laboratory, Research group of Flow Control, Research group of Experiment Aerodynamics, and Shaanxi Turbofan and Pump Engineering group. Now the Department owns the largest low-speed aerofoil wind tunnel in Asia and the compressed continuity high-speed aerofoil wind tunnel.

Specific contributions to GRAIN2 project
As a participant GRAIN2, NPU will devote to the study of multidisciplinary optimization to aircraft drag and noise reduction. Focus will be given on laminar flow technologies (both natural and controlled) in different parts of aircraft (swept wing, fuselage, Nacelle and so on). Attention will be paid to consider the design of aircraft that are optimized to take full advantage of laminar flow technology both for drag and noise reduction. The study of stability analyze technique in 3-D boundary layer, transition prediction technique for 3-D boundary layer and design of laminar supercritical wing will be the main objects of the research work.

Key Contact Person
Prof. GAO Zhenghong, Director of the National Key Laboratory of Aerodynamic Design and Research. Her specialty is CFD and aerodynamic design. (KGT2)
Address: 127, Youyi xilu
710072, Xian Shaanxi, China
Tel: +86 29 88492906
Fax: +86 29 88492176

Zhejiang University (ZJU), founded in 1897, is one of the few top-rank research institutions of higher learning in China. At present, there are a total of more than 44,000 full-time students, including approximately 22,600 undergraduates, 13,800 postgraduate students, and 7,700 PhD candidates. In addition, there are about 2,700 international students currently attending Zhejiang University. Among its approximate 3,100 standing faculty members, more than 1,200 faculty members have title of professor.
The School of Aeronautics and Astronautics (SAA) of Zhejiang University was re-established in 2007. Its mission is to promote development of the disciplines such as aeronautics, astronautics and mechanics. The Center for Engineering and Scientific Computation (CESC), Zhejiang University, is a key interdisciplinary research center. The mission is to emphasize the nature of being interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary, and to promote applications of high performance computing in various fields such as aerospace engineering.
The State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization (CEU) focuses on fundament and application researches in energy and environment. The main research subjects at CEU include: Efficient and Clean Utilization of Fossil Fuel; New and Advanced Energy System; Clean Utilization of Low Grade Energy; Pollutants Formation, Transmission, Measurement and Control during Energy Utilization; and Numerical Simulations in Multiphase Reaction System.

Background information and experience
ZJU is currently or has been involved in international cooperation projects including several EC projects or networks, such as MARS, AeroChina, AeroChina2 and GRAIN. The main research interests include high performance computing, and multidisciplinary application simulations. An in-house software platform developed is the High End Digital Prototyping (HEDP) system. Using the developed algorithms, programs and tools for the HEDP system, we have been successfully simulated the fluid flow, mixing, combustion and structure analysis. In the MARS project, we are involved in the tasks of numerical modeling for seperation control and drag reduction. In the field of aviation biofuels, ZJU developed methods to convert the lignocellulose biomass into high grade syngas and liquid fuels with support by Chinese National Program on Key Basic Research Project. The R&D results of new biomass feedstocks like microalgae and innovation conversion methods for preparation of the aviation bio-fuels are involved to identify and evaluate possible alternative fuels in compliance with sustainable feedstock.

Specific contributions to GRAIN2 project
For GRAIN2 Networking activities, ZJU maintains expertises in high performance computing, virtual prototyping system for propulsion systems, and aircraft design system. We are going to emphasize methods/simulation with HPC for emission reduction, and drag reduction technologies. Therefore, the main contributions include:
(1) virtual prototyping system for aeronautical applications;
(2) high performance computing for combustion simulation;
(3) modeling and validation for low emission combustion;
(4) high performance computing for external flow simulation; and
(5) drag prediction tools for drag reduction.
In the field of new energies for aviation, ZJU will provide the information how to prepare the aviation bio-fuels from biomass feedstock including:
-Bio-fuels from the lignocellulose biomass;
-Bio-fuels from the microalgae; and
-Life-cycle assessment of preparation of the aviation bio-fuels.

Key personnel
Prof. ZHENG Yao, Deputy Dean of School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, is specialized in advanced CFD methods with aeronautical applications. He will be the key contact person.
Address: 38, Zheda Road
310027 Hangshou, Zheijang, China
Tel: +86 571 8795 3168
Fax: +86 571 87953167

Xi'an Jiaotong University, a national key university under the administration of the Ministry of Education, is one of the country's oldest institutions of higher learning. Today, XJTU is a comprehensive research university offering programs in nine areas - science, engineering, medicine, economics, management, art, law, philosophy and education - with a major emphasis on science and engineering. It includes 20 schools, 8 undergraduate residential colleges, and 8 affiliated teaching hospitals. XJTU has a faculty and staff of more than 5500, of which 2500 are full-time teachers, including over 1500 professors and associate professors. XJTU has a current enrollment of more than 30,000 full-time students, including over 13,000 masters and doctoral candidates.

Background Information and Experience
Institute of Turbomachinery at XJTU was the earliest teaching and research division in the specialty of thermal turbines including steam turbine and gas turbine in China, which was set up in Jiaotong University in 1952. The institute has close cooperative relationships with the universities and professors in United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Belgium and Korea in both academic and personal exchanges. Since 2005 the institute has conducted about 180 research projects supported both from government and industry, and published over 200 journal articles and conference papers, including more than 50 conference papers and 18 journal articles published by ASME. Some research topics related to GRAIN2, at Institute of Turbomachinery are listed as follows:
-    Turbomachinery aerothermodynamics and heat transfer
-    Turbomachinery strength and vibration analysis
Multi-phase flow modeling and measurement techniques in turbomachinery
-    Multi-disciplinary optimization design for tuobomachinery

Specific contributions to GRAIN2 project
Multidisiplinary and multiobjective optimization design for turbine blade and through flow path, prediction and optimization of fluid-structure interactions for noise reduction, and analysis of lattice structure and materials.

Key Contact Person
Dr. FENG Zhenping is a full professor of Institute of Turbomachinery at XJTU. He was visiting scholar of University of Stuttgart, Germany during 1993 to 1994, and went to Technology University of Berlin for cooperative research under support of DAAD in 1998. He was Director of Institute of Turbomachinery from 1997 to 2000, Vice Dean of School of Energy and Power Engineering from 2000 to 2003, and Dean of the School since 2009.Prof. Feng is engaged in R&D in turbomachinery, with interest on turbomachinery aerothermodynamics and optimization design, steam turbine and gas turbine technology, microturbine and distributed energy resource, and etc. He and his research group developed an automated multidisciplinary and multiobjective optimization design system for turbine blade and through flow path. He has authored and co-authored more than 150 journal articles and conference papers, including more than 40 papers and 15 journal article published by ASME. Prof. Feng is active in academic circle, and also conducted some research projects cooperated with US, Japan and so on.
Tel: +86 29 82668722
Tel2: +86 13609197980
Fax: +86 29 82668789

The Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) is a national key university directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education of P. R. China.
Since the 1980s, School of Mechanical Science & Engineering (MSE) of HUST has fully exercised its advantages of interdisciplinary programs to boost its development. Many measures have been taken to develop interdisciplinary programs with computer science, automation, life science, laser and microelectronics, as to promote research in Flexible Manufacturing, CAD, CAM, CIMS and MEMS. Eventually the significant contributions to the education, R&D and application of CIMS have been well recognized in the international community, and MSE was awarded the \UffffffffUniversity LEAD Award\Uffffffff by the American Society of Manufacturing Engineering (SME) in 1999.
In the past 10 years, MSE has obtained 7 National Prizes for Progress in Science and Technology and more than 100 prizes at provincial or ministerial level. Apart from that, more than 10 inventions are patented annually. The number of research papers indexed by SCI, EI and ISTP each year keeps at 300 since 2005, and high level research papers are increasing.
By far, there are 6 departments, 5 state-level R&D platforms and 3 national key academic disciplines: Mechanical Engineering & Automation, Mechanical Design &Theory and Mechatronic Engineering, among which Mechanical Engineering and Automation ranked the first in China in Disciplines Evaluation in 2002 by Ministry of Education of China. Meanwhile, MSE has achieved the same prominence in cultivating students.

Specific contributions to GRAIN2 project
For KGT4,HUST will contribute in the following topics:
-    development of Inertial Navigation System for CNS/ATM activities
-    development of multi-sensors packaging for avionics and its reliability design and test

Key Contact Person
Prof. LIU Sheng, Vice Dean of Innovation Institute, he works at MEMS/NEMS, LED design and manufacturing, system packaging and integration, reliability, smart materials and composites, and mechanics of materials and structures.
Address: 1037, Luoyu Road
430074 Wuhan, China
Tel: +86 13871251668
Tel2: +86 02787542604
Fax: +86 027 87557074

Chongqing University (CQU) is a key national university in China, directly under the State Ministry of Education. It is one of the "211 Project and 985 Project\Uffffffff universities with full support from the central and local government of China and maintains its strength in mechanical, electrical and power engineering, material science, information technology, bioengineering and business administration.

The College of Communication Engineering (CCEE), originated from the Engineering College founded in 1935, has formed two major scientific research directions. One has the competitive advantage in TTC (Tracking Telemetering & Command), and the other features broadband access and modern signal processing. Current investigations are concerned with: (1) broadband air/ground data link for future aeronautical communication, (2) networking methodologies for oceanic civil aviation, (3) operating concepts and requirementsfor general aviation. Throughout the years, the research group related to this project has been actively involved in many national and international research projects. Recently, the research group has directed the Research on Link Technologies for Mobile Macro-cell Relay Communication of Civil Aviation supported by MIIT of China and the Research on Networking methodologies and Key Technologies for Broadband Communication of Oceanic Civil Aviation supported by NSF of China.

The College of Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE), was established and developed in 1952.It consists of eight sub-units: Metallurgical Engineering, Materials Science, Materials Processing Engineering, Materials Forming and Control Engineering, Building Materials Engineering, Decoration Materials and Engineering, and Material Analysis Center and Process Experiment Center.CMSE has two 1st class disciplines with conferring of degree, such as materials science and metallurgy engineering.Throughout the years, the research group related to this project has been actively involved in many national and international research projects. Recently, the research group has directed the research on light metals (Mg alloy, Al alloy etc), focusing on the microstructure-property relations supported by the National Key Basic Research Program of China (973 Program), the 973 Program for Military, the National Key Technology R&D Program, the NSF of China.

Specific contributions to GRAIN2 project

For WP3 (KGT3), CQU will contribute to an understanding of the relationship of microstructure and mechanical and performance properties of high strength light metal alloys, in order to develop highly comprehensive light weigh alloys applied on airplanes.

For WP4 (KGT4),CQU will contribute on:
-    Capacity enhancement for broadband air/ground data link to facilitate new CNS/ATM
-    Operating concepts and requirements for general aviation

Key contact person
Prof. Qing LIU, Professor and Vice President of Chongqing University, he is specialized in light metals, deformed metals and microstructure, and advanced microstructure characterization techniques. He will be the key contact person.
Address: 174, Sha Zheng Jie
40044, Sha Ping Ba district, China
Tel: +86 23 65111295
Tel2: +86 13896058388
Fax: +86 23 65111295

Prof. ZENG Xiaoping, Professor and Dean of College of Communication Engineering, specialized in broadband air/ground communication technology will provide support for KGT4
Address: 174, Sha Zheng Jie
40044, Sha Ping Ba district, China
Tel: +86 23 65103544
Tel2: +86 13330278999
Fax: +86 23 65103544
IACAS (Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) aims to be one of leading R&D center in the fields of acoustics and network communications. IACAS is active in noise and vibration control, underwater acoustics, acoustical transducers, communication acoustics, ultrasonics, and speech signal processing. IACAS is the sponsor to Acoustics Society of Chinese and 7 academic journals. The National Acoustic Standardization Technology Committee, the Environmental Physics Branch of Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences also affiliate to IACAS.

Specific skills related to this project

IACAS has developed mathematical model on the analysis of  fluid-structure dynamics.

Institute of Acoustics owns acoustic laboratories such as four reverberant rooms, one anechoic chamber and one semi-anechoic chamber, high intensity reverberant rooms.

Institute of Acoustics also owns modern equipment for sound and vibration measurement such as B&K Pulse analyzers, Polytec Scanning Vibrometers, 01dB-Metravib DMA  and B&K and impedance tubes.  

Specific contributions to GRAIN2 project

IACAS would like to contribute to mathematical model and experimental validation on the analysis of fluid-structure interactions.

Developing advanced CFD/CSD tools for the prediction and optimization of the noise transmission through aircraft cabin due to aerodynamic excitations. Identifying parameter sensitivities on the radiated noise due to aerodynamic sources. Developing active/passive method to control TBL induced noise.

Key Contact Person
Prof. Bilong LIU, Research Professor at IACAS, will contribute to GRAIN2 at Modeling of Fluid-Structure Interaction, Aircraft Cabin Noise due to aerodynamic sources.
Address: Beijing
Tel: +86 1082547504

The Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering (NIMTE) was co-foundedby the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Zhejiang province and the Ningbo city government. NIMTE is dedicated to strengthening the cooperation with industries and research organizations within the national innovation systems and integrating engineering research &.technology with high-tech industrialization. NIMTE is mainly engaged in the research on magnetic materials, polymer &. composite materials, functional materials &. nano-devices, surface engineering, new energy materials and special fiber technology. Considering the importance of international cooperation, NIMTE has gained a good reputation during the cooperation with famous international institute or company, such as Boeing, GMC Hillstone, GE, Lund University and so on.
For GRAIN II Networking activities, NIMTE will provide bio-based polymeric materials with high performance, especially the novel thermosetting resins for green composites derived from renewable resource.

Key Contact Person
Dr. ZHU Jin is a professor of Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering (NIMTE), ChineseAcademy of Sciences. He is one of the No.8 National \UffffffffThousand Talent Plan\Uffffffff Specialists. He got his Ph.D. at Marquette University, USA in 2001 and did postdoctor study at Cornell University, USA from 2001 to 2003. He had worked at several companies in USA before he joined NIMTE in August, 2009. By now, he has published more than 50 research papers and applied for more 40 patents, of which 18 was granted. His interest is bio-based polymeric materialsas alternatives to traditional petroleum-based materials. He will be the key contact person.
Tel: +86 574 86685925

Situated on several former royal gardens of the Qing Dynasty, TsinghuaUniversity was established in 1911 originally as a preparatory school forstudents supported by the government to study in universities in the UnitedStates. With a splendid legacy accumulated over the past 90 years, THU hasretained its character and charm, becoming the national centre for trainingengineers and scientists with both professional proficiency and personalintegrity. The university currently has over 1200 full professors and 1,100associate professors, 27,000 students, including 13,800 undergraduates,8,600 master's degrees candidates and 4,600 doctoral candidates.
The School of Aerospace Engineering, transformed from the Department ofEngineering Mechanics in May 2004, has the strongest teaching andresearch capacity in fluid mechanics in China. According to the recentgovernment disciplinary assessments, THU ranks first in fluid mechanics.
The research efforts at THU with respect to aerodynamics and aeroacoustics
include development of advanced numerical methods, adaptive gridtechnique and simulation and modelling of turbulent flows with DRSM,nonlinear EVM, LES, and RANS-LES hybrid method approaches.

Specific contributions to GRAIN2 project
THU\Uffffffffs contribution to GRAIN2 project will be carried out by the Laboratory of Advanced Simulation of Turbulence (LAST) in the School of Aerospace Engineering. LAST have 6 faculty members andabout 20 fulltime postgraduate students. In recent years LAST has engaged in a number of internationaland domestic collaborations including EU FP7 projects (ATAAC, GRAIN, MARS, etc.), Airbus, GE Aviations and the major Chineseaeronautical industry AVIC. LAST has developed the in-house CFD/CAA tool UNITS and the aerodynamic shape optimization tool NSAWAT. THU\Uffffffffs work in GRAIN2 relates mainly to numerical analysis of aerodynamic flows, aero-acoustics, flow control and aerodynamic design.

Key contact persons:
Prof. FU Song, graduated from Imperial College in 1983 and received PhD degree in 1988 from UMIST. He is now the Director of Aeronautics Technology at Tsinghua University. His research work covers turbulence/transition modelling, flow control, turbo machinery aerothermo-dynamics, etc.
Address: 1, Qinghua Yuan
100084, Haidian, Beijing, China
Tel: +86 10 6279 6718
Tel2: +86 13501107229
Fax: +86 10 6277 2915

Sichuan Jiuzhou Electric Group Co., Ltd.(JIUZHOU) is the earliest company carrying out ATC system equipment research and manufacture in China, it is also the biggest ATC system research and manufacture base in China, ATC and avionics equipment technology include: ATC SSR,ACAS,ADS-B,ASAS, Ground-based/GNSS Navigation System, ATC Automation, General Aviation Service and Test & Evaluation of ATC. For now, JIUZHOU has taken part in a lot of search subjects in CNS/ATM field overseas, such as co-research with THALES in Civil ACAS Technology.

Contributionsto GRAIN2 project:
JIUZHOU will contribute to the following topics:
-    Integrated Surveillance System(ISS)
-    Airborne Separation Assurance System(ASAS)

Key contact person

Mr. Feng Tao, senior engineer, focuses on the related research in CNS/ATM field.
Tel: +86 8162468546