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  • International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) (ES)

    Gran Capitán s/n, 08034 Barcelona. Spain


    Dr. Gabriel Bugeda ((


    CIMNE is a research organisation created in 1987 specialised in the development of mathematical methods and software for analysis of structural and fluid flow problems using numerical techniques. Over the last years CIMNE has participated and coordinated different RTD projects within the EC programmes. The projects have been mainly focussed on the development and application of finite element, finite volume and finite difference methods to solve multidisciplinary industrial problems such as high speed re-entry of aerospace vehicles, aero and hydro elastic design of aircrafts and ships, optimum aerodynamic shape optimisation, noise reduction in rotating flows, thermo-mechanical analysis of different metal forming processes (casting, sheet forming, rolling, powder compaction, etc.), advanced structural analysis involving contact and friction as well as in the development of parallel computing techniques. CIMNE hosts the Secretariats of a number of scientific organizations such as the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS), the Spanish Pilot Center of the ERCOFTAC association and the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM). Currently CIMNE employs 150 researchers specialised in software development, out of which some 60 researchers have experience in the development and applications of finite element methods for multidisciplinary problems. This experience will be essential for the successful development of the AEROCHINA project.

    Background information and experience
    Experience in development and application of the finite element method and meshless methods for analysis of coupled problems in engineering. CIMNE has developed in-house analysis software and pre/post processing tools for analysis of multidisciplinary problems.

    Specific contributions of CIMNE to the AEROCHINA project
    The main roles of CIMNE in the project will include the overall coordination and administration of the project activities, the development and maintenance of the AEROCHINA Communication System, the contribution to the compilation and storage of multidisciplinary data on mathematical and computational optimization methods and the support to the dissemination tasks. CIMNE's team in the project will be co-ordinated by Dr. E. Oñate (Director of CIMNE) with over 25 years experience in developing numerical methods for analysis of multidisciplinary problems in engineering.
    J.Periaux, a CIMNE Senior Visiting Professor with a 35 years of experience in Aeronautic Industry at Dassault Aviation, developing finite element methods in an industrial environment for flow simulation around a complete aircraft , using control theory approaches for solving PDES in Fluids and Electromagnetics and more recently implementing robust multicriteria evolutionary optimization techniques for MDO applications through international cooperations.

    Key Contact Person
    Dr. Eugenio Oñate and Dr. Jacques Periaux

    EADS (FR)

    The missions of EADS are:
    - As a global R&T partner, the EADS Corporate Research Centre enables superior return on R&T investment and regional presence through: an open and flexible organization; maximizing its innovation potential through a high degree of co-operation and integration with public and private research organizations; acquiring and promoting the best available knowledge.

    - Assure added value by synergy of shared research inside EADS and by cooperation with research partner organisations (e.g. DLR, INTA, ONERA, Universities, Laboratories…).

    - Maintain and develop innovation potential for long term technological competitiveness of EADS.

    - Enable emerging technology integration in current and future EADS products.

    - Support EADS technology strategy. Some of the competitive advantages to products, processes and services of the EADS group are:

    - Providing services in intellectual property and standardisation.

    - Multidisciplinary know-how combining expertise and shared facilities.

    - Developing new tools and methods for processes in design, testing, manufacturing, simulation and quality assurance.

    - Accelerated transfer of results into products and services.

    - Rapid reaction force for technical consultancey.

    - Advanced expertise and skills.

    Background information and experience
    Composites Aerostructures
    Composites and polymer science and technologies
    Composites structures behaviour modelling
    Composites process simulation

    Metallic Aerostructures
    Metallic materials, manufacturing and assembling processes
    Metallic structures behaviour modelling
    Metallic process simulation
    Surfaces treatment technologies and environment
    Techniques of investigations and failure analysis

    Systems, Avionics, Equipment & Sub-systems
    Vulnerability & reliability of systems
    Autonomy providing technologies
    Electronics & optical technologies
    Chemical sensors and processes
    Waves physics (microwaves technologies, lightning, EMC, …).

    Flight Mechanics, Structural Dynamics
    Dynamic environment of structures (vibroacoustics..)
    Actuation & multifunctional structures
    Control systems

    Integration, Design & Validation
    In Structures & Production
    - Non-Destructive Investigations & process quality improvement
    - Production & support processes (assemblies & robotics, production engineering, virtual reality…)
    - Advanced numerical simulation for structures engineering
    In Systems & Information Technology
    - Complex information systems: interoperability & security
    - Advanced industrial design and cabin concepts
    - High performance modelling and simulation
    - Engineering process & data management
    - Knowledge based engineering

    Specific contributions of EADS-CRC to the AEROCHINA project
    The main contributions and interests on the AEROCHINA project are:
    In WP1. EADS CRC will have a minor role by accompanying in the topics definition and identification of cooperation areas.
    In WP3. State of the Art review, EADS CRC will contribute by exchanging on different topics on Modelling and Simulation to achieve a common understanding on the methodologies and approaches.
    In WP4. Identification of critical multiphysics RTD activities. The WE 4.1 Modelling and 4.2 Simulation will be our main priorities to detect co-operations.
    Participation on the WP5. Dissemination activities to the different activities organised in the frame of the project (1 Conference, 1 Workshop)

    Key contact person
    Mr. Jordi Saniger


    Airbus consists of four national entities in France, Germany, UK and Spain. The history of Airbus has been one of the great industrial success stories of the last 30 years.
    2003 was a landmark year for Airbus, the year in which it became Number One.
    2004 was another key year for AIRBUS during which the aircraft manufacturer kept his position of n°1, concerning orders and deliveries.
    Airbus has delivered 320 aircrafts in 2004. These deliveries represent 53 percent of the year's total deliveries of more than 100 seats aircrafts, corresponding to a turnover of € 20 billion.
    In 2004, Airbus achieved 370 new firm orders representing USD 34 billion and 57 % of the market in numbers.
    These results reflect the progressive leadership of Airbus in all market segments of this highly competitive market, in which the company today offers a complete product range - from 100 to 555 seats -, which is clearly becoming the reference.
    Airbus proposes a highly competitive as well as the most modern and complete product range of the industry:
    Single aisle medium range aircraft: A318, A319, A320 and A321 (107,124,150 and 185 seats),
    Medium to long range wide body aircraft: A310 and A300-600 (220 to 266 seats),
    Very long range wide body aircraft: A340 (240 to 380 seats) and A330 (253 to 295).
    AIRBUS announced in December, 2004 the commercial launch of a new model derived from the A330 series ; the A350.
    The A380 model (555 seats) first flight is scheduled beginning of 2005, and the first delivery in 2006.
    AI-E is a private aeronautic company recently created in Spain as part of EADS group. The staff of AI-E originates from EADS CASA, the major Spanish large-scale aeronautical and aerospace industry with a total of 8000 employees and facilities located in Madrid, Sevilla and Cádiz. Since 1923, the company has been engaged in the development (design, manufacture and marketing) of aircraft in the field of both military and civil airplanes, being latest designed aircraft C-212 in several versions (civil and military), C-101 (military trainer aircraft), CN-235 and C-295 (military transport aircraft).
    Besides this national activities AI-E is a partner through EADS CASA in various European programmes and organisations, the most important being EF-2000 Typhoon in addition to Airbus Industry and Arianespace membership.

    Background information and experience
    Specific skills for AEROCHINA
    AIRBUS has long-term experience and expertise in the specification, industrialization and application of numerical methods for aerodynamic aircraft design and data production including single discipline optimisation (SDO), multidiscipline analysis (MDA) and multidisciplinary optimisation (MDO).
    Since early 2000's advanced developments have been achieved by Airbus in setting-up multiphysics simulation in the field of fluid-structure coupling for aeroelastics, conjugate heat transfer for aerothermics in ventilation of compartments, simulation of icing shape accretion, aeroacoustics for the simulation of noise source and propagation.

    All these simulation are made by considering fluid simulation with a specific emphasis put on accuracy for drag prediction and optimization technique based on adjoint Navier-Stokes method.
    The ONERA flow solver elsA is currently the major CFD capability in production usage for solving Navier-Stokes equations on structured grids The DLR flow solver TAU (unstructured RANS code) associated with the ARA hybrid- unstructured mesh generator SOLAR are under deployment for complex geometry. For multidisciplinary simulation Airbus is integrating EADS-M backbone SimServer for advanced multi-disciplinary simulation.
    Airbus has participated in many EU projects dealing with optimization and multidisciplinary simulation and optimisation: ECARP, MDO, PROMUVAL, AEROSHAPE, VIVACE.
    The staff of AI-E has wide experience in aircraft aerodynamic and structural design and analysis. It has become specialist in the field of horizontal tail plane design and manufacturing. In that way it has developed the horizontal tail plane of the successive Airbus Industry aircraft up to today. AI-E is responsible, among other parts, of the horizontal tailplane and belly-fairing of the recently launched A380. This experience has been accomplished and maintained thanks to the considerable effort of continuous funding to the field of research and development carried out by the company.
    On the numerical side, Airbus has a wide experience in the development of numerical methods, both structured and unstructured as well as on the multiphysics domain.

    Specific contributions of Airbus to the AEROCHINA project
    Main interests of Airbus are within WP1, WP3 and WP4.

    In WP1 Airbus will participate in the definition of the strategy on how to best collect all the available information to define the current state of the art. It will also help to identify significant test cases that will help the project achieve the best results possible. Finally, Airbus will help define and implement the exploitation and dissemination plan based on its wide experience coming from other European projects.

    In WP3, and based on the strategy definition for state of the art review and collection of data, Airbus will participate mainly in:
    - State of the art review for computational data
    - State of the art review for experimental data
    - State of the art review on test results

    In WP4, Airbus will contribute to the identification of multiphysics RTD activities on multidisciplinary models, on numerical and simulation methods and experimental methods and results.

    Key person contact
    Adel Abbas, Aerodynamic R&T Coordinator (AI-E), Eric Chaput, Aerodynamic Methods & Tools Coordinator (AI-F)

    Institut Universitaire des Systèmes Thermiques Industriels (IUSTI) (FR)

    IUSTI, UMR CNRS 6595 is a University research laboratory which belongs to both the University of Provence and the French CNRS. It involves about one hundred persons (Professors, Assistant-Professors, Researchers, Engineers, and PHD students). The laboratory is also included in the engineer school named Polytech'Marseille. The scientific interest areas are in the Mechanical-Engineering and can be gathered in three research themes: Transfers in porous media and granular media, instrumentation and complex gas flows in aerospace and fluid mechanics. Each research theme is treated through theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches.

    Background information and experience
    IUSTI has already participated to several workshops and data base in the frame of European Community and has recently organized an important international conference WEHSFF'02 (Aerospace Applications from high subsonic to hypersonic regime) connected with the third workshop of the FLOWNET European project.
    Specific contributions of IUSTI to the AEROCHINA project
    Due to its expertise in the multiphysic area, IUSTI will actively participate in the two following WPs.

    WP3. Identification of critical multiphysics TRD activities
    (3.1 Modeling, 3.2 Simulation, 3.3 Experimentations) and to build the areas of cooperation between CHINA and European partners.

    WP5. Participation in dissemination activities

    Key contact person
    Prof. David Zeitoun

    INRIA (FR)

    INRIA, the national institute for research in computer science and control, operating under the joint authority of the Ministries of Research and of Industry, is dedicated to fundamental and applied research in information and communication science and technology (ICST).
    The Institute also plays a major role in technology transfer by fostering training through research, diffusion of scientific and technical information, development, as well as providing expert advice and participating in international programs. By playing a leading role in the scientific community in the field and being in close contact with industry, INRIA is a major participant in the development of ICST in France.
    Throughout its six research units located in seven major regions, INRIA has a workforce of 3,200, 2,400 of whom are scientists from INRIA or from INRIA's partner organizations such as CNRS (the French National Center for Scientific Research), universities and leading engineering schools. They work in 120 joint research projects-teams. Many INRIA researchers are also professors who supervise around 800 doctoral students, their theses work contributing to INRIA research projects.
    INRIA has an annual budget of 125 million euros, one quarter of which comes from its own research contracts and development products.

    The Institute's strategy closely combines scientific excellence with technology transfer. INRIA's chief goal for 2003-2007 is to achieve major scientific and technological breakthroughs in the following seven priority grand challenges:
    · Designing and mastering the future network infrastructures and communication services platforms
    · Developing multimedia data and multimedia information processing
    · Guaranteeing the reliability and security of software- intensive systems
    · Coupling models and data to simulate and control complex systems
    · Combining simulation, visualization and interaction
    · Modelling living structures and mechanisms
    · Fully integrating ICST into medical technology

    INRIA develops many partnerships with industry and fosters technology transfer and entrepreneurship in the field of ICST - some eighty companies have been founded. Start-ups are supported in particular by INRIA-Transfert, a subsidiary of INRIA that promotes four startup funds in the field of information and communication technology.
    INRIA is participating in such standardization committees as the IETF, ISO or the W3C of which INRIA was the European host from 1995 to 2002.
    INRIA asserts its presence in the international research particularly in contributing to the development of the European Research Area through its implication in ERCIM (consortium of 18 European research institutions) and its participation to the 6th Framework Program. To foster the exchanges INRIA set up collaboration programs such as: "Associate Team Program" (26 Associate Teams in 11 countries), "internship" (around 80 foreign interns), develop an incentive strategy of training (31% foreign PhD's students) and hosting (1000 foreign visitors from 70 countries) while participating to the INRIA recruitment policy of foreign researchers (30% of foreign tenured scientists in 2003 and 2004).

    Background information and experience
    INRIA (National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control) is a French public sector scientific and technological institute under the responsibility of the Ministry for Research and the Ministry of Industry. INRIA employs over 1300 people including 1000 scientists, among which 340 tenure positions, 330 scholar and trainees, 180 researchers from public laboratories, 50 engineers from industry, 100 visiting researchers from abroad. The research carried out at INRIA is mainly concerned with software and control engineering. This research brings together experts from the fields of applied mathematics, control, signal processing and computer science within the frame work of 6 research programmes. Parallel Architectures, Databases Networks, Distributed Systems Symbolic Computing Programming, Software Engineering Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Systems. Man-Machine Interaction Robotics, Image, Vision Signal Processing and Control, Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Scientific computing numerical analysis computer-aided engineering.
    INRIA has a long experience of international cooperation and coordination responsible for the building of Modulef (300 installations/members), early contributing to build European structures as ERCIM, ERCOFTAC, ECCOMAS. Spatial CFD networks (Hypersonic database) and many CEC projects. The group OPALE gathers working on the design of efficient and accurate numerical methods for the simulation of complex compressible flows on unstructured meshes. INRIA has several years of experience in theoretical and experimental studies related to optimal control model problems and optimum design problems (industrial aerodynamics and electromagnetics) solved using Gas, among others. It has also several years expertise in building databases for CFD testcases (FLOWnet, INGEnet and PROMUVAL), as well as parallel, cluster and grid computing environments applied to CFD optimisation and aerostructure problems.

    Specific contributions of INRIA to the AEROCHINA project
    Definition of objectives and specifications.
    Contribution to the state of the art review.
    Contribution to development and maintenance of the Web based Communication System.
    Retrieval and storage of data for CFD test cases of interest to the aeronautics sector.
    Retrieval and storage of data on mathematical and computational method for CFD aeronautics problems.
    Identification of critical RTD areas in CFD analysis and validation in aeronautics.
    Participation in dissemination activities (kick-off conference, workshop).

    Key contact person
    Dr. Toan Nguyen

    DLR Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology, Experimental Methods (DE) via DLR Gottingen (experiments) and DLR Braunschweig (computation)

    The German Aerospace Center (DEUTSCHES ZENTRUM FÜR LUFT- UND RAUMFAHRT) is the national center for large-scale aerospace research and the greatest research establishment for engineering sciences in Germany. DLR has considerable experiences in aerodynamic design, numerical and experimental simulation, testing in large facilities, and analysis methods.
    Over the last 20 years numerical methods for complex aircraft configurations based on the solution of the Euler- and Navier-Stokes equations on structured and unstructured grids have been developed. The DLR flow solvers FLOWer and TAU are routinely used in the German aircraft industry and at several German universities. They are world wide recognized tools with excellent reputation. Currently DLR is developing its next generation flow solver based on adaptive higher-order Discontinuous Galerkin methods. The capabilities of DLR have been proven in many national and international projects including several CFD related EU projects.
    In particular, DLR has a long lasting experience of technology transfer from fundamental research to industrial application. Strong links to universities have been established within the national projects MEGAFLOW and MEGADESIGN, guaranteeing a continuous flow of research results into the current code development, making the latest technology available to industrial application within short time. DLR assists a close cooperation with the German aeronautical industry, assuring rapid feedback on provided technologies and further industrial needs.
    The Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology of DLR, located in Braunschweig and Göttingen, has long years' experience in the development and application of mobile image based measuring systems such as Pressure Sensitive Paint, Temperature Sensitive Paint, Particle Image Velocimetry, Density Measurement Methods, and Model Deformation Measurement Systems for aerodynamic investigations in large wind tunnels. These systems have been successfully applied in many low- and high-speed European wind tunnels in the last years (DNW: LLF, HST, TWG, LST, NWB, KKK together with ONERA in the B20 catapult facility and S2). Recently the section Experimental Methods, located in Göttingen, successfully performed the PIV tests in large wind tunnels for the EUROPIV, APIAN, EUROWAKE, WAVENC, C-WAKE, EUROLIFT 1 and 2, and EUROPIV 1 and 2 projects. PSP tests have been performed in collaboration with industry (AIRBUS Deutschland LSWT, Bremen; EADS, AERMACCHI) in transonic wind tunnels and in ETW. The TSP technique has been developed as powerful tool for transition detection in cryogenic flows (ETW). Most of the experimental work in large wind tunnel has been performed with the objective to provide experimental data for comparison with the results of numerical calculations. Thus, cooperation between experimentalists and CFD specialists has been a key element of our work in the past years.

    Background information and experience
    DLR has a long lasting experience of technology transfer from fundamental research to industrial application. Strong links to universities have been established within the national projects MEGAFLOW and MEGADESIGN, guaranteeing a continuous flow of research results into the current code development, making the latest technology available to industrial application within short time. DLR assists a close cooperation with the German aeronautical industry, assuring rapid feedback on provided technologies and further industrial needs.
    The Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology has long years' experience in the development and application of mobile image based measuring systems such as Pressure Sensitive Paint, Particle Image Velocimetry, Doppler Global Velocimetry and Model Deformation Measurement Systems for aerodynamic investigations in large wind tunnels. These systems have been successfully applied in many low- and high-speed European wind tunnels in the last years.
    Recently the section Experimental Methods, located in Göttingen, successfully performed the PIV tests in large wind tunnels for the EUROPIV, APIAN, EUROWAKE, WAVENC, C-WAKE, EUROLIFT 1 and 2, and EUROPIV 1 and 2 projects. PSP tests have been performed in collaboration with industry (AIRBUS Deutschland LSWT, Bremen; EADS, AERMACCHI) in transonic wind tunnels and in ETW. The TSP technique has been developed as powerful tool for transition detection in cryogenic flows (ETW). Most of the experimental work in large wind tunnel has been performed with the objective to provide experimental data for comparison with the results of numerical calculations. Thus, cooperation between experimentalists and CFD specialists has been a key element of our work in the past years.
    DLR has, in particular, considerable experience and expertise in the development and application of numerical and experimental methods needed for aerodynamic design and analysis. This is also valid for the aerothermodynamics of e.g. space vehicles. The capabilities of DLR have been proven in many international cooperations, e.g. Brite/Euram ones, and workshops of all kinds. DLR owns or uses large-scale wind tunnels/ facilities as well as supercomputers.

    Specific contributions of DLR to the AEROCHINA project

    1. DLR Gottingen (experimentation)

    WP1. Specification of prospective strategy and work plans
    DLR AS-EV will contribute to description of state of the art in experimental methods and tools such as Pressure Sensitive Paint, Temperature Sensitive Paint, Particle Image Velocimetry, Density Measurement Methods, Model Deformation Measurement Systems and Acoustic Microphone Array Technique for aerodynamic investigations in large wind tunnels and at developing roadmaps for solving multiphysics problems such as aero elasticity and aeroacoustics.
    DLR AS-EV will contribute to the identification of cooperation areas for experimentation (e.g. Digital Holographic PIV with Prof. Shen, BUAA; Investigation of flow control devices in unsteady flow fields by means of PIV with Prof. Ming, NUAA).

    WP3. State of the art review
    3.3. Experimentation
    DLR AS-EV will contribute to review of experimental methods and tools such as Pressure Sensitive Paint, Temperature Sensitive Paint, Particle Image Velocimetry, Density Measurement Methods, Model Deformation Measurement Systems and Acoustic Microphone Array Technique for aerodynamic investigations in large wind tunnels. DLR AS-EV will contribute to provide samples of relevant images acquired with PSP, TSP, PIV Density Measurement Methods, Model Deformation Measurement Systems and Acoustic Microphone Array Technique, demonstrating the experimental state-of-the art in complex flow fields (transonic flows, propeller flows, high lift devices etc.)

    WP4. Identification of critical multiphysics TRD activities
    4.3 Experimentation
    DLR AS-EV will contribute to identify critical multiphysics TRD activities in the field of experimentation and validation methods.

    WP5. Dissemination activities
    § Invited Lecture (J. Kompenhans) at EWHSFF05 in Beijing Oct 2005
    § Participation in workshop on review of existing experimental methods

    2. DLR Braunschweig (computation)
    WP 1: "Prospective Strategy":
    DLR would like to actively participate in the field of identification of future CFD and MDO developments including verification and validation of the methods.

    WP 3: "State of the Art Review":
    Analysis and comparison of experimental and numerical data for transonic transport aircraft with different types and locations engines (under-wing mounted, rear-fuselage mounted). Experimental data of the configurations DLR-F6, DO-728 and ARJ-21 could be completed and used for a highly accurate CFD validation.

    WP 5: "Dissemination Activities":
    DLR could give lectures about the development of state-of-the-art and future CFD tools and techniques.
    A presentation of "Drag Prediction Activities" is planned for the EWHSFF05 (Oct. 2005).

    Key contact person
    Dr. Jürgen Kompenhans (experiments Gottingen) and Dr. Olaf Brodersen (computation Brunschweig)


    FOI is one of Europe’s leading research institutes in the defence and safety area. The agency is financed on contracts’ basis and is responsible to the ministry of defence. The core business is research, method and technology development and studies.

    FOI is prominent when it comes to developing sensor systems such as radar, laser and optics with sophisticated image and signal processing. We carry out security policy studies and analyses, evaluate different types of threats and develop tools for, as an example, adaptation of society due to climate change. FOI develops systems for crisis management in connection with major accidents and catastrophic events. We develop control and command systems for the defence sector and for international peace-keeping efforts. We develop methods for the handling of dangerous substances and contribute to safer IT systems.

    FOI was created in 2001 through the merger of the then existing governmental agencies FOA (National Defence Research Establishment) and FFA (Aeronautical Research Institute). The agency has its head office in Kista in Stockholm. It also has operations in Linköping and Umeå and in Grindsjön outside Stockholm.

    The number of employees was about 1000 in 2007, of which 800 were research-workers. The turnover was 1.19 billion Swedish Crowns (SEK) and the task financed share amounted to 94 percent.


    NUMECA International is a pioneering provider of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software and consulting services worldwide. NUMECA sofware is used for the simulation, design and optimization of fluid flow and heat transfer. It is used by product developers, design and research engineers, allowing them to reach superior product quality and performances, at reduced engineering cost.

    World-wide manufacturers such as HONDA, HONEYWELL, KAWASAKI, ROLLS-ROYCE, SIEMENS, SNECMA, SOLAR Turbine trust NUMECA for the superior performance, reliability and easy-of-use of its software and professional services.

    NUMECA International corporate headquarters are located in Brussels, with offices, resellers and service centers in Brazil, China, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, Russia, Spain and the USA. The company won the "Grand Prix Entreprendre 2000" from the Brussels Chamber of Commerce and Industry, for its success in exporting high-tech products worldwide.


    The University was founded in 1900 by the citizens of Birmingham who wanted their own university to train and educate the people who would create and manage the burgeoning businesses and industries of the midlands. The University of Birmingham is now well-established as a world-class University, one of the leading research-based universities in the United Kingdom, teaches and undertakes research in all the major disciplines, attracts students of high ability, has academic staff of distinction, many recognised as international leaders in their fields. An emphasis upon research in all schools is one of the distinctive characteristics of the University. In the latest (2001) UK Research Assessment Exercise, the University of Birmingham was the fifth most successful university in the UK for research excellence. Thirty-two research areas were rated at the highest levels indicating research of national and international excellence. The University is one of only twenty-five European institutions to be awarded the distinction of a Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence by the European Commission, in recognition of interdisciplinary expertise in European Affairs. As a major European institution of higher education, the University attracts students and staff from around the world. Each year there are over 4,000 students from more than 100 countries. There are currently about 25,000 students and more than 6000 number of staff.
    Background information and experience
    IRC in Materials the University of Birmingham, UK. The "Alloy Development and Advanced Powder Processing" group, led by Dr Wu, is the main part of the IRC(Interdisciplinary Research Centre) in materials at the University of Birmingham The IRC is one of the Europe's leading laboratories in the area of Ti alloy and process development. Currently the alloy development and powder processing group has research contracts valued at over £1m annually in fields such as Ti alloy and process development for structural aeroengine components. Dr Wu has been involved in Framework 5& 6 projects. Her group's research activities in her three current FP6 projects are focused on developments of TiAl for casting of high temperature compressor and turbine blades, shape memory alloys for smart actuation in aeroengines and ultra high temperature materials for next generation turbines. This group is also involved in manufacturing large structural components for aerospace applications through some UK funding. Dr Wu maintains her strong links with her Chinese colleagues in alloy development and component manufacture. She is a guest professor at the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Science and at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. She also works closely BIAM/ AVIC1, Tsinghua University and she also has a close relationship with, NUAA, BUAA and Zhejiang University. Dr Wu has also been acting as a bridge for Rolls-Royce in research collaboration with Chinese organisation over the last 4 years.

    Specific contributions of University of Birmingham to the AEROCHINA project
    The specific contribution of Dr Wu's group to Aerochina is: to provide material knowledge especially in Ti and composites for aerospace structural components. To advise on the material's capability and manufacturing feasibility for those components which are to be designed in this project. To act as a bridge between European partners and Chinese partners to reduce the culture gap and misunderstanding to allow the project to run smoothly and productively.

    Key person contact
    Dr. Xinhua WU, IRC team leader


    A hundred years ago the founding motto of the University was Rerum Cognoscere Causas, meaning "To discover the causes of things". A century later the knowledge landscape has shifted dramatically. Our research ethos continues to uphold the ideals of discovery whilst acknowledging new ways of acquiring, investigating, developing and applying knowledge.

    Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (IFTR) (PL)

    The IFTR was established on 24 September 1953 on the basis of a few divisions in Department IV (Technical Sciences) of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The initial groups of scientists were dealing with mechanics of continuous media, electronics, theoretical electronics, vibrations and metals. Later, many other divisions were created for energy transformation, isotopes, astronautics and magnetics. In the next years, several divisions were transformed into independent units and left the IFTR.

    During all the consecutive stages of organisation the basic core of the Institute was formed by divisions carrying out research in the following fields:
    · mechanics of continuous media
    · mechanics of structures and materials
    · fluid mechanics
    · physical acoustics and ultrasonic
    · mechanical systems
    · electromagnetic waves.

    The Institute, with its staff of about 170 highly qualified researchers (36 are full professors, 27 associate professors and 101 senior researchers with the Ph.D. degree) is now the biggest research institution within the structure of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS). The main mission of PAS, and this Institute in particular, is to pursue high quality, up-to-date research activities. Over the years the Institute has been recognised as a leading research institution, making significant contributions to many science and engineering areas, promoting successfully novel research directions and enjoying high reputation both in and outside of Poland.

    Background information and experience
    The Department of Computational Mechanics lead by Prof. Michal Kleiber will be involved in the AEROCHINA project. The list of major current research involvement relevant to the project is the following (last 4 years):

    - Adaptive Landing Gears for Improved Impact Absorption ADLAND, EU 6th FP, project, IST-FP6-2002-Aero 1-502793-STREP 2003-2006
    - Integrated Wind Turbine Design UPWIND, EU FP6-2004-Energy-3 project, accepted proposal No. 019945, 2005-2009
    - Safety Assessment and Lifetime management of Industrial Piping Systems SAFE-PIPES, EU FP6-2003-NMP-TI-3-main project, 2005-2008.
    - New Materials, Adaptive Systems and their Non-linearities: Modelling, Control and Numerical Simulation, EU 5th FP TMR project, under negotiations, 2002-2006
    - Development of software tools for signal processing in damage detection and identification (EU-RTD research project GRD1-2001-40589 "PIEZODIAGNOSTICS"), 2002-2005
    - Development of new numerical algorithms for structural optimisation and control (grant KBN 7T07AAA02516, 2002-2005)
    - Vibration control with active interfaces (Smart Skin problem, computer simulation and experimental verification), (continuation of research started in the NATO Collaborative Research Grant No. OUTREACH CRG 950316)
    - ADSHOCK - Adaptive landing gear for aeroplane, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany, 2003-2005,
    - Graph - based tools for conceptual design in civil engineering, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany, 2000-2003.

    The institute is a member of Polish, national thematic network AERONET.

    Specific contributions of IFTR to the AEROCHINA project
    WP1 Specification of prospective strategy and work plans

    WP2 Web based AEROCHINA Communication System

    WP3 State of the art review in the following areas:
    - Modelling, simulation, experimental verification and design of landing gears
    - Modelling, experimental verification and design of structural health monitoring systems
    - Modelling, experimental verification and design of (on-line and off-line) load identification systems
    - Modelling, simulation, experimental verification and design of security systems for preserving structural integrity in critical conditions

    WP4 Identification of critical multiphysics activities and areas of cooperation
    - Modelling, simulation, experimental verification and design of MRF (Magneto-Rheological Fluid) based adaptive landing gears
    - Modelling, experimental verification and design of damage identification (including corrosion and delamination) systems based on piezo-generated elastic waves and inverse dynamic analysis
    - Modelling, experimental verification and design of load identification (on-line and off-line) systems based on use of piezo-sensors and inverse dynamic analysis
    - Modelling, simulation, experimental verification and design of adaptive security systems for preserving structural integrity in critical conditions

    WP5 Dissemination activities
    - Conference
    - Workshop
    Workshop: "Smart Technologies for Aero-Security"

    WP6 Project management

    Key contact person
    Dr. Jan Holnicki-Saule


    INGENIA is an Economical Interest Group (DII) grouping 15 SMEs and mid-size companies in Spain active in the aeronautic engineering sector. The industrial members of INGENIA are: SERRA Aeronautics, IDOM, SOLID-ENGINYERIA, CADTECH, COMPASS, ITALDESIGN, PRAE, SENER, ABGAM, QUANTECH ATZ, CIMSA, APPLUS, RUCKER AG and EDV S.L.
    By participants in the AEROCHINA SSA project the members of INGENIA will benefit from a direct exposure to the state of the art activities of Chinese organizations in the field of multiphysics simulations and validation. This will invariably help to open new opportunities for future RTD activities and engineering work of INGENIA members in cooperation with European and Chinese organizations in the aeronautic sector..

    Specific contributions of INGENIA to the AEROCHINA project
    Contribution to state of the art at reviews and database
    Development of AEROCHINA guidelines
    Participation in dissemination activities (kick-off conference and workshop).

    Key contact person
    Blai Felip

    Aeronautics Computing Technique Research Institute (ACTRI)

    ACTRI was found in 1958, originally the Northwest Computing Institute of Chinese Academy of Science, and now belongs to China Aviation Industry Cooperation I (AVIC1). The institute is located in Xi'an, a very ancient city in central of China mainland. Historically, ACTRI was a national high performance computing center, and now the institute is mainly engaged in the development of airborne and missile-borne computers, and aeronautical software. Currently ACTRI owns 1,046 employees on the staff, and there are several research centers hosted by ACTRI, among which is the Aeronautical Laboratory of Computational Fluid Dynamics (ALCFD). ALCFD is established by AVIC1 in October 1995. It is the one and only professional CFD organization in China aviation industry. Currently there are 18 researchers specializing in CFD discipline. The laboratory means to be the bridge between academy and industry. From 1990 to 2000, ALCFD had acted as the coordinator of a persistent national project to develop an integrated software system for aerodynamics numerical simulations. Recently the research focus has been switched to verification and validation of CFD simulations, and aerodynamic database. ALCFD is active, notably hosted the 12th national CFD conference in 2004, and co-organized the first and second national CFD validation workshops in 2003 and 2005 respectively.

    Background information and experience
    Experience in development and application of software platform for credible aerodynamic numerical simulations has been accumulated, and in-house CFD solvers for external aerodynamic design, both multi-block structured grid RANS solver and hybrid grid RANS solver, have been developed. Also, related European research activities including EUROVAL, ECARP, QNET-CFD, FLOWNET, and PROMUVAL have been studied extensively.

    Specific contributions of ACTRI to the AEROCHINA project
    Roadmap for multi physics analysis and optimization code validation:
    1) Euler/RANS Computations on selected testcases from EUROVAL, ECARP, FLOWNET, NPARC V&V Archives, AIAA-DPW-I&II, and AGARD CFD Code Validation Experiments like AGARD-AR-303-1994.
    3) and 4) We focus in integrated CFD software development and CFD V&V activities, so we can hardly contribute to prospecting the innovative computational/experimental mutiphysics methods and tools.
    5) High AoA flow simulations, to construct something just like FLOWNET and QNET-CFD in China.
    6) Dynamical and unsteady flow problems store separation, missile launch, wake vortex flow, and high lift configuration design.
    The participation of ACTRI in the project will include the assistance of Europe-China Database development and dissemination activities, the contribution to state of the art review and collection of computational and experimental data, and the contribution to identification of critical multiphysics TRD activities and areas of cooperation.

    The activities of Chinese partners will be coordinated by ACTRI.

    Key Contact Person
    The person in charge of ACTRI's contribution will be Dr. Wen BAI, the director of ALCFD.


    CADI (Chengdu Aircraft Design & Research Institute) is a synthetic institute founded in 1970 specialised in the design and research of aircraft. The administering authority of CADI is AVIC1 (China Aviation Industry Corporation 1).
    CADI is located in Chengdu, Sichuan, P.R.China, more than 1700 employees (include about 1200 technicians) are engaged in various activities of synthetic engineering projects. CADI now has established friendly technical communion and cooperative relation with the aviation organization in 11 countries.
    The principal research area are: fluid and solid dynamics, design of structure, flight dynamics and automatic control, electrics and electronics, material application, computer and software, etc.

    Background information and experience
    A lot of resources and efforts have been dedicated in recent years to design and research activities in advanced aerodynamic configuration, computational fluid dynamics, aircraft structure optimal design with multi-constraints, active suppression of flutter, analysis of static aeroelasticity, design of inlet and exhaust system. Today CADI is one of the most famous aircraft design institute in China.

    Specific contributions of CADI to the AEROCHINA project
    1) Inlet CFD data
    2) Inlet test data
    3) AML, iSIGHT, ModelCenter, MDICE, Inlet CFD method.
    4) Inlet test methods
    5) Aerodynamics, Structural Statics and Dynamics, Flight Dynamics Synthesis
    6) Static Aeroelastics, Aircraft MDO,

    Key Contact Person
    Dr. ChengXing Zheng
    Dr. YingKai Yang


    NPU is situated in Xi'an, a world-famous ancient capital city. The president of NPU is appointed directly by the State Council. NPU is one of the 15 key universities in China, and the country's only multi-disciplinary university of science and technology featuring the engineering education of aeronautics, astronautics and marine engineering with the stress on engineering and with the integration of engineering, science, management and humanities. At present, there are nearly 20,000 students studying at the University including over 10,000 undergraduate and two-year college students, and over 5,900 master's and over 800 doctoral students. In the University, there are 3 state key subjects, 8 state key laboratories and specialized laboratories, and 9 provincial and ministerial key laboratories and engineering research centers. The University owns a low-speed aerofoil wind tunnel -the largest of its kind in Asia- and an unmanned light airplane research and production base -the largest of its kind in China.
    Developed for aeronautic research and dedicated to the prosperity of China's aviation industries, the Aeronautic Academy was among the earliest established faculties of NPU, representing the characteristics of the university. Incessant endeavour in the last 48 years has transformed the Department into a highly significant research base handling key disciplinary subjects in China's aeronautical study. Currently the Department offers three major specialties: Aircraft Design, Fluid Dynamics, and Solid Mechanics, which respectively belong to three first-class disciplines of aerospace science and technology.
    The research organizations directed by the Department of Fluid Dynamics include: National Key Aerofoil and Cascade Laboratory, Aerofoil Research Center, Research Center of Aerodynamics, and Shaanxi Turbofan and Pump Engineering Center. The faculty consists of 12 professors (including 7 doctoral advisers), 11 associate professors, and 6 senior engineers. Three of them are "Experts with Outstanding Contributions" of the nation or of the aeronautical sphere, or excellent scholars back from abroad, and two of them have been awarded the internationally renowned Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship. Now the Department owns the largest low-speed aerofoil wind tunnel and the largest compressed continuity high-speed aerofoil wind tunnel in Asia, the fully digital hydraulic-servo experiment system, high-speed computers capable of billion calculations per second, several high quality SGI and SUN workstations along with some other first-class experiment facilities of China.

    Background information and experience
    Concerning to the project, NPU specializes in wind tunnel test, CFD study, and optimized design of airfoil. Several CFD codes based on Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations have been developed in house.

    Specific contributions of NORTHWESTERN POLY. UNIV. to the AEROCHINA project
    NPU would like to contribute to WP3 "State of the Art review and collection of computational and experimental data", WP4 "Identification of critical multiphysics TRD activities and areas of cooperation", and WP5 "Dissemination activities".

    1. Existing state-of-the-art computational data to collect.
    (1) Steady and Unsteady Euler/Navier-Stokes calculations of airfoils, wings, and complete aircraft using algebraic, one-equation, and two-equation turbulence models.
    (2) Time-domain flutter simulation of airfoils, wings, and wing-body combinations.
    (3) Flutter boundary prediction on the frequency domain.
    (4) Aerodynamics optimization using an adjoint method.

    2. Existing state-of-the-art experimental data to collect.
    (1) Force and pressure measurements of airfoils, wings, wing-body combinations, and complete models in a 3.5mx2.5m low-speed wind tunnel.
    (2) Force measurements of rotor blades.

    3. Innovative computational multiphysics methods and tools to prospect.
    (1) Efficient computation of unsteady loads.
    (2) Efficient aeroelastic simulation using coupled fluid-structure methods.
    (3) Efficient aero-thermo-elastic simulation for hypersonic flows.
    (4) Computational study of flow control.
    (5) Two-phase and Reactive flows.
    (6) Computation of noise generation of airframe and jets.
    (7) Computation of low-Reynolds-number flows, flapping wings, and dynamic stall studies.
    (8) Icing formation and impact on aerodynamics.
    (9) Aerodynamic optimization, aero-structural optimization.

    4. Innovative experimental multiphysics methods and tools to prospect.
    (1) LDV and PIV measurements.
    (2) Dynamic loads.
    (3) Force and pressure measurement in a 0.8mx0.6m transonic tunnel.

    5. Single of multiphysics applications to be considered.
    (1) Conventional single-phase aerodynamics for airfoils, wings, and aircraft.
    (2) Fluid-structure interaction, aeroelasticity, aero-servo-elasticity.
    (3) Multi-phase flow involving, icing, liquid fuel combustions.
    (4) Real gas effects at hypersonic speeds.
    (5) Aeroacoustics.

    6. Regimes of interest.
    subsonic, transonic, supersonic, and hypersonic.

    Key Contact Person
    Prof. Chao Gao, Head of Fluid Mechanics Department and Prof. Feng Liu.

    CARIA (Harbin)

    China Aerodynamics Research Institute of Aeronautics (CARIA) is a comprehensive aerodynamic research institute and part of AVIC1 (Aviation Industry Corporation I). CARIA was established in 1955 and is engaged in researching aerodynamic basic theories, advanced aerodynamic configuration of airplane and experiment techniques for high and low speed wind tunnel as well as in developing CFD related to aeronautics.
    CARIA is located in Harbin, some of its departments are located in Shenyang. Nearly 700 employees are engaged in various activities including 540 engineers for R&D. CARIA has the authority to confer the master degree of aerodynamics since 1982 and the postdoctoral programme was set up in 2002.
    Main research fields consist of wind tunnel experiment technique studying, test facility development, aerodynamic design of airplane, flow visualization and measurement, and CFD etc.

    Background information and experience
    CARIA has designed and built 8 wind tunnels, including FL-1 transonic (sub/tran/supersonic) wind tunnel, FL-2 transonic wind tunnel, FL-3 air inlet facility, FL-5 low speed wind tunnel, FL-7 transonic wind tunnel, FL-8 low speed wind tunnel, FL-9 pressurized low speed wind tunnel etc. The above wind tunnels are equipped with the advanced measurement equipments and have the ability of performing the conventional tests and special tests. There are many sophisticated test techniques in CARIA, for example, dynamic derivative test, power simulation test and PIV flow measurement etc.
    A lot of resources and efforts have been dedicated in recent years to research activities in complex and dynamic flow visualization and measurement by PIV, especially vortex diagnosis.
    Moreover, CARIA has the ability of numerical simulation based on Navies-Stokes equations, especially numerical simulation study of wind tunnel correction.

    Specific contributions of CARIA to the AEROCHINA project
    1) Aerodynamic characteristic Data of M6 wing by MgAero code.
    2) a) 2-D and 3-D PIV results of delta wings;
    b) Static, dynamic rolling, pitching and coupled motion flow visualization and
    loads measurement results of delta wings;
    c) the aerodynamic data measured from the wind tunnel experiments of dynamic stability and maneuver simulation using WG16 (SDM);
    d) Test Data of NACA4041 model in low speed wind tunnel, test data of
    ONERA£AGARD-B and AGARD-C model in high(transonic) speed wind tunnel;
    e) Force measurement Data of afterbody of civil transport in low speed wind tunnel;
    f) Results of vortex motion frequency and model vibration frequency measurement of a delta wing at high angle of attack and high roll angle;
    g) More accurate results of the vortex position at model¡¯s large amplitude motion obtained by flow image phase average processing technique;
    h) Flow visualization image 3-D reconstruction results of a delta wing by multi-laser-sheet visualization test and image processing;
    i) The oil flow visualization and laser sheet flow visualization and loads measurements of w-wings.
    3) a) Optimization tools for configuration design of civil airplane;
    b) Experiments design method of wind tunnel dynamic testing;
    c) Numerical simulation method of Glazed ice modeling
    d) Numerical simulation of Aircraft flow at high angle of attack
    4) a) Measurement and correction of elastic distortion of model;
    b) Display and measurement of the dynamic flow field in the closed-circuit wind tunnel;
    c) Study of uncertainty in dynamic testing, including the measurement of model attitude and corrections of the interference of support system and wind tunnel wall;
    d) Flow control;
    e) low speed high Re and variable Re test in pressured low speed wind tunnel;
    f) Flutter test technology in low speed wind tunnel.
    5) Configuration design of airplane, Lift inducing and drag reducing, Flutter characteristic prediction
    6) Identification of critical experimental method and test cases, especially static and dynamic characteristic measurement of aircraft , low speed high Re and variable Re test, flutter test and PIV flow measurement test.

    Key Contact Person
    Prof. Yan-ze Yu


    SARI is the earliest aircraft research institute established in China with a history of over 50 years. It sets up aerodynamics, structures, strength departments etc with are needed for aircraft design, and has more mature products of military, civil aircraft, UAV and some other fields.
    In aerodynamics research fields include
    - advanced aerodynamic configuration and glow control
    - fluid-solid coupling and aero-elastics;
    - flow and control within intakes;
    - stealth and aerodynamic design integration.
    In the SARI there are more than 1000 research staffs, among them about 50 are engaged in aerodynamics.

    Background information and experience
    SARI is ahead in external store separation trajectory simulation by CFD and applications, innovative configuration studies in China. It has conducted evaluation, verification and validation of large CFD software system, has plentiful successful experience in calculation and analysis of multi-physical fields coupling.

    Specific contributions of SARI to the AEROCHINA project
    1) a) Computational optimization and experimental validation of airfoil and twist distribution in two design points of subsonic and supersonic of a double-backwardswept wing.
    b)Computational and experimental database of several layouts.
    2) existing state of the art experimental data to collect ?
    a) Build areodynamic layouts and wind tunnel experimental database.
    b) Build wind tunnel database of different wing and airfoil parameters.

    Key Contact Person
    Prof. Jun Li

    FAI (Xi'an)

    FAI (First Aircraft Institute of AVIC1) is the main research establishment of airplane design in China. It was newly founded on June 28, 2003 through the integration of Xian Aircraft Design and Research Institute (XADRI) and Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute (SARI), which is engaged in development of large and medium-sized civil aircraft. It belongs to China Aviation Industry Company 1 (AVIC1).

    Two parts, one headquarters and one branch constitute FAI. The HQ is located near Xian and a branch is in Shanghai. There are about 20 design and research departments in Xi'an and 12 in Shanghai. Up of May 2005, more than 2000 employees are engaged in various aircraft projects design activities.

    FAI has made great contribution to China's Aviation Industry. More than ten types of aircraft have been designed by the institute, the representative types are as following:
    · Y-7, the first regional aircraft in China
    · Y-10, the first large jetliner in China
    · LE-500 The first light general aircraft in China.

    The institute had taken part in international co-operation in pre-development of MPC75 and AE-100 in 1980s and 1990s, as well as the cooperation in MD-82 and MD-90 development.
    At present, FAI is applying itself to develop a new civil aviation project named Advanced Regional Jet (ARJ-21). The ARJ21 first flight will be made in 2007.

    Background information and experience
    A lot of subjects in aircraft design have been developed in past 40 years. They cover Aerodynamics, Intensity, Structure, Engine, Material, Flying electric etc.
    FAI has designed and built some well-equipped labs, such as flight control and simulation, hydraulic system, fuel system, environmental control system, ejection and life saving system, electric net, fire control and integrated avionic system, aircraft strength labs.
    FAI has a high-performance Computer System. A large-scale CAD network system consists of more than 1600 computers (500 NT workstations of which), and modern aviation integrated concurrent digital design-manufacture system have been set up. The institute is the pioneer user of CATIA v4-5 in 3-dimention design, digital pre-assembly and digital mock-up domestically.
    In aerodynamics, FAI owns CFD methods and software for analysis of structural and fluid flow problems, has capability to design and manufacture wind tunnel test model.

    Specific contributions of FAI to the AEROCHINA project
    1. Data about ARJ21 and Y10.
    2. Data about ARJ21 and Y10.
    3. Generator of the unstructual and structural mesh, mesh optimization according to different parameters, simulation of boundary layer, the influence of Reynolds number on drag, TPS, high Mach number and Reynolds number unsteady simulation.
    Computational multiphysics tools : commercial software and in house software ; aeroelasticity and aeroacoustics activities.
    4. Institutions of wind tunnel facilities in CHINA.
    5. Aircraft components design and analysis, optimization design, aeroelasticity estimation, TPS, and icing ; denoising design of commercial aircraft is also considered.
    6. Subsonic and transonic.

    Key Contact Person
    Prof. YingChun Chen


    Beihang University (formerly Beijing Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics), BUAA in abbreviation, was founded on October 25, 1952. Located at the center of Zhongguancun Science Park, next to China' s National Olympic Center, in Beijing, BUAA is the China' s first university of aeronautical and astronautical engineering.

    Since its founding, BUAA has been one of the key universities given priority for development. In the new century and millennium, BUAA was officially listed in China's Action Plan for the Revitalization of Education in the 21st Century. At present, the university comprises of 17 schools and 6 departments, covering such diverse fields in sciences, engineering, liberal arts, management, languages, etc. There are currently more than 3300 faculty and staff members, including 10 academicians of either the Chinese Academy of Sciences or the Chinese Academy of Engineering Sciences, and over 1400 full or associate professors. The total enrolment reaches over 26,000, including more than 1300 doctorate candidates, over 5000 master candidates, and about 300 overseas students.

    Background information and experience
    BUAA has evolved from an engineering institute of aeronautics and astronautics into an open, multi-disciplinary, research-oriented university of engineering sciences and technology, preserving at the same time with strong research capability on aerospace engineering. Currently, there are 42 research institutes or interdisciplinary research centers in BUAA, accompanying with 11 key disciplines of the national level, and 89 laboratories, including 4 national key laboratories, 5 national specialized laboratories, and 12 provincial- or ministerial-level key laboratories. In recent years, BUAA has ranked among the foremost in China in terms of funding for scientific research, and become one of the China's important bases for scientific and technological innovation and quality education for high-level personnel.

    Specific contributions of BUAA to the AEROCHINA project
    1. Existing state of art computational data to collect.
    Currently we have some computational data collections on aerodynamic characteristics for complete aircraft, supercritical wings, and multi-wings for commercial aircraft; optimization design on multi-wings and high lift devices, drag reduction using active/passive control, and microscale suction/blowing techniques. We have also some computational data on hypersonic flow field simulation, including real gas effects, and unsteady aerodynamic simulation, such as the store separation, etc.

    2. Existing state of the art experimental data to collect.
    Institute of Fluid Mechanics has collected certain flow visualization on water tunnel tests, including unsteady flow fields over delta wings with vortex flaps, spanwise blowings, and high lift devices; aerodynamic test data from subsonic and supersonic wind tunnels for wings with spanwise blowings, etc.

    3. Innovative computational multiphysics methods and tools.
    National Lab. for CFD has been involved in the following research activities:
    1) CFD: Development of high resolution finite difference schemes and finite element methods, also work on low numerical diffusion and dissipation schemes; construction of computer codes for flow simulation of all Mach numbers for engineering applications.
    2) Turbulence study: Development of high speed turbulence models; conducting statistical average N-S equations, LES, and DNS simulations for flight vehicle aerodynamic studies.
    3) Interaction of gas particles with material surfaces: Development of theoretical models based on microscopic theory as well as macroscopic reaction-diffusion systems; development of computer codes for practical applications in interaction of atomic oxygen with material surfaces in LEO environment, rarefied gas dynamics.
    4) Multi-objective optimization.

    4. Innovative experimental multiphysics methods and tools.
    1) Interaction of atomic oxygen with material surfaces in LEO environment: Test facility for atomic oxygen generation utilizing plasma puff gun, diagnostic devices for measuring or detecting the atomic oxygen distribution, erosion of material surfaces, etc.
    2) PIV and Pulse laser system for water tunnel measurement.

    5. Which single or multiphysics applications considered or to be considered?
    1) The same as above.
    2) Additional single or multiphysical applications to be considered:
    · CFD for aerodynamic design of wind mills;
    · Microfluid physics.

    6. Which regimes of interest.
    1) CFD: all Mach numbers.
    2) Experimental: Low speed, subsonic, transonic, and supersonic.
    3) Multiphysics: Gas particles/material surfaces interaction (both computations and experiments); plasma dynamics and magnetohydrodynamics (numerical simulation); microfluid physics (numerical simulation).

    Key Contact Person
    Prof. C.H. Lee, CFD Lab Director


    The school of aerospace engineering is a newly created school in Tsinghua university. It includes two departments and two centers. The department of engineering mechanics has a long history and is well known through its activities in solid mechanics, fluid mechanics and thermodynamic engineering. Apart from academic researches which have world wide influences, this department has many connections with aeronautical industries such as GE, SNECMA, and many Chinese aeronautical industries. There are about 100 teachers and researchers in this department, working in finite element method for structural analysis, two phase flow models for flows in engines, turbulence modelling for subsonic, transonic, supersonic and hypersonic flows, high resolution schemes for shocked flows, optimization method for airfoil design, drag reduction through refined turbulence control, new propulsion concept, high altitude airship design, etc. The department of astronautics and aeronautics is under construction. The two centers are: center for space engineering with many activities in nano satellites and communication, and center of aeronautical engineering focused on UAV. The main roles of Tsinghua university is to gather information from Chinese universities in the field of aeronautics. Tsinghua team will be co-ordinated by Professor ZN Wu (Director of the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Regional Editor of the well-ranked international journal Computers & Fluids) with about 20 years experiences in computational fluid dynamics.
    Background information and experience
    Experience in development and application of the WENO scheme, physically related numerical method, third order accurate projection method, and multiblock parallel method for computing shocked and turbulent flows for external and internal flow applications. A set of own developed softwares for computing flows around a complete aircraft and in engines. A number of original ideas in CFD leading to publications in international leading journals as well as to industrial applications.

    Specific contributions of TSINGHUA to the AEROCHINA project
    1) Several 3D multi-block codes for solving the compressible Navier-Stokes equations.
    Numerical schemes: second order finite volume scheme using MUSCL interpolation.
    High-order finite difference scheme based on the hybrid compact/WENO approach. The fluxes are computed using Roe, AUSM, and the rotated Riemann solver.
    Turbulence modeling: A number of one and two equation RANS models, DES model.
    Applications: Flow around aircrafts. Turbomachinery flows including rotor/stator
    interactions. Shock reflections. Noise generation.
    Optimization or design: Gene algorithm and inverse methods for airfoil and blade design.
    2) Facilities: Low speed wind tunnel, supersonic wind tunnel, HWA, LDV, PIV.
    Research fields: Turbulence, flow control, supersonic jet and mixing layers.
    3) Numerical methods: Arbitrary high-order finite volume on structured and unstructured meshes for single and multi physics computation with good shock capturing capabilities. High-order compact and hybrid compact/WENO schemes on curvilinear meshes for the computation of multi-scale problems.
    Optimization or design: highly efficient optimization or design algorithms.
    4) innovative experimental multiphysics mathods and tools to prospect ?
    5) Drag prediction and reduction, aerodynamic efficiency, flutter prediction.
    6) Subsonic, transonic, supersonics.
    Our interests mainly focus on development and application of advanced high-order numerical scheme for aerodynamic computation; understanding the flow physics involving shock waves and shock-boundary layer interactions using numerical methods.
    We are interested in WP3, WP4 and WP5.

    Key Contact Person
    Prof. Ziniu Wu

    Nanjing University of Aeronatics and Astronautics (NUAA)

    NUAA (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics) , established in 1952, is one of the key universities in China with the combined features of aeronautics , civil aviation and astronautics. In 1996 it succeeded in becoming one of the China's 100 most key universities for the 21st century (China's 211 Project). It is subordinated to the Commission of National Defence Science, Technology and Industry of China. NUAA consists of 10 colleges as follows: College of Aerospace Engineering, College of Energy and Power Engineering, College of Automation Engineering, College of Information Science and Technology, College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, College of Material Science and Technology, College of Civil Aviation, College of Sciences, College of Economics and Management, College of Humanities and Social Sciences. NUAA has set up as many as 50 research institutes and has very strong advantages in the research and application of basic science and the development of high technology.

    Background information and experience
    NUAA has developed "CK" series of super pilot less aircraft, AD series of super-light airplanes and other series of helicopters, and it has also made a lot of breakthroughs in many key projects concerning aeronautic and astronautic research and national defense programs. NUAA has taken great interest in international academic exchanges and scientific cooperation. Since 1987, over 1,000 persons have been sent to as many as 34 countries and regions for advanced studies, academic exchanges and cooperation. At the same time, about 1,600 professors and scientists from 40 countries and regions have been invited to give lectures and make visits to NUAA. Long-term cooperative agreements have also been signed between NUAA and over 20 universities in Germany, France, Russia, UK and USA.

    Specific contributions of NUAA to the AEROCHINA project
    The main roles of NUAA team in the project AEROCHINA will be aerodynamic computation, design optimization and experimentation & validation.
    The Research Institute of Aerodynamics in NUAA has large-scale facilities for both aerodynamic experiments and CFD, including 3m low speed wind tunnel, 0.6m high speed wind tunnel, 1.5m low speed unsteady wind tunnel, SGI work station and PC clusters with 128 CPU. The research activities are supported by NSFC, ministries and industry. Experience in development and application of measuring techniques, computational methods and design optimisation will facilitate NUAA team in the international cooperation.
    Methods and software: robust design with adjoint optimization methods, meshless computation techniques for solving PDEs and evolutionary optimization:
    Methods and software: robust design and meshless computation 2 ) and 4): Flow control sinceFlow control: drag prediction and reduction, aerodynamic efficiency, flutter prediction, noise prediction or reduction, integrated relevant to flow control.
    Experimentation: Innovative techniques of flow control: synthetic jet (a new phenomenon of acoustic streaming) applied to flow control, wing tip device to improve performance of lift/drag ratio, sheared wing tip to modify the China-made civil air plane Y-12, high lift devices.
    WP6 :major interest Major interest in WP3and WP4 (simulation, optimization and experimentation)

    Key Contact Person
    Prof. Ming Xiao and Prof. H.Q. Chen

    Center for Engineering and Scientific Computation (Zhejiang University)

    Zhejiang University (ZJU) is a key university in China. At present, the total number of full-time students has reached over 41,928, including 27,064 undergraduates, 8,061 postgraduates working for master's degrees and 3,284 PhD candidates. Among its 8,975 faculty and staff members, there are over 915 full professors and 1,503 associate professors.
    Center for Engineering and Scientific Computation (CESC), Zhejiang University, is a key interdisciplinary research center. The mission is to emphasize the nature of being interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary, and to promote applications of high performance computing in various fields in the university.
    Currently there are nine groups in the research center. They are: (1) Enabling technologies of engineering and scientific computation; (2) Computational algorithms and software; (3) Visualization of computational software; (4) Scientific visualization and virtual reality; (5) High energy physics and physics of new materials; (6) Scientific computation and simulation of earth and atmosphere; (7) Computational combustion; (8) Computational fluid dynamics; and (9) Computational structure technologies.

    Background information and experience
    Dr. Yao Zheng is a Cheung Kong chair professor with Zhejiang University, and he is directing the Center for Engineering and Scientific Computation (CESC). He had been in UK and US for 13 years, spending 8 years in University of Wales Swansea and 4 years in NASA Glenn Research Center, mainly with research experience in aerospace sector.
    In the CESC, there are five faculty members and more than 10 research assistants devoting their time in numerical modelling for aerospace engineering. A lot of resources and efforts have been made to research activities in the following areas: Computational Fluid Dynamics (adaptive methods in computational fluid dynamics; multimedia large deformation problems in computational fluid dynamics; computational aerodynamics); Computational Combustion (parallel combustion simulations of propulsion systems); Parallel Computing (enabling environment for multidisciplinary application simulations); Platform of Parallel Simulation and Visualization for Computational Fluid Dynamics; and Mesh Generation Technologies.

    Specific contributions of to Zhejiang University the AEROCHINA project
    The main roles of Zhejiang University team in the project will include: Contributions to the state of the art review; Identification of critical areas in computational methods of multiphysics problems in aeronautics; and Participation in dissemination activities, such as conferences, workshops and courses. Our interests will focus on computational aerodynamics; parallel combustion simulations; computational aeroelasticity; mesh generation; and visualization.

    Key Contact Person
    Prof. Yao Zheng

    Peking University

    Peking University is the leading university in China since 1898. Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science is the earliest and strongest one (since 1952) among about 70 departments of Mechanics nationwide. There are 87 faculties for teaching and research. Fluid Mechanics and Solid Mechanics are the major parts of the department. The earliest and high performance low speed and large test section wind tunnel was built in the department in 1958. Now it is still working well for different purpose and different industries. Hundreds of airplane models including fighter and civic aircraft were tested in this wind tunnel. Boundary layer and turbulence wind tunnels are also available for research test. The test instruments and facilities are also in advanced level. In the field of computational mechanics, CFD and computational solid mechanics have played a very important role in the recent 30 years in China.

    Background information and experience
    Structural Engineering Software Center is a research group in the department. The researches have been mainly focused on development and application of multidisciplinary modeling, simulation, algorithms to industrial problems, including finite element modeling, structural dynamics, structural optimization, fast finite element solver, mesh generation/optimization, etc. SAP84, a general purpose structural analysis program (since 1984) has been developed as a commercial FEM software package, which has more than 1000 users in China and dominated the Chinese market of FEM package. Thousands of practical engineering problems have been solved in civil engineering, water conservancy, communication, mechanical, aeronautical, metallurgical, railway, chemical engineering, as well as in research and teaching in universities. The mesh generation and optimization package in SAP84 is the earliest one in China. Its high performance and reliability has made it be the most competitive package.

    Specific contributions of Peking University to the AEROCHINA project
    Contribution to the state of the art review.
    Retrieval and storage of data on finite element methods for multidisciplinary aeronautics problems. Identification or critical areas in the analysis of multidisciplinary problems in aeronautics.
    Participation in dissemination activities (conference and workshop).

    Key Contact Person
    Prof. Mingwu Yan has 25 years experience in research and developing on numerical methods, high performance of finite elements, high performance algorithms of large equations and general eigenvalue problem, and the organization and maintenance of large scale commercial software.
    Prof. Yan is also a member of Executive Council of the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM). He was also the organizer and Chairman of the 6th World Congress of the IACM held in Beijing in September 2004 in cooperation with CIMNE and other European RTD organizations in the field of computational engineering mechanics.

    China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics (CAAA)

    China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics (CAAA),originated from the prestigious Beijing Institute of Aerodynamics, was found in 1956 and is the first aerodynamic research institution in China. CAAA has achieved a large amount of work on aerodynamic force/hearting calculation, testing and research needed for the aerospace vehicle design and development, including aerodynamic configurations and their performance prediction, ablation and heating protection, base flow study and drag reduction, dynamic aerodynamic characteristics and aero-elasticity, aerodynamic characteristics of recovering and penetration, and some basic research work on flow visualization, boundary layer transition, rough wall heat flux, flow separation, and turbulence research, etc.
    China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamic has a qualified research team. There are 1000 staffs now. Over 60% of them are professional researchers, engineers and technicians. Among them, more than 200 have high titles, including one academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and 10 national and ministerial experts with outstanding contribution.
    In the past 50 years, CAAA has contributed in almost all areas of design and research work for Chinese space and aerial vehicles. CAAA has earned a professional reputation in the international community and have research collaborations with more than thirty counties all over the world.

    Background information and experience
    CAAA is mainly engaged in aerodynamic comprehensive technical research, namely exploits and develops various kinds of aerodynamic optimization design platform and aerodynamic performance predication method for different flight vehicle. It possesses powerful CFD simulation ability. CAAA has 22 sets of test facilities including low-speed, transonic, supersonic, and hypersonic wind tunnels, arc heater, arc tunnel and special-purpose testing equipment and advanced system of measurement and control systems. It is of enough ability to meet basic demand for aerodynamic and thermodynamic ground simulation of flight vehicles. CAAA is also evolved in development of special vehicle such as ground-effect-vehicle and MAV as representative. It has the capacity for general design and assembling. CAAA has powerful technical advantages and development ability in wind tunnel design and construction, industrial aerodynamics, and aerodynamics application in other fields.

    Specific contributions of CAAA to the AEROCHINA project
    1) Test Data for standard experiment model, such as HB-1,HB-2 and AGARD;
    2) Hypersonic external aerodynamic CFD V&V test data;
    3) Hypersonic CFD analysis method;
    4) MAV aerodynamic flight experiment data;
    5) Aerodynamic shape optimization;
    6) Flight vehicle MDO method;
    7) Development and application of RANS CFD;

    Key Contact Person
    Prof. Huang Youa

    CIMNE - International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering