European Projects

WITH ME The European Platform to Promote Healthy Lifestyle and improve care through a Personal Persuasive Assistant website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/06/2013 30/09/2016 FP7 (2007-2013) COOPERATION 332885; ART-010000-2013-5 ATOS $70,936.19
CHIRON Cyclic and person-centric Health management: Integrated appRoach for hOme, mobile and clinical eNvironments website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/03/2010 30/11/2013 FP7 (2007-2013) COOPERATION ARTEMIS-2009-1- 100228 / ART-010000-2010-7 FIMI $200,785.52
CARE4ME (ITEA2) Cooperative Advanced REsearch for Medical Efficiency website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/06/2009 30/09/2012 EUREKA ITEA2 2008004 PHILIPS $0.00

National Projects

ANACONDA ANCD Brain®, micro-catéter de acceso distal para trombectomías cerebrales y tratamiento del accidente cerebrovascular isquémico agudo
Start End Funding bodies Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/01/2018 31/12/2020 MCIU Retos Colaboración: Proyectos I+D RTC-2017-6749-1 BIOMED $349,211.84
CARE4ME Tecnologías informáticas avanzadas para el sector de la salud (CARE4ME - Cooperative Advanced REsearch for Medical Efficiency)
Start End Funding bodies Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/05/2009 28/02/2011 MITYC TSI-AVANZA I+D TSI-020400-2009-83 ALMA IT SYSTEMS, S.L. $78,269.00