The continuous increase of air passenger transport generates an increasing use of hydrocarbon fuel with excessive emission of CO2 and NOX (greenhouse gases and pollutants and noise). It is well known that commercial aircraft operations impact the atmosphere by the emissions of greenhouse gases and greenhouse gas precursors and also through the formation of contrails and cirrus clouds. The EC has published in 2000 the future of aeronautics in the ACARE Vision 2020 containing the ambitious goals on the environmental impact with 80% reduction in NOx emissions, 50% reduction in CO2 emissions per passenger kilometer, and the reduction of the noise in by 20dB (50% reduction on the perceived noise).
To achieve the ACARE Vision 2020 goals green aeronautics technologies will play a more and more dominant role. GRAIN Supported Action, based on the same collaborative and win-win spirit introduced in former EU-China Aerochina 1 & 2 projects, will provide inputs and roadmaps for the development of large scale simulation strategies for greener technologies to meet future requirements on emissions, fuel consumption and noise and green materials.
Aerochina 1 & 2 have been networking projects co-funded by the 7th Framework Program (FP07) and by the China Aviation Industry Corporation (AVIC). Both projects have been coordinated by CIMNE and many of the GRAIN partners have participated in them. These collaborative projects gathered experts on the two Europe (13) and China (17) sides to foster cooperation and debate future trends in the field of integrated multi physics modeling, computer simulations and code validation, experimental testing and design methods for the solution of multi physics problems of interest to the aeronautic sector. Aerochina 1 & 2 identified areas of mutual RTD interest and skills, and experiences of Chinese partners in the relevant technological areas of multi physics analysis, experimentation and design through a series of dissemination events including short course, workshops and technical and strategic round tables. The outcomes of these two projects provided specific and mature RTD activities and teams for FP7 EU-China Coordinated calls.