Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021. Time: 15h
Online - Session link:
πPLATES is an ongoing project within the framework of the TDA (Programa de tecnologies digitals avançades de la Generalitat) aimed to develop a tool to diagnose and predict the vulnerability of the territory in anticipation of gradual and disruptive change factors. This solution is based on an augmented Geographical Management System (GMS/GIS++) in which all aspects of the human and the natural world may be recorded, and managed according to several computational models that deepen the understanding and prediction capabilities about the human and natural world. Examples of such models include: advanced diagnostics and forecasts on shoreline erosion, land uses and risk assessment, the relationship between traffic restrictions and improvement in air quality, control of the human presence in natural protected areas to defend biodiversity, or how, when and which industrial areas should be promoted to ensure their sustainability or demoted to avoid waste of resources.