
Seminar - "Towards statistically steady CFD", by Riccardo Rossi

Published: 25/02/2020

Wednesday, February 26th, 2020. Time: 12 noon

Place: O.C. Zienkiewicz Conference Room, C1 Building, UPC Campus Nord, Barcelona

The simulation of CFD problems using VMS techniques is inherently unstationary in all the cases in which the flow itself is. There are however many applications in which the interest is in determining a "statistical steady state", intended as a converged time average of some quantities of interest.
The focus of the seminar will be on the discussion of some ideas on how to determine such result, either by analysing "a posteriori" the results or by modifying the numerical method in the attempt to converge to the desired steady state solution.
Dr. Riccardo Rossi is a Civil Engineer by the University of Padova (2001). He obtained his PhD at the University of Bologna in 2005. He is a Full Research Professor at CIMNE, where he works as affiliate scientist since 2005.