Expertise: CIMNE (Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics en Enginyeria) is a research organisation in Barcelona, Spain, devoted to the development and application of numerical methods (basically the finite element method) to a wide class of problems in engineering and applied sciences.
Role: CIMNE is the coordinator of the RAMWASS project. It will moreover integrate the different modules and databases of the RAMWASS DSS, adapt the pre/postprocessing system GiD to the needs of the DSS multilevel user interface, and develop an ANN module.
Expertise: UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) is one of the largest technical Universities in Spain. It is represented by the Department of Hydraulic, Maritime and Environmental Engineering (DEHMA), which provides quality teaching and carries out high-level research in the field of water and environmental engineering.
Role: UPC will develop a database of risk criteria combining technical, historical and experimental data. It will contribute to the simulation codes of the RAMWASS DSS, and will validate the tool in the Doñana marsh area, in close cooperation with CHG.
Expertise: CHG (Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir) is the entity responsible in front of the Spanish Government for the matters concerning water management in the Guadalquivir river and in the Doñana National Park.
Role: CHG will provide data and participate in the validation of the RAMWASS DSS in the Doñana marsh area. It will take moreover an active role in the dissemination and exploitation of the RAMWASS DSS.
Expertise: Leibniz Universität Hannover is a technical university in Germany with wide experience in the development and application of computational methods in civil and geotechnical engineering.
Role: Leibniz Universität Hannover will provide computational methods and expert system technology for analysis of soil erosion, hydromechanics and biological changes in river basin areas and fluvial ecosystems. It will moreover apply the RAMWASS DSS to the biosphere of the lower part of the Elbe river.
Expertise: Universität Lüneburg is a technical university in Germany with long-term experience in the fields of environmental informatics, hydrology, environmental management and soil science.
Role: Universität Lüneburg will provide experience, guidelines, methods and codes for the risk analysis and management of fluvial ecosystems and global change. It will develop a database of risk criteria combining technical, historical and experimental data, and will apply the RAMWASS DSS to the biosphere of the lower part of the Elbe river.
Expertise: ABRE (Biosphärenreservat Niedersächsische Elbtalaue) is responsible for legal regulations concerning nature conservation and sustainable regional development in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve of Elbe Riverlands in Lower Saxony.
Role: ABRE will provide data and participate in the validation of the RAMWASS DSS in the Elbe Riverland area.
Expertise: CISM (International Centre for Mechanical Sciences) is an Italian non-profit organisation, founded in 1968 by European scientists to favour the exchange and application of the most advanced knowledge in the mechanical sciences and related fields. The Centre carries out research in the field of computational methods in applied sciences and informatics.
Role: CISM will provide computer simulation, ANN methodology methods and experience for environmental and geotechnical modeling and fluid-dynamic analysis of fluid ecosystems. It will moreover apply the RAMWASS DSS to the Po river delta area.
Expertise: STAR Engineering is a young SME company set up by three Professors of Geotechnics of the University of Padua to deal with geotechnical problems, in particular related to environmental aspects. It has specialised in the management and engineering services of the Venice lagoon and the Po river delta.
Role: STAR will provide data on the Po river delta biosphere, and apply the RAMWASS DSS for risk assessment and management of hazards in this test site.