
sort ascending Name WP Benef Date Level Files
D7.4 Collaborative Web Portal for participants (M6) WP.7 CIMNE Jun/2014 Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the JU)
D7.3 Periodic technical, administrative and financial reports (M36) WP.7 CIMNE Dec/2016 Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the JU)
D7.2 Periodic technical, administrative and financial reports (M24) WP.7 CIMNE Dec/2015 Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the JU)
D7.1 Periodic technical, administrative and financial reports (M9) WP.7 CIMNE Sep/2014 Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the JU)
D6.6 Exploitation plan (M36) WP.6 SINTEF Dec/2016 Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the JU)
D6.5 Exploitation plan (M24) WP.6 SINTEF Dec/2015 Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the JU)
D6.4 Exploitation plan (M12) WP.6 SINTEF Dec/2014 Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the JU)
D6.3 Dissemination activities (M36) WP.6 ATOS SPAIN SA Dec/2016 Public
D6.2 Dissemination activities (M24) WP.6 ATOS SPAIN SA Dec/2015 Public PDF icon D6.2_Dissemination_Activities.pdf
D6.1 Dissemination activities (M12) WP.6 ATOS SPAIN SA Dec/2014 Public PDF icon VELaSSCo_D6.1_Dissemination_Activities_V1.0.pdf
D5.9 Usability evaluation (M36) WP.5 ATOS SPAIN SA Dec/2016 Public
D5.8 Usability evaluation (M25) WP.5 ATOS SPAIN SA Jan/2016 Public
D5.7 Effectiveness evaluation of real-time data access and visualization (M36) WP.5 CIMNE Dec/2016 Public
D5.6 Effectiveness evaluation of real-time data access and visualization (M25) WP.5 CIMNE Jan/2016 Public
D5.5 Algorithm evaluation (M36) WP.5 UEDIN Jan/2016 Public
D5.4 Algorithm evaluation (M25) WP.5 UEDIN Jan/2016 Public
D5.3 Architecture evaluation (M36) WP.5 ATOS SPAIN SA Dec/2016 Public
D5.2 Architecture evaluation (M23) WP.5 ATOS SPAIN SA Nov/2015 Public PDF icon VELaSCCo_D5 2_Architecture_Evaluation.pdf
D5.1 Evaluation methodology (M18) WP.5 ATOS SPAIN SA Jun/2015 Public PDF icon VELaSCCo_D5_1_Evaluation_Methodology_v3.0.pdf
D4.6 Verification/validation tests of the developed tools (M33) WP.4 Fraunhofer Sep/2016 Public
D4.5 Verification/validation tests of the developed tools (M21) WP.4 Fraunhofer Nov/2015 Public PDF icon D4_5_VELaSSCo_VerificationTestsOfTheDevelopedTools.pdf
D4.4 Final implementation of the high performance visualization / scalable visual analysis client(s) (M30) WP.4 Fraunhofer Jun/2016 Public
D4.3 Specification of the user interaction metaphors for the query formulation and the visual analysis process (M18) WP.4 CIMNE Jun/2015 Public PDF icon D4_3_VELaSSCo_UserInteractionMetaphorsSpecification.pdf
D4.2 First prototype of the high performance visualization / scalable visual analysis client(s) (M21) WP.4 Fraunhofer Sep/2015 Public PDF icon D4_2_VELaSSCo_FirstPrototypeOfHighPerformanceVisualizationClient.pdf
D4.1 Specifications of the GPU-driven representations and architecture of the GPU-based scientific visualization pipeline (M15) WP.4 Fraunhofer Mar/2015 Public PDF icon D4_1_VELaSSCo_SpecificationOfGPURepresentation.pdf
D3.9 Optimized query execution engine (EDM database): log processing techniques to detect frequently performed queries and candidates to be pre-computed (M33) WP.3 EPM Sep/2016 Public
D3.8 Incorporation of completeness and validity tests of the results into the framework, queries to visualize/modify boundary conditions of the simulation as specified in WP1 (M30) WP.3 CIMNE Jun/2016 Public
D3.7 Implementation and report of the queries specified in WP1 (M33) WP.3 SINTEF Sep/2016 Public
D3.6 State-of-the-art in particle-based data analytics and definition of required features (M27) WP.3 UEDIN Mar/2016 Public
D3.5 Engine able to perform first-time visualizations and simple queries of the last results and over the unmodified domain or the transformations performed in D3.2 (EDM) and report (M21+M24) WP.3 EPM Dec/2015 Public PDF icon D3_5_VELaSSCo_Engine_able_to_perform_first-time_visualizations_and_simple_queries.pdf
D3.4 Engine able to perform first-time visualizations and simple queries of the last results and over the unmodified domain or the transformations performed in D3.2 (EDM) and report (M21+M24) WP.3 EPM Sep/2015 Public PDF icon D3_4_VELaSSCo_Engine_able_to_perform_first-time_visualizations_and_simple_queries.pdf
D3.3 Pre-computed, or on-demand computed, transformations stored in HPC (M21+M24) WP.3 CIMNE Dec/2015 Public PDF icon D3_3_VELaSCCo_Pre-computed or on-demand transformations stored in HPC.pdf
D3.2 Pre-computed, or on-demand computed, transformations stored in HPC (M21+M24) WP.3 CIMNE Sep/2015 Public PDF icon D3_2_VELaSCCo_Pre-computed or on-demand transformations stored in HPC.pdf
D3.1 Query framework implementation in the project database system & report (M16). WP.3 INRIA Apr/2015 Public PDF icon D3_1_VELaSCCo_Query framework implementation in the project database system & report FINAL.pdf
D2.7 Target engineering friendly and open standards formatted data stored in the HPC cloud infrastructure (M24) WP.2 Fraunhofer Dec/2015 Public PDF icon D2.7_Target engineering friendly and open standards formatted data stored in the HPC cloud infrastructure.pdf
D2.6 Implementations of data conversion algorithms to target format (M18) WP.2 INRIA Jun/2015 Public PDF icon D2_6_VELaSSCo_Implementations_of_data_conversion_algorithms_to_target_formats.pdf
D2.5 Big data interfaces for data acquisition (M15) WP.2 INRIA Mar/2015 Public PDF icon D2_5_VELaSCCo_BigDataInterfacesForDataAcquisition.pdf
D2.4 Design a petabyte sized engineering data solution in the HPC cloud infrastructure (M15) WP.2 EPM Mar/2015 Public PDF icon D2_4_VELaSCCo_DesignAPetabyteSizedEngineeringData.pdf
D2.3 HPC cloud infrastructure specification document suitable to the needs of e-Science applications (M12) WP.2 ATOS SPAIN SA Dec/2014 Public PDF icon D2_3_VELaSSCo_HPC cloud infrastructure specification document suitable to the needs of e-Science applications.pdf
D2.2 Specification of the Big Data Architecture (M9). WP.2 ATOS SPAIN SA Sep/2014 Public PDF icon D2_2_VELaSCCo_SpecificationOfBigDataArchitecture_v1.pdf
D2.1 State-of-the-Art of Big Data principles, approaches, methodologies, formats and tools and Specification of required methodologies and tools required for scientific visualization WP.2 INRIA Jun/2014 Public PDF icon D2_1_VELaSCCo_WP2_SOA_v1 (1).pdf
D1.6 Definition of criteria and methodology for system evaluation WP.1 ATOS SPAIN SA Jan/2016 Public
D1.5 Definition of criteria and methodology for system evaluation WP.1 ATOS SPAIN SA Mar/2014 Public PDF icon D1_5_DefinitionOfCriteriaAndMethodologyForSystemEvaluation (1).pdf
D1.4 Technical requirements WP.1 CIMNE Jan/2016 Public
D1.3 Technical requirements WP.1 CIMNE Jan/2014 Public PDF icon D1_3_VELaSSCo_Technical_Requirements (1).pdf
D1.2 End-users requirements and Users panel WP.1 UEDIN Dec/2015 Public PDF icon D1_2_VELaSCCo_WP1_User_Requirements.pdf
D1.1 End-users requirements and Users panel WP.1 UEDIN Feb/2014 Public PDF icon D1_1_VELaSCCo_WP1_User_Requirements_v2 (1).pdf