
VELaSSCo consortium as a whole

Our consortium has a well-balanced distribution of expertise profiles in agreement with the objectives of the project to be addressed under a synergetic and complementary manner among all the partners.

Expertise of the partners can be classified mainly in two principal categories: Institutions specialized in the development and implementation of visualization software, particularly addressed to facilitate analysis of HPC simulations in engineering and scientific first-class problems (CIMNE, UNEDIN and FRAUNHOFER); and institutions with experience in Data Analytics, Big Data, Big Data Handling and Cloud Computing (SINTEF, INRIA, JOTNE and ATOS).

The partnership also counts with a large group of potential end-users of the outcomes of the projects, ranging from large engineering companies, SME's on engineering modelling and software houses, to research organisations doing large scale engineering modelling, linked to the User Panel already described.

Relationships and expertise in VELaSSCo consortium.

VELaSSCo builds on previous work and existing know-how of the members of the consortium.
As a research centre specialized in the formulation of numerical methods, CIMNE has a large expertise in the development of high-end simulation models for engineering applications in many different fields. In parallel, CIMNE has been dedicating effort during many years to the parallel way the development of their in-house visualization platform GiD, as a necessary tool to analyse and exploit the output of its models.

In that sense, the GiD visualization platform has been always implemented taking into account the needs and requirements of the modellers, and as such the interaction with the end-users has been continuous. A sample of the success of the methodology underlying GiD implementation is the fact that several universities and research centres, and several research departments in industries have adopted GiD as their preferred visualization platform.

Finally, the feed-back from end-users and their interaction with CIMNE’s GiD developers is contumely renewed through the yearly celebration of GiD Conferences, and opportunity to bring together users and developers of the GiD pre/post processing system in order to exchange ideas and experience on the generation of data for computer simulation and the graphic visualisation of numerical results. The meeting is organised in a conference format including oral presentations, and discussion on advances in the development and applications of GiD to different fields in engineering and science and identify future directions for research and practice.

UNEDIN and CIMNE have recently been awarded with an FP7-ITN project (Marie Curie Initial Training Networks. T-MAPPP (Traning in Multiscale Analysis of Multiphase Particulate Processes) will investigate particulate/granular systems to develop a new generation of multidisciplinary young researchers devising new multiscale technologies to investigate particular processes and systems at different scale. Different companies participate in T-MAPPP and some of the training will be carried in industrial laboratories solving real industry processes. It is expected that T-MAPP developments will include large scale simulation of real industrial processes. The outputs of that simulation will general large amounts of data that will be used in VELaSSCo. Furthermore, The University of Edinburgh is an active user of GiD as visualization platform for the P4 analysis tool.

SINTEF has collaborated with JOTNE for many years in EU-funded projects, national Norwegian projects and on standards for data transfer in CAD (ISO 10303 STEP). JOTNE is partner in the FoF STREP coordinated by SINTEF.

SINTEF and IGD first started to cooperate in the NoE Aim@Shape (2004-2007), and now have a very close cooperation in the IP IQmulus (2012-2014) addressing huge GIS data. SINTEF is the coordinator of this IP, and IGD has the role as RTD-manager. The participation of both SINTEF and IGD ensure that IQmulus and VELaSSCo will exploit synergies between the projects efficiently.
