Research works/programs doct by students
In this final section you will find the research work done by the students from the Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyers de Camins, Canals i Ports de Barcelona who have conducted his research using the MAT-fem resources under the directions of the school’s professors.
In recognition of his work and thinking about the utility that others may have of it, we publish in this section the programs and public documents under the license CC BY-SA Creative Commons
Minor Thesis
Development and application of a finite element model to calculate laminated composite, Albert Llanos Sánchez - Download - Minor Thesis
Study of composite materials using zigzag theory on Timoshenko beams, Miguel Masó Sotomayor - Download - Minor Thesis
A structural analysis procedure by the finite element method using adaptive mesh refinement and a preset error, Miquel Portabella Castany - Download - Minor Thesis