

Open NN welcomes all contributions to the library. We would be very glad if you report a bug, improve an existing class or create a new one. For any of these please contact us.

Current projects include:

  • To make a Python interface for Flood.
  • To add new utilities for principal component analysis.
  • To add new methods to the several error functionals in order to calculate the Hessian matrix of the objective function.
  • To add new methods to the several error functionals in order to calculate the product of some vector with the Hessian matrix of the objective function.
  • To add new methods to the several error functionals in order to calculate the Jacobian matrix of the objective function.
  • To add a new method to the evolutionary algorithm class in order to perform non-linear ranking fitness assignment.
  • To create a new training algorithm class with the scaled conjugate gradient method.
  • To create a new training algorithm class with the scaled quasi-Newton method.
  • To create a new training algorithm class with the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.