Publications Overview

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (52 papers),
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (51 papers), 
Computational Mechanics (30 papers), 
Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería (28 papers),
International Journal for Numerical Methods in  Fluids (21 papers),
Computational Particle Mechanics (21 papers),

Engineering Computations (17 papers),
Computers and Structures (16 papers),
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering (9 papers)
Computers and Fluids (9 papers)
International Journal of Solids and Structures (8 papers),
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering (6 papers),
Revista de Obras Públicas (5 papers),
Journal of Materials Processing Technology (5 papers),
International Journal of Finite Element Analysis and Design (4 papers),
Hormigón y Acero (3 papers),
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics (3 papers),
Engineering Fracture Mechanics (2 papers),
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow (2 papers),
Anales de Ingeniería Mecánica (3 papers),
Journal of Aircraft (3 papers),
International Journal of Engineering Fracture Mechanics (2 papers),
International Journal of Forming Processes (2 papers),
Deformación Metálica (2 papers),
Computational Materials Science (1 paper),
Computing Systems in Engineering (1 paper), 
Computing and Visualization in Science (1 paper), 
Experiments in Fluids (1 paper),
International Journal of Geomechanics (ASCE) (1 paper),
International Journal of Mechanical Science (1 paper),
International Journal of Vehicle Design (1 paper)
International Journal of Pipelines (1 paper), 
International Journal of Mechanical Science (1 paper), 
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics (1 paper), 
Nuclear Engineering and Design (1 paper),
Rapid Prototyping Journal (1 paper),


 392 Papers in International Journals
   68 Chapters in Books
     4 Books written
   67 Monographs
    3 Edited International Journals
    2 Books translated into English
  60 Edited Books
 446 Papers in Congresses Proceedings
     3 Book series Editor
 241 Publications in Research Centers

C > 100 22
50 < C < 100 51
20 < C < 50 92

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Papers 9 18 11 12 14 13 16 17 16 18 18 12 17 14 13 12 17 15 13
Nº Citations 223 347 340 377 411 504 509 499 551 747 754 815 1063 950 995 1356 1535 1314 1191

(SOURCE:  Web of Science )


The 10 most cited papers of E. Oñate as recorded in the  Web of Science:

Lubliner, J., Oliver, J., Oller, S., et al., A plastic-damage model for concrete. International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 25 (3), pp. 299-326, 1989. Nº of citations: 3057

Oñate, E., Idelsohn, S., Zienkiewicz, O.C. and Taylor, R.L., A finite point method in computational mechanics. Applications to convective transport and fluid flow. Int. Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 39 (22), pp. 3839-3866, 1996. Nº of citations: 655

Idelsohn, S.R., Oñate, E. and Del Pin, F. ,
The particle finite element method: a powerful tool to solve incompressible flows with free-surfaces and breaking waves. Int. Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering , Vol. 61 (7), pp. 964-989, 2004. Nº of citations: 394

Oñate, E., Idelsohn, S. R., Del Pin, F., et al., The particle finite element method. An overview. International Journal of Computational Methods , Vol. 1 (2), pp. 267-307, 2004. Nº of citations: 375   

Oñate, E., Idelsohn, S.R., Zienkiewicz, O.,Taylor, R.L. and Sacco, C.,
A stabilized finite point method for analysis of fluid mechanics problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 139 (1-4), pp. 315-346, 1996. Nº of citations: 291

Dadvand, P., Rossi, R. and Oñate, E. ,
 An Object-oriented environment for developing finite element codes for multi-disciplinary applications. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Vol. 17 (3), pp. 253 -297 , 2010. Nº of citations:  259

Salazar, F., Morán, R., Toledo, M.Á. and Oñate, E.
Data-based models for the prediction of dam behaviour: A review and some methodological considerations. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Vol. 24, pp. 1–21, 2017. Nº of citations: 237

Zienkiewicz, O.C., Jain, P. C. and Oñate, E., Flow of solids during forming and extrusion: Some aspects of numerical solutions. International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 14 (1), pp. 15-38, 1978. Nº of citations: 220

Oñate, E. and Rojek, J. , Combination of discrete element and finite element methods for dynamic analysis of geomechanics problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,   Vol. 193 (27-29), pp. 3087-3128, 2004. Nº of citations: 220  

Idelsohn, S.R., Marti, J., Limache, A., Oñate, E. 
Unified Lagrangian formulation for elastic solids and incompressible fluids:: Application to fluid-structure interaction problems via the PFEM. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 197 (19-20), pp.1762-1776, 2008. Nº of citations: 205