What is Comet?
Smart, Agile, Imaginative
COMET is a FE-based framework for the solution of research problems in both academic and industrial environment. The software is written in Fortran-90 allowing for optimal cpu-time performance and easy-to-use R+D framework. The FE library of COMET includes classical displacement-based elements, mixed displacement/pressure elements to deal with the incompressibility constraint (incompressible elasticity, large shear-stress localization, incompressible rigid-viscoplastic fluids, among others) and mixed stress/displacement formulations to achieve the best stress-accurate response in highly non-linear analysis. The constitutive law library includes visco-elasticity, small and large strain plasticity, damage models, etc… The equation solver library ranges from direct solvers (serial and parallel solution) to iterative solvers (Conjugate gradient or GMRES).