2014-2015. Tri Continental Alliance in Numerical Methods applied to Natural Disasters (TCAiNMaND)

The main objective of this Marie Curie IRSES project is to build a coordinated Sino-Latin American-European team of researchers sharing expertise to jointly exploit and develop open source codes and numerical methods for designing effective tools to mitigate major natural disasters in the three regions, by means of a collaborative interchange of software resources, scientific knowledge and, naturally, scientific experts in the different fields.

The participation of PLCd members in TCAiNMaND project consist in 2-month research stays in CIMAT (Guanajuato, México) during 2014 and 2015. Working with researchers in CIMAT, we developed an inverse method for identification of material parameters in damaged composite structures. This methodology, given an experimentally obtained force-displacement curve, will adjust (by means of the optimization tool OPTIMATE from CIMAT) the material properties of a Finite Element model (run in PLCd) which will give as a result this curve. In addition, we began the parallelization of PLCd with OpenMP, reducing the calculation time over a quarter for 12 or more threads. In posterior TCAiNMaND research stays, the parallelization was completed and further improvements were made to the code, achieving significant reduction of memory and time usage of PLCd.


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