• Constitutive modelling and fatigue analysis
  • Composite materials - failure analysis
  • Composite materials - delamination
  • Analyis of masonry structures
  • Simulation of biological tissues
Constitutive modelling and fatigue analysis0 Composite materials - failure analysis1 Composite materials - delamination2 Analyis of masonry structures3 Simulation of biological tissues4
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New publication in Royal Society Open Science

E. Comellas, F. J. Bellomo, I. Rosales, L. F. del Castillo, R. Sanchez, P. Turon and S. Oller (2018)...
New course on Multiscale Analysis

PLCd group has collaborated in the "Escuela de Métodos Numéricos" organized by CIMAT with a course on "Multiscale homogenization methods for the numerical analysis of composite materials". The course provided a comprehensive description of the state-of-the art multiscale procedures as well as of the different dvelopments made by PLCd group.
New publication in Journal of the Royal Society Interface

E. Comellas, T.C. Gasser, F.J. Bellomo and S. Oller have published "A constitutive model for homeost...
3rd new doctor in the group

Congratulations Dr. Otero! On February 9th, 2016, the PhD candidate Fermin Otero Gruer has...
2nd new doctor in the group

Congratulations Dr. Comellas!On February 5th, 2016, the PhD candidate Ester Comellas has succes...
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Sunday, February 2, 2025
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