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E. Comellas et al. (2018) On the feasibility of the computational modelling of the endoluminal vacuum-assisted closure of an oesophageal anastomotic leakage, Royal Society Open Science, 5:171289.

E. Comellas, F. J. Bellomo, I. Rosales, L. F. del Castillo, R. Sanchez, P. Turon and S. Oller (2018) On the feasibility of the computational modelling of the endoluminal vacuum-assisted closure of an oesophageal anastomotic leakage, Royal Society Open Science, 5:171289, doi:10.1098/rsos.171289.Abstr...


E. Comellas, T.C. Gasser, F.J. Bellomo and S. Oller (2016). A constitutive model for homeostatic-driven turnover remodelling in soft tissues, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 13(116):20151081, 2016.


E. Comellas, F. J. Bellomo, S. Oller (2016). A generalized finite-strain damage model for quasi-incompressible hyperelasticity using hybrid formulation. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 105(10):781-800, 2016.


L. Barbu, X. Martinez, S. Oller, A. Barbat (2015). Validation on large scale tests of a new hardening–softening law for the Barcelona plastic damage model. International Journal of Fatigue, 81: 213-226. 2015.

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