17 -21 February 2025, Paris, France |
DTW 2025 |
19 - 21 February 2025, Padova, Italy |
GIMC SEMNI Workshop |
30-31 January 2025, Barcelona, Spain |
Anura 3D MPM Workshop |
30 - 31 January 2025, Barcelona, Spain |
3 -5 September 2024, Enna, Sicily, Italy |
ISC7 |
18 - 21 June 2024, Barcelona, Spain |
Spancold 2024 |
17 - 20 June 2024, Barcelona, Spain |
ECCOMAS 2024 |
3 - 7 June 2024, Lisbon, Portugal |
27 - 1 March 2024, Trieste, Italy |
LATAM-SHM 2023 |
5 - 7 Desember 2023, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia |
9-11 October 2023, Miilano, Italy |
2-4 October 2023, Valencia, Spain |
Composites 2023 |
12 - 14 September 2023, Trapani, Sicily, Italy |
Tetrahedron VII |
7-11 October 2023, Barcelona, Spain |
Compwood2023 |
5-8 September 2023, Desdren, Germany |
COMPLAS 2023 |
5-7 September 2023, Barcelona, Spain |
ADBIS 2023 |
04 - 07 September 2023, Barcelona, Spain |
CSAI 2023 |
28-30 august, Norway |
Sim-Am 2023 |
26 - 28 July 2023, Munchen, Germany |
EHF-JLL 2023 |
3-7 July 2023, Barcelona, Spain |
SFMC 2023 |
2 - 5 July 2023, Barcelona, Spain |
ICTW 2023 |
28 - 30 June 2023, Barcelona, Spain |
MARINE 2023 |
27-29 June, 2023, Madrid, Spain |
ADMOS 2023 |
19-21 June 2023, Göteborg, Sweden |
5-7 June 2023, Chania, Island of Crete, Greece |
M2P 2023 |
30 May - 1 June 2023, Sicily, Italia |
CFC 2023 |
25 - 28 April 2023, Cannes, France |
17 - 20 April 2023, Barcelona, Spain |
Cimne Winter School 2023 |
23 - 27 January 2023, Barcelona, Spain |
Workshop on Innovative Scientific/Technical Approaches for a Climate Neutral Air Transport |
22 - 24 November 2022, Barcelona, Spain |
12th EASN International Conference |
18 - 21 October 2022, Barcelona, Spain |
Sefi Annual Conference - SEFI 2022 |
19 - 22 September, 2022, Barcelona, Spain |
X Simposio Nacional sobre Taludes y Laderas Inestables - SIMPOSIO TALUDES 2021 |
13 - 16 Septiembre, 2022, Granada, España |
Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering - CMN 2022 |
12 - 14 September 2022, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España |
11th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management - IABMAS 2022 |
11 - 15 July, 2022, Barcelona, Spain |
Cimne Summer School 2022 |
04 - 08 July 2022, Barcelona, Spain |
5 - 9 June 2022, Oslo, Norway |
GiD Convention 2022 |
1 June, 2022, Online |
Curso Explosivos 2022 |
25 - 29, Abril, UPC, Barcelona |
CIMNE Winter School 2022 |
24 -28 January 2022, Barcelona, Spain |
Methods, Tools and Technologies for Design in Aviation - CM3 2021 |
22 - 24 November, 2021, Barcelona, Spain |
VII International Conference on Particle-Based Methods - PARTICLES 2021 |
4 - 5 October, 2021, Hamburg, Germany |
Short Course on Particle-Based Methods in Engineering and Applied Science - Particles Course 2021 |
2 - 3 October, 2021, Hamburg, Germany |
XII Jornadas Españolas de Presas - SPANCOLD 2021 |
27 de septiembre - 01 de octubre, 2021, Gran Canaria |
12th International Conference On Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions |
29-30 September and 1 October, 2021, Online Format |
8th Conference on Mechanical Response of Composites - COMPOSITES 2021 |
22 - 24 September 2021, Online Format |
X International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures - Membranes 2021 |
13 - 14 September 2021, Online Format |
XVi International Conference on Computational Plasticity - COMPLAS 2021 |
7 - 9 September 2021, Barcelona, Spain |
III International Conference On Simulation For Additive Manufacturing - Sim - AM 2021 |
31 August - 2 September 2021, Online Format |
International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation - ADMOS 2021 |
21 - 23 June 2021, Online Format |
IX International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering - Coupled 2021 |
13 - 16 June, 2021, Chia Laguna, South Sardinia, Italy |
Computational Science and AI in Industry - CSAI 2021 |
7 - 9 June 2021, Trondheim, Norway |
IX International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering - MARINE 2021 |
2 - 4 June, 2021, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK |
14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XIV) and 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2020) |
11 - 15 January 2021, Virtual Conference |
European Conference on Multifunctional Structures - EMuS 2020 |
17 - 18 November, 2020, Online Event |
15th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components 2020 - DBMC2020 |
20 - 23 October 2020, Barcelona, Spain |
Computation and Big Data Transport - CM3 2019 |
18 - 19 November 2019, Barcelona, Spain |
VI International Conference on Particle-Based Methods - Particles 2019 |
28 - 30 October 2019, Barcelona, Spain |
Form and Force 2019 |
7-10 October 2019, Barcelona, Spain |
Multi-scale analysis of slopes under climate change. A cross-disciplinary workshop - MUSLOC 2019 |
19 - 20 September 2019, Barcelona, Spain |
International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis - IGA 2019 |
18-20 September 2019, Munich, Germany |
II International Conference on Simulation for Additive Manufacturing - Sim-AM 2019 |
11-13 September 2019, Pavia, Italy |
XV International Conference on Computational Plasticity - COMPLAS 2019 |
3 - 5 September 2019, Barcelona, Spain |
SMART 2019, IX ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials |
8 - 11 July 2019, Paris, France |
VI International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures - CFRAC 2019 |
12-14 June 2019, Braunschweig, Germany |
European Conference on Multifunctional Structures |
11 - 12 June, 2019, Barcelona, Spain |
VIII International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering - Coupled Problems 2019 |
3 - 5 June 2019, Sitges, Spain |
International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation - ADMOS 2019 |
27-29 May 2019, El Campello, Alicante, Spain |
VIII International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering - MARINE 2019 |
13-15 May, 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden |
Presentació del llibre de Catalunya Futur Verd |
27 de Novembre, 2018, La Pedrera, Barcelona |
Nordic Association for Computational Mechanics - NSCM-31 |
25-26 October 2018, Umeå, Sweden |
IAMU 2018 - Annual General Assembly (AGA) of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) |
17-19 October, 2018, Barcelona, Spain |
4th International Conference on Civil Engineering Education - EUCEET 2018 |
5-8 September 2018, Barcelona, Spain |
Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación - SAAEI'18 |
4-5-6 July 2018, Barcelona, Spain |
ECCM-ECFD 2018 |
11-15 June, 2018, Glasgow, UK |
Platform for Aircraft Drag Reduction Innovation - PADRI 2017 |
29 November - 1 December, 2017, Barcelona, Spain |
CM3-2017 - Computation and Big Data in Transport |
22-23 November, 2017, Brussels, Belgium |
XXXII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems |
22 - 24 November 2017, Barcelona, Spain |
1st Conference of the "Ad-Hoc" Industrial Working Group for the Development of MoS |
20 - 21 November 2019, Barcelona, Spain |
International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures - Structural Membranes 2017 |
9 - 11 October 2017, Munich, Germany |
V International Conference on Particle-based Methods |
26 - 28 September 2017, Hannover, Germany |
IGA 2017 - International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis |
11-13 September 2017, Pavia, Italy |
XIV International Conference on Computational Plasticity - COMPLAS 2017 |
5 - 7 September 2017, Barcelona, Spain |
Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering - CMN 2017 |
3 - 5 July 2017, Valencia, Spain |
IX Simposio Nacional sobre Taludes y Laderas Inestables |
27-30 Junio 2017, Santander, España |
International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation - ADMOS 2017 |
26-28 June 2017, Verbania, Italy |
VII International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering - COUPLED PROBLEMS 2017 |
12 - 14 June 2017, Rhodes Island, Greece |
8th Conference on Smart Structures and Materials - SMART 2017 |
5 - 8 June 2017, Madrid, Spain |
JTC1 Workshop |
24-26 May, 2017, Barcelona, Spain |
6th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Rockfall Protection |
22-24 May 2017, Barcelona, Spain |
III Seminario Internacional - Red TELESCOPI |
17 - 19 Mayo 2017, Barcelona, Spain |
JORNADA III: Una estratègia de país per fer compatible la vocació global amb la vinculació local (Bases polítiques) |
18 de Maig 2017 , La Pedrera, Barcelona |
VII International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering - MARINE 2017 |
15 - 17 May, 2017, Nantes, France |
JORNADA II: Cap a un nou model de desenvolupament basat en l’eficiència ambiental (Bases biofísiques) |
26 d´Abril 2017, La Pedrera, Barcelona |
19th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems - FEF 2017 |
5 - 7 April 2017, Rome, Italy |
JORNADA I: Un compromís vintcentista per a una nova territorialitat (Bases culturals) |
22 de Març 2017, La Pedrera, Barcelona |
8th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring |
5-8 July 2016, Bilbao, Spain |
ICCS16 - 2nd International Conference on Concrete Sustainability |
13 - 15 June 2016, Madrid, Spain |
IGA School 2016 |
10 - 12 June 2016, Crete, Greece |
Gid Convention 2016 |
1-3 June 2016, Barcelona, Spain |
Second International Workshop on Software Solutions for Integrated Computational Materials Engineering - ICME 2016 |
12 - 15 April, 2016, Barcelona, Spain |
VII International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures - STRUCTURAL MEMBRANES 2015 |
19 - 21 October, 2015, Barcelona, Spain |
IV International Conference on Particle-based Methods - PARTICLES 2015 |
28 - 30 September, 2015, Barcelona, Spain |
ICCB 2015 VI International Conference on Computational Bioengineering |
14-16 September 2015, Barcelona, Spain |
XIII International Conference on Computational Plasticity - COMPLAS XIII |
1 - 3 September, 2015, Barcelona, Spain |
ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics |
29 June - 2 July, Barcelona, Spain |
29 June - 1 July 2015, Barcelona, Spain |
VI International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering - MARINE 2015 |
15 - 17 June 2015, Rome, Italy |
International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation |
7-10 June 2015, Nantes, France |
IGA 2015 - III International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis |
1-3 June 2015, Trondheim, Norway |
VI International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering - COUPLED PROBLEMS 2015 |
18 - 20 May, 2015, Venice, Italy |
1st Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics - PANACM 2015 |
27 - 29 April 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina |
27 Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics |
22-24 October 2014, Stockholm, Sweden |
IABSE Symposium Madrid 2014 |
3 - 5 September, 2014, Madrid, Spain |
Isogeometric Analysis - Advanced School |
25-27 July 2014, Barcelona, Spain |
20-25 July 2014, Barcelona, Spain |
7th Convention on Advances and Applications of GiD |
17-18 July, 2014, Barcelona, Spain |
6th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring |
15 - 17 July 2014, Barcelona, Spain |
10th International CDIO Conference-CDIO 2014 |
15-19 June 2014, Barcelona, Spain |
4 - 6 June 2014, Barcelona, Spain |
ParCFD2014 |
20-22 May 2014, Trondheim, Norway |
31 GEF, 31 Encuentro del Grupo Español de Fractura |
2-4 de Abril de 2014, San Lorenzo del Escorial, España |
VMS 2013, Variational Multiscale and Stabilized Finite Elements |
6 - 8 November 2013, Barcelona, Spain |
Jornada de treball sobre innovació en l'edificació a Catalunya |
31 Octubre 2013, La Pedrera, Barcelona |
School on Computational Mechanics for Moving Boundaries and Interfaces |
14-17 October 2013, Barcelona, Spain |
VI International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures - STRUCTURAL MEMBRANES 2013 |
9 - 11 October 2013, Munich, Germany |
III International Conference on Particle-based Methods - PARTICLES 2013 |
18 - 20 September 2013, Stuttgart, Germany |
XII International Conference on Computational Plasticity - COMPLAS XII |
September 3 - 5, 2013, Barcelona, Spain |
COMPLAS Course |
September 2 - 3, 2013, Barcelona, Spain |
EUCASS 2013 - 5th European Conference for Aerospace Sciences |
July 1-5, 2013, Munich, Germany |
Congreso de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería - CMN 2013 |
25 - 28 Junio 2013, Bilbao, España |
V International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering - COUPLED PROBLEMS 2013 |
June 17 - 19, 2013, Ibiza, Spain |
VIII Simposio Nacional sobre Taludes y Laderas Inestables |
11 al 14 de Junio 2013, Palma de Mallorca |
International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation - ADMOS 2013 |
June 3 - 5, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal |
V International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering - MARINE 2013 |
29 - 31 May 2013, Hamburg, Germany |
30 Encuentro del Grupo Español de Fractura |
13 al 15 de marzo de 2013, Toledo, Espanya |
8th. International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures - FRAMCOS-8 |
March 10 - 14, 2013, Toledo, Spain |
PASI - Numerical Methods and their Applications in Bioengineering |
February 18 - March 1, 2013, Paraná, Argentina |
Advances in Computational Mechanics (ACM 2013) - A Conference Celebrating the 70th Birthday of Thomas J.R. Hughes |
24-27 February, 2013, San Diego, California, USA |
Open GRAIN FORUM 2012 |
12-14 November 2012, Barcelona, Spain |
Perspectives de futur i requeriments de la internacionalització territorial de Catalunya |
4 d´octubre de 2012, Barcelona, Espanya |
Spain-Japan Workshop on Computational Mechanics |
September 17, 2012, Barcelona, Spain |
Advanced School on Isogeometric Analysis: Fundamentals and Applications - IGAschool 2012 |
7-9 September 2012, Vienna, Austria |
Summer School Discontinuous Galerkin Methods - DGSchool 2012 |
11-15 June2012, Barcelona, Spain |
Seminario Leonardo |
June 14 2012, Barcelona, Spain |
1st. International Course and Workshop on Audio & Music Processing |
6 - 8 June 2012, Ibiza, Spain |
6th Convention on Advances and Applications of GiD |
10-11 May 2012, Barcelona, Spain |
Competitivitat i sostenibilitat territorial. Les infraestructures, el territori i les empreses |
10 i 11 de Maig de 2012, Barcelona, Espanya |
FEM Class of 42 Anniversary |
May 8, 2012, Barcelona, Spain |
VI Encuentro de Cátedras UNESCO de España |
9 y 10 de Febrero de 2012, Barcelona, España |
Oportunitat i Reptes Globals de Catalunya |
26 de Gener de 2012, Barcelona, Espanya |
IV Seminar for Advanced Industrial Control Applications - SAICA 2011 |
7 - 8 November, 2011, Barcelona, Spain |
II International Conference on Particle-Based Methods - PARTICLES 2011 |
26 - 28 October 2011, Barcelona, Spain |
V International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures - Structural Membranes 2011 |
5 - 7 October 2011, Barcelona, Spain |
II Jornadas sobre Ingeniería del Agua |
5 - 6 Octubre 2011, Barcelona, España |
IV International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering - MARINE 2011 |
28 - 30 September 2011, Lisbon, Portugal |
9th International Symposium on applied isotope geochemistry |
19 - 23 September 2011, Tarragona, Catalonia - Spain |
XXXI Reunión Científica de la SEM (SEM 2011) |
7 - 10 September 2011, Barcelona |
11th. International Conference on Computational Plasticity - Fundamentals and Applications - COMPLAS 2011 |
7 - 9 September 2011, Barcelona, Spain |
11th. Short Course on Computational Techniques for Plasticity |
September 5 - 6, 2011, Barcelona, Spain |
2011 European Signal Processing Conference - EUSIPCO 2011 |
29 August - 2 September 2011, Barcelona, Spain |
IV International Symposium Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics - BIFD 2011 |
18 - 21 July 2011, Barcelona, Spain |
Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering - COUPLED PROBLEMS 2011 |
20 - 22 June 2011, Kos Island, Greece |
International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures - CFRAC 2011 |
6 - 8 June 2011, Barcelona, Spain |
International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation - ADMOS 2011 |
6 - 8 June 2011, Paris, France |
4th. Workshop on Compositional Data Analysis - CoDaWork 2011 |
9 - 13 May 2011, Girona, Spain |
Workshop on Leaching of Construction Materials |
May 2nd. 2011, Barcelona, Spain |
EurekaBuild2 International Event |
March 24, 2011, Barcelona, Spain |
4a. Jornada SEDUREC |
29 de Noviembre de 2010, Barcelona, España |
Seminario en Bioingeniería |
11 de Noviembre de 2010, Barcelona, España |
Workshop on GNSS Reflectometry - GNSS-R 2010 |
21 - 22 October 2010, Barcelona, Spain |
23rd Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics |
21 - 22 October 2010, Stockholm, Sweden |
Fifth International Conference Unsatured Soils |
6 - 8 September 2010, Barcelona, Spain |
Short Course and Open Seminar on Compositional Data Analysis |
5 - 9 July 2010, Barcelona, Spain |
XVIII International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources |
21 - 24 June 2010, Barcelona, Spain |
7th International Planetary Probe Workshop 2010 - IPPW7 |
14 - 18 June 2010, Barcelona, Spain |
International Beacon Satellite Symposium |
7 - 11 June 2010, Barcelona, Spain |
Emerging Topics in Partial Diferential Equations and Dynamical Systems - DSPDES10 |
31 May - 4 June 2010, Barcelona, Spain |
ChArMEx 2nd. International Workshop |
26 - 28 May 2010, Barcelona, Spain |
5th Conference on Advances and Applications of GiD & 1st Kratos Workshop |
26 and 27 May 2010, Barcelona, Spain |
Advanced Course - Structural Health Monitoring |
1 - 4 December 2009, Barcelona, Spain |
International Conference on Particle-Based Methods Fundamentals and Applications |
25 - 27 November 2009, Barcelona, Spain |
Jornadas de Investigación en la Zona no Saturada del Suelo - ZNS 09 |
18 - 20 Noviembre 2009, Barcelona, España |
2nd International Conference on Sustainability Measurement and Modelling - ICSMM 2009 |
5 - 6 November 2009, Barcelona, Spain |
VII Simposio Nacional sobre Taludes y Laderas Inestables |
27 - 30 Octubre de 2009, Barcelona, España |
IV International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures - Structural Membranes 2009 |
5 - 7 October 2009, Stuttgart, Germany |
10th. International Conference on Computational Plasticity - Fundamentals and Applications - COMPLAS 2009 |
2 - 4 September 2009, Barcelona, Spain |
Congreso de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería 2009 |
29 Junio - 2 Julio 2009, Barcelona, España |
Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering - MARINE 2009 |
15 - 17 June 2009, Trondheim, Norway |
Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering - COUPLED PROBLEMS 2009 |
8 - 10 June 2009, Ischia Island, Italy |
15th International Workshop on Dynamics and Control |
31 May - 3 June 2009, Tossa de Mar, Costa Brava, Spain |
International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation - ADMOS 2009 |
25 - 27 May 2009, Bruxelles, Belgium |
International Workshop Summer Comfort and Cooling |
31 March - 1 April 2009, Barcelona, Spain |
International Symposium on Safety and Durability of Materials and Constructions SEDUREC 2009 |
25 - 27 February 2009, Barcelona, Spain |
V Congreso Español de Ingeniería de Alimentos y II Congreso Iberoamericano sobre Seguridad Alimentaria |
5 - 7 Noviembre 2008, Barcelona, España |
21st Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics |
16 - 17 October 2008, Trondheim, Norway |
8th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8) 5th. European Congress con Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008) |
30 June - 4 July 2008, Lido Island, Venice ,Italy |
NoLineal 2008 |
16 - 19 Junio 2008, Barcelona, España |
Short Course on Particle-Based Methods |
14 - 16 May 2008, Barcelona, Spain |
GiD 2008 4th Conference on Advances and Applications of GiD |
8 and 9 May 2008, Ibiza, Spain |
International Conference on Ethics and Human Values in Engineering |
5 - 7 March 2008, Barcelona, Spain |
International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation - ADMOS 2007 |
22 - 24 October 2007, Göteborg, Sweden |
EPQU 2007 |
9 - 11 October 2007, Barcelona, Spain |
III International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures - STRUCTURAL MEMBRANES 2007 |
17 - 19 September 2007, Barcelona, Spain |
9th. International Conference on Computational Plasticity - Fundamentals and Applications - COMPLAS 2007 |
5 - 7 September 2007, Barcelona, Spain |
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2007 |
23 - 27 July 2007, Barcelona, Spain |
14th International Conference on Recent Progress in Many Body Theories |
16 - 20 July 2007, Barcelona, Spain |
XII International Conference on Intergranular and Interphase Boundaries |
10 - 13 July 2007 , Barcelona, Spain |
8th International Symposium On RF Mems And RF Microsystems - Memswave 2007 |
26 - 29 June 2007, Barcelona, Spain |
Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering - MARINE 2007 |
5 - 7 June 2007, Barcelona, Spain |
Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering - COUPLED PROBLEMS 2007 |
21 - 23 May 2007, Ibiza, Spain |
Ingeniería Fluvial, Aspectos técnicos y medioambientales |
16 - 20 abril 2007, Barcelona |
International Conference on WAter POllution in natural POrous media at different scales - WAPO2 |
11 - 13 April 2007, Barcelona, Spain |
X Jornadas de Tiempo Real |
1 y 2 Febrero 2007, Barcelona , España |
Workshop on Computational Techniques in Food Engineering |
24 November 2006, Parma, Italy |
I International Conference on Sustainability Measurement and Modelling |
16 - 17 November 2006, Terrassa, Spain |
Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos 2006 |
3 - 6 Octubre 2006, Sitges |
EMLG/JMLG Annual Meeting - Liquid Systems under Extreme Conditions |
3 - 7 September 2006, Barcelona |
Course on Advanced Computational Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction |
3 - 7 May 2006, Ibiza, Spain |
3rd Conference on Advances and Applications of GiD |
23 - 24 March 2006, Barcelona, Spain |
II International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures - Structural Membranes 2005 |
2 - 4 October 2005, Stuttgart, Germany |
ADMOS 2005 International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation |
8 - 10 September 2005, Barcelona, Spain |
VIII International Conference on Computational Plasticity - Complas 2005 |
5 - 8 September 2005, Barcelona, Spain |
Congreso de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería 2005 |
4 - 7 Julio 2005, Granada, España |
Computational Methods in Marine Engineering - Marine 2005 |
27 - 29 June 2005, Oslo, Norway |
ICONIC 2005 2nd. International Conference on Near-Field Characterization |
8 - 10 June 2005, Barcelona, Spain |
Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering - Coupled Problems 2005 |
25 - 28 May 2005, Santorini, Greece |
2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation |
18 - 22 April 2005, Palau de Congressos de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain |
4th. International Conference on Arch Bridges |
17 - 19 November 2004, Barcelona, Spain |
9, 10 and 11 November 2004, Barcelona, Spain |
Engineering Education in Sustainable Development |
27 - 29 October 2004, Barcelona, Spain |
Short Course on Multidisciplinary Modelling, Simulation and Validation in Aeronautics |
28 - 29 June 2004, Barcelona, Spain |
2nd Conference on Advances and Applications of GiD |
18, 19 and 20 February 2004, Barcelona, Spain |
AfoT 2003 (International Workshop on Information Technologies and Computing Techniques for the Agro-Food sector) |
27 - 28 November 2003, Barcelona, Spain |
International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation |
29 September - 1 October 2003, Goteborg, Sweden |
Evolutionary Methods for Design, Optimization and Control with Applications to Industrial Problems |
15 - 17 September 2003, Barcelona, Spain |
13th International Couette Taylor Workshop Nonlinear Dynamics in Fluids |
3 - 5 July 2003, Barcelona, Spain |
Structural Membranes 2003 |
30 June - 3 July 2003, Barcelona, Spain |
VII International Conference on Computational Plasticity |
7 - 10 April 2003, Barcelona, Spain |
Fourth European Conference on Geostatics for Environmental Applications |
27 - 29 November 2002, Barcelona, Spain |
IFAC 15th World Congress |
21 - 26 July 2002, Barcelona, Spain |
IABMAS'02, First International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management |
14 - 17 July 2002, Barcelona, Spain |
V Congreso de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería |
3 - 6 Junio 2002, Madrid, España |
29 - 31 May 2002, Ibiza, Spain |
II Seminario Tecnológico Evaluación y Rehabilitación Estructural de Edificios |
3 - 5 Abril 2002, Barcelona, España |
1st Conference on Advances and Applications of GiD |
20 - 22 February 2002, Barcelona, Spain |
Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería y Ciencias Aplicadas |
17 - 19 Enero 2002, Guanajuato, México |
First Workshop on Mathematical and Computing Techniques for Agrofood Technologies |
26 - 27 November 2001, Barcelona, Spain |
19 - 21 Septiembre 2001, Barcelona, España |
10 IACMAG, International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics |
7 - 12 January 2001, Tucson, Arizona, USA |
MENCIS, Métodos Numéricos en Ciencias Sociales |
20 - 23 November 2000, Barcelona, Spain |
ECCOMAS 2000, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (including COMPLAS VI) |
11 - 14 September 2000, Barcelona, Spain |
Sixth Short Course on Computational Techniques for Plasticity COMPLAS course |
8 - 9 September 2000, Barcelona, Spain |
EUROMECH, 8th European Turbulence Conference |
27 - 30 June 2000, Barcelona, Spain |
ETFA'99, 7th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation |
18 - 22 October 1999, Barcelona, Spain |
IV Congreso de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería |
7 - 10 June 1999, Sevilla, España |
Curso: Introducción a la Simulación por Ordenador de Procesos de Embutición de Chapa |
25 - 26 Febrero 1999, Barcelona, España |
Curso: Estructuras Sometidas a Acciones Dinámicas |
25 - 29 Enero 1999, Barcelona, España |
Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions |
4 - 6 November 1998, Barcelona, Spain |
III Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte |
17 - 19 Junio 1998, Barcelona, España |
4th World Congress on Computational Mechanics |
29 Junio - 2 Julio 1998, Buenos Aires, Argentina |
The Third Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology – IAMG’97 |
22-27 September 1997, Barcelona, Spain |
Fifth International Conference on Computational Plasticity |
17-20 March 1997, Barcelona, Spain |
Curso de Técnicas Avanzadas para Reducción de Vibraciones – TARV’96 |
11-14 de Junio 1996, Barcelona, Spain |
III Congreso de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería |
3-6 Junio 1996, Zaragoza, España |
Posibilidades y Perspectivas de la Simulación en Ordenador de Procesos de Función |
22 Junio 1995, San Sebastián, España |
Fourth International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications |
3-6 April 1995, Barcelona, Spain |
1st. Course on Numerical Simulation of Crash-Worthiness in Vehicles |
22-25 November 1993, Barcelona, Spain |
VIII International Conference on Finite Element in Fluids. NewTrends and Applications |
20-24 September 1993, Barcelona, Spain |
Tutorial on Domain Decomposition Methods for P.D.E’s and Applications |
16-18 September 1993, Barcelona, Spain |
Fifth RILEM International Symposium on Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete |
6-9 September 1993, Barcelona, Spain |
II IMACS International Workshop on: Qualitative Reasoning and Decision Technologies (QUARDET) |
16-18 June 1993, La Coruña, España |
Congreso Internacional sobre Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería y Ciencias Aplicadas |
16-20 Noviembre 1992, Concepción, Chile |
International Conference on Parallel Computing and Transputer Applications, PACTA’92 |
21-24 September 1992, Barcelona, Spain |
Third International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications |
4-6 June 1992, Barcelona, Spain |
I Congreso sobre Metodos Numericos en Ingenieria |
11-15 Junio 1990, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain |
2nd. International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Models, Software and Applications |
18-22 September 1989, Barcelona, Spain |