On the 24th March, in concurrence with the 10th International Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering ( CIMENICS), an open day meeting was held. CIMNE’s Director Dr. E. Oñate gave the keynote address on "Knowledge Transfer Network and Aulas CIMNE". The introduction to the subject of the meeting "Contributions of Numerical Methods for the advancement of Bioengineering" was presented by the Group Coordinator, Dr. Miguel Cerrolaza. Dr. Jose Di Paolo (Argentina) and Dr. Rodrigo Mijares (Venezuela) presented on the subject of “The development of Bioengineering and its impact on the region,".
The following day, the internal Aulas CIMNE meeting took place. Contributions and advances on the subject were presented by the members of the Aulas CIMNE Network followed by a general discussion on results and on follow-up activities assignment. The rest of the day was dedicated to the subjects: Funding opportunities and mechanisms; Presentation of alternatives by country and by regional level; Future targets, schedule and work patterns; Proposals for future meetings.
Aula INABIO (Venezuela)
Aula CIMAT (México)
Aula FEMEC (Brasil)
Aula PUCP (Perú)
Aula UCB (Venezuela)
Aula UCLV (Cuba)
Aula UNSA (Argentina)
Aula UCA (El Salvador)
Fundación CIMNE-Latinoamérica
José Di Paolo (Argentina). Ing. Mecánico por la Univ. Tecnológica Nacional, y Doctor en Ciencias de Ingeniería por la Univ. Nac. de Córdoba. Investigador del CONICET en temas de análisis computacional de modelos mecánicos de prótesis, flujos sanguíneos, otros. Actualmente es Director del Grupo de de Biomecánica Computacional de la Univ. Nac. de Entre Rios.
Rodrigo Mijares (Venezuela). Ing. Civil por la Univ. del Zulía, y doctor en Ciencias Políticas por la Univ. Simón Bolivar. Ha realizado numerosos proyectos con organismos nacionales e internacionales en el sector salud. Es actualmente investigador del ONCTI y profesor en Bioingeniería y Proyectos Tecnológicos en Hospitales de la Univ. Simón Bolivar.