European Projects

GREEN MARINE MED MediterraneAn GReen ShIpping NEtwork: Linking Ports, Industries, Investment and Innovation for Monitoring
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/10/2023 30/09/2025 EMFAF (2021-2027) EMFAF (2021-2027) 101124818 CTN $27,263.61
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/09/2023 31/12/2025 HE (2021-2027) EIT (European Institute of Innovation & Technology) 23891 CIMNE $45,050.00
RAIL4CITIES Railwaystations for green and socially inclusive cities
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/07/2023 30/06/2025 HE (2021-2027) EIC (European Innovation Council) 101121703 FACTUAL $101,937.50
OCEAN Operator-Centered Enhancement of Awareness in Navigation website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/10/2022 30/09/2025 HE (2021-2027) 5.Climate,Energy&Mobility 101076983 HVL $311,751.25
PIONEERS PORTable Innovation Open Network for Efficiency and Emissions Reduction Solutions website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/10/2021 30/09/2026 H2020 (2014-2020) Green Deal 101037564 HAVENBEDRIJF ANTWERPEN $405,625.00
LASH FIRE Legislation Assessment addressing Safety Hazards of Fire and Innovations in Ro-ro ship Environments website
Start End Programme Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/09/2019 31/08/2023 H2020 (2014-2020) SC4-Smart, green & integrated transport 814975 RISE $466,437.50

National Projects

SUPORT Captura y valorización de CO2 para el desarrollo de una ruta sostenible para producir combustibles verdes sintéticos para el transporte marítimo (SUPORT)
Start End Funding bodies Sub Programme Reference Coordinator Grant
01/12/2022 30/11/2025 MICINN Subprograma Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento PLEC2022-009250 IREC $95,000.00