Url https://cimne.com/sgp/rtd/Project.aspx?id=976
Acronym CR-BCN
Project title Climate-Ready BCN
Reference N/A
Principal investigator Jordi CIPRIANO LINDEZ - cipriano@cimne.upc.edu
Start date 01/06/2023 End date 31/05/2025
Coordinator Ecoserveis Associacio
Consortium members
  • ABD
  • BitGenoma Digital Solutions SL
Program - Call ICLEI ACTION FUND 2.0
Subprogram Category Europeo
Funding body(ies) ICLEI Grant $133,879.36
Abstract Climate-Ready Barcelona (BCN) aims to support the Barcelona city council and citizenship in anticipating and adapting to climate change effects and the related energy crisis. It will develop and implement cutting-edge energy awareness services addressed to the Energy Advisory Centers (EACs) users and a data-driven household climate vulnerability map to support the municipal departments' climate-related decisions. Furthermore, Climate-Ready BCN will gather, process, and enrich many data sets to help local policymakers implement multidimensional, cross-departmental climate inequality interventions. Linking these interventions with tailored energy advisory actions it is planned to boost the energy retrofitting of buildings and the energy sovereignty plans.
This Project receives funding from the ICLEI Action Fund (action-fund.iclei-europe.org)